grefer---That is part of it. One cannot leave this thread without making the other factor that had alot to do with EXODUS from the Cow-calf INDUSTRY.
FORCED TRACEABILITY---(without anyone jumping all over this comment just sit back and look and listen to those that have now left the cow-calf industry.
Farming/ranching in Canada one reason why it is a desire to do this is "FREEDOM". Forced Regulation is a deterrent to any farming production.
Just look at the grain industry now. The controversial CWB situation. Around this area guys are happy that they can now put HRSW back in their rotation. They now have a choice to use the CWB or market production on their own.
The former smaller family mixed farm with cow-calf side of production is what is being lost during this process. It is talked about in the veterinary circles as practioners see a loss of these clients.
Forced animal ID and tracebility ---hit the hog industry years ago. Where is the hog industry. The exodic species where hit next. Ostrich, Elk, Bison---Where is those industries now.
The seminar talk at SCA meetings, Canadian Cattlemens meetings was it is OK to weed out the smaller herds because the large operations are growing and going to pick up all the short-fall.
I say "BULLSHIT" to those individuals that spoke that.
FORCED TRACEABILITY---(without anyone jumping all over this comment just sit back and look and listen to those that have now left the cow-calf industry.
Farming/ranching in Canada one reason why it is a desire to do this is "FREEDOM". Forced Regulation is a deterrent to any farming production.
Just look at the grain industry now. The controversial CWB situation. Around this area guys are happy that they can now put HRSW back in their rotation. They now have a choice to use the CWB or market production on their own.
The former smaller family mixed farm with cow-calf side of production is what is being lost during this process. It is talked about in the veterinary circles as practioners see a loss of these clients.
Forced animal ID and tracebility ---hit the hog industry years ago. Where is the hog industry. The exodic species where hit next. Ostrich, Elk, Bison---Where is those industries now.
The seminar talk at SCA meetings, Canadian Cattlemens meetings was it is OK to weed out the smaller herds because the large operations are growing and going to pick up all the short-fall.
I say "BULLSHIT" to those individuals that spoke that.