We put up hay on shares on the
neighbour's ground. We cut rake and
bale and he trucks. Once it's rolled up
it is as good as delivered. Hay around
here often trades at 4 cents plus
trucking, if you can find it.
We pull our 1956 Massey wheel rake with
our 1981 4240 JD. The same thing we use
to pull the haybine and the baler (and
the cultivator and the seed drill).
Last year I built a new wheel for the
rake and discovered that AGCO classifies
it as "vintage". Two years ago folks
were searching for "vintage" as the big
new v rakes couldn't flip swaths very
neighbour's ground. We cut rake and
bale and he trucks. Once it's rolled up
it is as good as delivered. Hay around
here often trades at 4 cents plus
trucking, if you can find it.
We pull our 1956 Massey wheel rake with
our 1981 4240 JD. The same thing we use
to pull the haybine and the baler (and
the cultivator and the seed drill).
Last year I built a new wheel for the
rake and discovered that AGCO classifies
it as "vintage". Two years ago folks
were searching for "vintage" as the big
new v rakes couldn't flip swaths very