Big snip .....
Quote -
And it is very important to note that Japan will not allow voluntary testing for BSE from their packers for the same reasons no other country in the world will allow voluntary BSE testing, that is it would destroy consumer confidence in all beef products.
End Quote.
This is simple poppycock.
In fact it is my strong belief that it would do just the opposite - INCREASE consumer confidence.
I suspect others have the same belief.
How much packer money supports this opinion?
In order to be an elected rep and toe the party line there has to be something going on. It may come out some day and it may never - but to be a rep and then NOT support the opinion of the electors - well, it smells bad to me.
Yet another reason I have no faith in those who run todays cattle orgs.
Quote -
And it is very important to note that Japan will not allow voluntary testing for BSE from their packers for the same reasons no other country in the world will allow voluntary BSE testing, that is it would destroy consumer confidence in all beef products.
End Quote.
This is simple poppycock.
In fact it is my strong belief that it would do just the opposite - INCREASE consumer confidence.
I suspect others have the same belief.
How much packer money supports this opinion?
In order to be an elected rep and toe the party line there has to be something going on. It may come out some day and it may never - but to be a rep and then NOT support the opinion of the electors - well, it smells bad to me.
Yet another reason I have no faith in those who run todays cattle orgs.