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SayHay and HayWest Proceeds

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    SayHay and HayWest Proceeds

    Just a thought, would it not be more helpful to assist producers with frieght cost to move straw greenfeed and hay witin Alberta and Sask, rather than pay expensive frieght on small tonnages of donated hay from the East?

    Yep it probably would, but the folks donating in the east only became interested in the idea of shipping hay west. If it was a matter of sending a cheque west most wouldn't be interested. And as far as that goes, the only reason there's any government or corporate money involved is because average citizens in the east shamed them into it, so if it was a plan to send money west instead of hay, I doubt if there would be 5% of the support there has been.


      No I didn't happen to catch that, will have to pay attention if there is a replay of that clip. I usually bitch about the way the government wasted money but as expensive as the queen's visit will be, I think it is very worthwhile. The queen has to be one of the most gracious and tactful people in the whole world. It is too bad that the members of our parliament weren't blessed with some of her good sense.


        Now I am no Sheila Copps fan but the Queen is hardly an engaging speaker. I doubt she would attract the same audience if tickets were sold rather than our tax dollars funding her travel.

        She said her trips to Canada over the years have given her "admiration and deep affection" for Canadians. It kind of makes you feel all those tax dollars were well speant in supporting the monarchy.

        Unfortunatley I had more pressing things to do so I missed her royal address but when I read that on another website I felt like a dog that had just received a milkbone and a pat on the head.

        I fail to understand why we peasants need to use our tax dollars to support the wealthiest woman in the world and pay for her travel to OUR country. But I suppose thats how the Windsors gained their fortune. At some time Canada will become a country instead of a colony.

        No offence to the Queen, she seems like a nice enough enough lady but to me the English monarchy is about as relevant and useful as our senate.


          Don't get me wrong, we are grateful for the east and their hay(great show of Canadain pride). All I am saying is that the money raised through the SayHay concert and elsewhere could be more effectively used if frieght assistance were implemented to move available feed in the western provinces. I beleive I read in a previous thread that a rail car would hold 25-30 ton of hay at a cost of $3900/car freight cost, $130-$156/ton freight. Pretty high cost of freight, don't you think?


            Maybe an idea would have been to have auctioned off or sold the hay which was generously donated by Eastern Canadians once it arrived. The proceeds could have been used to subsidize freight on more feed from where ever. Just a thought and of course hindsight is always a little clearer.


              I feel that the money spent moving hay from the East could be better used trucking out of our own areas. Around the Kindersley-Eston area there was a lot of greenfeed bailed and a lot cheaper haul than from Ontario. I'm sure the ranchers moving this greenfeed would have liked a little assistance - probably could have moved it all for less than is being spent on Haywest and there was certainly more of it. I'm against the lottery system of giving hay away also - there should have been some cost involved to defray some of the expenses.


                I'm curious - and I know I'm probably too late - but how did one get their name in for any of this hay? I never really did hear what you were supposed to do. Could someone please enlighten me.



                  Well Sheila Copps dozing off was embarassing but the outburst of John Manley against the monarchy in the midst of a royal vist was unbelievable. The queen was invited to tour Canada to help celebrate her fiftieth anniversay as queen and for him to have brought up the subject during this tour was unexcusable. If he has any sense of propriety at all he should apologize to the queen for his actions. If he refused he should be ditched from cabinet and ousted from the House of Commons if there was any sense of propriety in this government. For instance if he openly criticized the prime minister he would be booted out immediately. I guess we won't be that lucky tho he will stick around and stick both feet in his mouth till that old fool Chretien retires.


                    In Sask. you placed a call ot the Sask. Cattle Feeders Assoc. They had an answering machine set up when I called and you left your name, phone number and R.M. number. Supposedly your name was reentered whenever more feed became available. I don't know any one who received any hay.


                      Although I do agree with Manley, Carebear you are right on in that his timing was inappropriate. Another example of Liberal arrogance and stupidity. He used the opportunity to get some press and in his mind advance his Liberal leadership chances.The only reason I enjoy seeing the Windsor's come to Canada is I know how much it iritates Quebec.


                        i heard they are not taking anymore names for the lotteries


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