I suspect the reason that they are asking is that this week the new rule (courtesy of the XL Foods recall fiasco) comes into effect that mechanically tenderized meat must be noted on the label with instructions to cook until the interior temp is at least 63 degrees (might be 67).
Normally a steak or roast is low risk as the meat is only exposed to external bacteria and cooking kills the bugs on the outside of the meat. The risk with mechanical tenderization is that the needles used to do the tenderizing can push the external bacteria into/through the meat, and it may not be killed during cooking particularly if the inside is not cooked to the medium range and the internal temperature is not high enough.
I suspect they have heard it in the news this last week.
Normally a steak or roast is low risk as the meat is only exposed to external bacteria and cooking kills the bugs on the outside of the meat. The risk with mechanical tenderization is that the needles used to do the tenderizing can push the external bacteria into/through the meat, and it may not be killed during cooking particularly if the inside is not cooked to the medium range and the internal temperature is not high enough.
I suspect they have heard it in the news this last week.