Every time I see the ad, I have multiple questions: Why doesn't A&W show the farms the eggs come from? There is no mention of the type of chicken farming? Are the chicken in mass farms where the chicken never gets outside? Are the chickens in a farm that provides more humane environment where the chickens are let outside? Or, are the chickens on a free range farm? It is not just A&W hiding the farms, there is an advertisement on that talks about how much things have changed, but eggs are still eggs? That could be a Freudian sip. Many chicken farmers do not see the benefits of changing their farming practice & continue to raise chickens in small cages stacked row on row, where the chickens never leave the cage EVER. Until they are killed! There is the farmers who raise their chickens in mass farm/chicken copes where the smell of urine/feces is layers deep & the air is toxic from the amount of ammonia and they are so crowded that some chickens have deformed feet, or feet with open sores due to lack or space to move & lack of clean ground to stand on. Some farms do not provide and levels of perches, no grass or clean ground to peck & scratch. So the next time you go to buy eggs, look for FREE RANGE on the lable. This is the same for the chicken you buy. Look at how small the legs are. These chickens have not had any opportunity to move to develop the leg muscles. FREE RANGE chickens take longer to reach adult weight, they have exposure to grass, sun, space to run around, and you will pay more. But ask yourself: have these chickens & the eggs they produce, been raised with a Vegetarian Diet while they were kept in tiny cages or mass farms where the farmer never provided adequate space & expose to outside environments? OR Where the CHICKENS & their EGGS farmed on FREE RANGE farms?
For more details check out the videos of Jamie Oliver's investigation into chicken farming in England a few years ago because you will rethink what you buy, where you buy it & the amount you are prepared to pay. Talk to your store manager, ask for more variety of free range produce. Rethink shopping at big box stores, they can give a lower cost because the farmers were are to raise their chickens faster. Look to source your chickens and eggs from local sources! Good luck eating @ A&W!
For more details check out the videos of Jamie Oliver's investigation into chicken farming in England a few years ago because you will rethink what you buy, where you buy it & the amount you are prepared to pay. Talk to your store manager, ask for more variety of free range produce. Rethink shopping at big box stores, they can give a lower cost because the farmers were are to raise their chickens faster. Look to source your chickens and eggs from local sources! Good luck eating @ A&W!