There is a huge affect on carcass quality due to feedlot protocol littledoggie.
There is also fantastic potential in the breeding herd.
Thus Brenda's reference to the word value; 666 times in her video.
When issues of transparency and profit sharing rather than deception and fighting for every cent in the so called chain over one piece of meat have been resolved, the industry will become sustainable and functional rather than dysfunctional and at the mercy of the all mighty dollar and greed.
In Oneness - Randy LOL
There is also fantastic potential in the breeding herd.
Thus Brenda's reference to the word value; 666 times in her video.
When issues of transparency and profit sharing rather than deception and fighting for every cent in the so called chain over one piece of meat have been resolved, the industry will become sustainable and functional rather than dysfunctional and at the mercy of the all mighty dollar and greed.
In Oneness - Randy LOL