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Whats important to you ?

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    Whats important to you ?

    This is without a doubt and very stressful year for alot of people, farmers and others.
    To start my story I want you to know, we started as beginner farmers. Had to buy our land, machinery and cattle. Nothing was given or willed to us, we've had to work hard for all of it (as have most all of you,am sure ! )
    FOUR YEARS ago, we got a rude wakeup call about what is really important in our lives. We came within inches of losing our 18 year old son when we were bringing home the cows to sort off the bulls . He was on his motorbike and was hit by a car at about 70-80 kms/p/h. When we laid in the ditch with him, we would have given up everything we've work for to guarantee his life and health. The stress we feel today over this drought situation doesn't even compare to the stress we felt sitting in that ICU ward in Edmonton.
    When we were feeling sorry for ourselves, we just had to look around us, and we found positive things to be Thankful for. I told my son, You are alive !, you do have all your limbs (although badly broken)You don't have a brain injury. And you will get out of this wheel chair, it is just going to take time.
    Remember cows are material things, a farm is a material thing they can be replaced or sold and you can't take it with you when you die, (and who says anyone else wants it anyway.) I know some feel they are too old, or have no energy left to start again, or continue the battle. To me my family is the most important, healthy and safe. As for the farm well its going to take time and some rethinking and more hard work.Don't let this drought crisis allow you to lose focus on the REAL important things.

    As we are just sick over the fact that our cow/calf pairs brought $500.00 less than they would have last fall, my spouse said "think of it this way, There shouldn't be much income tax to pay now. Where before we would have spent the money (on land paydown)and in April would have had a sizable tax bill to contend with.
    Come on guys/ladies, We can do it !!! It just going to take time, hard work and some common sense thinking. Cheer up. Depression takes way to much energy.

    Very well said. Yes, it takes a life time to build a cow herd, family farm from scratch. BUT, like you said, depression takes a lot of energy and time, even though you don't realize it at the time. should anything happen to one of my 3 son's, these pieces of land and my beloved cows, would be forgotten in a heart beat. Take the time to think about it.

    Oldboy's wife


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