And then today's mail came…
The Alberta Beef Producers rag where they give prizes to young people in agriculture for giving presentations on the "positive environmental impacts of hormone use" (Doesn't mention what they are btw - might be a stretch)
Then a whole page article promoting the "sound science" of hormone implants and GMOs and how the consumer has got to be taught about this.
And then like a breath of fresh air in the Alberta Farmer paper an article by Laura Rance on page 4:
Couldn't have said it better - this dumb idea that the consumer is always wrong and that all we need is better propaganda to convey the "correct" message.
First rule of business - the consumer is always right.
The Alberta Beef Producers rag where they give prizes to young people in agriculture for giving presentations on the "positive environmental impacts of hormone use" (Doesn't mention what they are btw - might be a stretch)
Then a whole page article promoting the "sound science" of hormone implants and GMOs and how the consumer has got to be taught about this.
And then like a breath of fresh air in the Alberta Farmer paper an article by Laura Rance on page 4:
Couldn't have said it better - this dumb idea that the consumer is always wrong and that all we need is better propaganda to convey the "correct" message.
First rule of business - the consumer is always right.