MarshDillon I have probably seeded
canola for more years than you. Yellow
aster their is Sweet F*$k all you can
do. Leaf hoppers are the problem and if
you could spray every day for two weeks
you might get them but then you might
Big storm all the way north, Ugly,
looked like nothing was coming then it
hit and did it hit. 2 inches in less
than 30 minuets. Water every fricking
Hope today we miss the storms.
canola for more years than you. Yellow
aster their is Sweet F*$k all you can
do. Leaf hoppers are the problem and if
you could spray every day for two weeks
you might get them but then you might
Big storm all the way north, Ugly,
looked like nothing was coming then it
hit and did it hit. 2 inches in less
than 30 minuets. Water every fricking
Hope today we miss the storms.