The common thread between the beef and grain is that this government has it's own agenda, and the opinions of the people most involved have no part in the decision making process.
Angering producers is not a problem. Angering big business is a problem.
Reaction to the CWB decision is different among producers depending on what their opinions were before the decision. It's between one producer and another. The general consensus among the pro CWB producers is that they were ignored. The anti-CWB producers are happy with the loss of the Wheat Board. However the anti-CWB producers should NOT fool themselves into thinking that the decision was made because of their opinions. It was made because it made the multinationals happy.
On the beef side, we producers feel our opinions are ignored. And big agri-business does not share that fate. They're pretty happy with the way things are. They're control grows every year, and shows no sign of slowing down.
With the current government, it's all about big business. We are just the serfs at the bottom who feed the system. And as long as we spend all our time arguing with each other instead of putting our heads together and presenting a united force, we're keeping it all going to their benefit and our expense.
Divide and conquer, that's the name of the game.
Angering producers is not a problem. Angering big business is a problem.
Reaction to the CWB decision is different among producers depending on what their opinions were before the decision. It's between one producer and another. The general consensus among the pro CWB producers is that they were ignored. The anti-CWB producers are happy with the loss of the Wheat Board. However the anti-CWB producers should NOT fool themselves into thinking that the decision was made because of their opinions. It was made because it made the multinationals happy.
On the beef side, we producers feel our opinions are ignored. And big agri-business does not share that fate. They're pretty happy with the way things are. They're control grows every year, and shows no sign of slowing down.
With the current government, it's all about big business. We are just the serfs at the bottom who feed the system. And as long as we spend all our time arguing with each other instead of putting our heads together and presenting a united force, we're keeping it all going to their benefit and our expense.
Divide and conquer, that's the name of the game.