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Premier Redford summoned by Bilderberg

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    I would suggest the answer lies somewhere in
    between the extremes you quote ASRG. I agree with
    Sean on this one but the climate change proponents
    did themselves a huge disservice with the dodgy
    email scandal in England. If you go over to the
    commodity forum you would be absolutely ridiculed
    for suggesting that there is such a thing as human
    influenced climate change. I think many have thrown
    the baby out with the bathwater - whatever the exact
    cause of climate change the general
    recommendations to counter it being suggested a
    decade ago still would be wise to implement. We have
    got to become more sustainable in the way we live,
    less reliant on fossil fuels. We cannot continue this
    SUV culture in North America where people are using
    5-6 litre trucks/SUVs as single passenger vehicles.
    We need to price fuel substantially higher as a
    deterrent and that will have a negative affect on farm
    incomes but I feel it is a necessary evil.


      I do agree there needs to be some changes.

      I have some problems with adding a lot of costs to food production without some mechanism to keep that very production profitable? If we add large extra costs to Canadian food production, we might make that very production obsolete......do we then turn around and buy food from places that have no environmental protections?

      The other problem I have with higher costs to reduce GHG is this: Will the government actually use these "taxes and offsets" to actually do anything, or will they just take the money and waste it? Will the extra money just go back to their corporate pals?

      If GHG is such a problem why do we see so few incentives for things like solar/hydrogen cells/geothermal? All kinds of incentives for unconventional gas and oil (royalty reductions and holidays, C02 enhanced oil production for free) and yet little to help average Albertans really come up with practical solutions to their own dependence on fossil fuels?


        I should maybe have said "have a negative effect on
        farm production costs" rather than farm income . You
        are right - there is no way we should automatically be
        expected to absorb this cost increase without some
        compensation from the market place. I'm not sure
        what the mechanism to deliver that would be -
        especially with two levels of Government in the
        pockets of the conventional energy sector companies.
        This is reflected in the way alternative energy is
        priced if you decide to set up a solar system or
        windmill with hopes of selling your surplus to the
        national grid. Instead of always being paid the lowest
        possible price for your clean energy you should
        always be paid the highest. This simple legislative
        change makes all the difference to green generation.
        Germany does that and one day a couple of weeks
        ago their solar production hit a new peak of 22
        gigawatts - as much as 20 nuclear power plants
        produce running flat out. We get so much more sun
        here the potential is huge.


          change computer models have already been shown to be inaccurate. We live on a planet that spins on its axis, and orbits its SUN, and wobbles in wonky ways (on its axis) while it does this. We have control on pollution, but CO2 is not pollution, it is a building block of plants - which we need to survive.

          The fact that C02 is named "enemy-number-one" by the globalists and the corporate backed funding mechanism for all these scientific papers... should tell us all a message. If there is anything to be said about what gets published and what doesn't, then if the evidence is stacked to support "man-made" climate change, then I am suspicious to start....

          The technology we have seen in our lives, demonstrates that man IS manipulating the weather; but not in the manner that the media reports (ie end of times climate change due to C02 emissions)... but the technology to control the placement of the jet stream, to control the direction of a hurricane, to suppress and induce rain....all exist and we blindly go about our lives with no personal effort to understand these things.... If you want Big Brother to take care of you, expect to get the crap beat out of you - and expect the short end of the stick.

          There are some references in this Alex Jones video to how the spectar of "man-made" climate change is to be used to control us and tax us to levels of poverty leading to an early grave.


            Here is Premier Alison Redfords "Final Report" on her attendance at the Bilderberg Conference 2012:



              Here is Premier Alison Redfords "Final Report" on her attendance at the Bilderberg Conference 2012:



                Here is Premier Alison Redfords "Final Report" on her attendance at the Bilderberg Conference 2012:



                  Here is Premier Alison Redfords "Final Report" on her attendance at the Bilderberg Conference 2012:



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