I would suggest the answer lies somewhere in
between the extremes you quote ASRG. I agree with
Sean on this one but the climate change proponents
did themselves a huge disservice with the dodgy
email scandal in England. If you go over to the
commodity forum you would be absolutely ridiculed
for suggesting that there is such a thing as human
influenced climate change. I think many have thrown
the baby out with the bathwater - whatever the exact
cause of climate change the general
recommendations to counter it being suggested a
decade ago still would be wise to implement. We have
got to become more sustainable in the way we live,
less reliant on fossil fuels. We cannot continue this
SUV culture in North America where people are using
5-6 litre trucks/SUVs as single passenger vehicles.
We need to price fuel substantially higher as a
deterrent and that will have a negative affect on farm
incomes but I feel it is a necessary evil.
between the extremes you quote ASRG. I agree with
Sean on this one but the climate change proponents
did themselves a huge disservice with the dodgy
email scandal in England. If you go over to the
commodity forum you would be absolutely ridiculed
for suggesting that there is such a thing as human
influenced climate change. I think many have thrown
the baby out with the bathwater - whatever the exact
cause of climate change the general
recommendations to counter it being suggested a
decade ago still would be wise to implement. We have
got to become more sustainable in the way we live,
less reliant on fossil fuels. We cannot continue this
SUV culture in North America where people are using
5-6 litre trucks/SUVs as single passenger vehicles.
We need to price fuel substantially higher as a
deterrent and that will have a negative affect on farm
incomes but I feel it is a necessary evil.