I don't see how I have a dog in this fight Horse. Lease land comes up for sale on occasion and I haven't been tempted to buy any. By the time you have to keep it fenced, take the possible predator loss, truck cattle to it and back again for a short grazing season, check cattle at a distance, round up cattle off big areas of bush it didn't look that attractive to me.
Also we are not all in the same boat, what about the homesteaders that got land for free? or the guys that got here early enough to get the mineral rights versus the ones that came 2 years too late? or the guys like me that moved here from Europe recently versus the guys that did it in 1946. We all have different backgrounds, ambitions, financial positions, buy-in prices I don't see this one group of landowners being so different that we should all hate them or envy them. We all have our circumstances to deal with.
Also we are not all in the same boat, what about the homesteaders that got land for free? or the guys that got here early enough to get the mineral rights versus the ones that came 2 years too late? or the guys like me that moved here from Europe recently versus the guys that did it in 1946. We all have different backgrounds, ambitions, financial positions, buy-in prices I don't see this one group of landowners being so different that we should all hate them or envy them. We all have our circumstances to deal with.