I'm doing a little survey into farm fuel prices across
Canada to see if there is any substance to the
rumour that we are currently paying more for diesel
in AB due to higher usage here - oilfield etc.
I was quoted $1.14 for marked diesel, $0.94 for
purple gas on Friday, central Alberta.
I asked over on the commodity forum and it seems SK
prices are similar to ours. South east BC is $1.37 for
dyed diesel !
Ontario is $1.05 for off road use (but nothing
requiring a licence plate is eligible to use the farm
fuel there) so they are paying $1.25 for non-marked
fuel to use hauling a stock trailer to town etc.
Any input from Manitoba or other provinces?
Canada to see if there is any substance to the
rumour that we are currently paying more for diesel
in AB due to higher usage here - oilfield etc.
I was quoted $1.14 for marked diesel, $0.94 for
purple gas on Friday, central Alberta.
I asked over on the commodity forum and it seems SK
prices are similar to ours. South east BC is $1.37 for
dyed diesel !
Ontario is $1.05 for off road use (but nothing
requiring a licence plate is eligible to use the farm
fuel there) so they are paying $1.25 for non-marked
fuel to use hauling a stock trailer to town etc.
Any input from Manitoba or other provinces?