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    ABP leadership OUT OF CONTROL

    Sorry for being away from the board for a while guys. Busy traveling across the province listening to the producers of this province voice their concerns with the so called leadership of our industry.

    No one wants to admit they are wrong. That is a simple human condition. But when you are allowed by the very structure of an organisation to hide and not become accountable when you are WRONG, the system simply has to change.

    Yes we need leadership and yes we need money to fund leadership, but the leadership of ABP have not only failed the producers of this province, they have failed to be made accountable and are now using the very money that is supposed to be helping the producers of this province and I will cay country (CCA)against those very producers.

    I am not simply talking about the B5 meetings where ABP has decided to use your money to play politics rather than join in on decisions that will change the face of this industry in the near future.

    Leadership has chosen to send one (I will call) spy to some of these meetings and try to tear apart a very cohesive meeting of organisations that are truly on a mission with or without the few ABP leaders who want to play politics rather than join in on constructive suggestions for change. A group truly representative of all producers from cow calf to feeder, and even inclusion of the packers.

    Gag order - I guess to a certain extent, I have to hold some back, but ABP is holding everything back and calling this group a waste of time. ABP position is the only thing that is a waste of time right now and it better damn well change real quick.

    You are right about the plan review process grassfarmer - it will not make the changes necessary, but we need to find a way to stop this so called leadership that is OUT OF CONTROL.

    I have been personally asked by 3 board members for information on the B5 meetings. What the hell is that all about. Every bit of information at these meetings including minutes are available through the ABP office as the executive and management have received all of these documents by email.

    I have never in my life seen such game playing by people who are supposed to be leaders of industry.

    The excuse of 4 of the 5 groups being member organisation is pathetic as well. ABP is nothing but a member organisation with silly little games called zone meetings and now these plan review meetings. The phones will be ringing for old and new supportive members to show up, just like the zone meetings to quell the few that will actually make an effort to voice an opinion. The vast majority will stay home, hopeless and dejected, but upset at the same time.

    Time to bring on a Petition. This ABP thing is out of control.

    Sounds a lot like what happpened to the leadership of R-calf down here Randy.What started out in the eyes of the average cattleman as a well intentioned organisation was quickly hijacked by the leadership for their own agendas.Local voices and concerns were swept aside by leadership seeking only to promote their personal wishlists.Now to most of us R-calf are like the relatives who long ago wore out their welcome, but we are not sure of the best way to get rid of them.I think we need a few good petitions going down here as well. Good Luck!!


      There are some positives here, maybe. I heard Eric Butters on the radio today talking about our "largest trading partner" not our "most lucrative trading partner" as he used to refer to the U.S.. That is an incremental step toward reality. If in fact there is a small core of the ABP board withholding info from the others a revolution from within is possible.
      I don't care how they come around as long as they do. In the review ABP is pondering how to become more powerful and to be the one voice. I would suggest to them to co-operate with the B5 initiative and help it move forward. That is what many beef producers want. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't want their leadership to participate in a round table that is willing to put any idea on the table and come up with options for the future of our industry. It is hard to believe that the board of the ABP could be that arrogant. This is important to my livelihood. As a checkoff paying producer I respectfully ask that you co-operate and participate fully and show me that my suspicions are wrong. As for the review I have expressed my wishes on many occasions and unfortunately am not able to make any of the meetings. Show us that you can be relevant and strong and do represent the average beef person. I don't feel like you have my best interest at heart today.



        I brought up the issue of inclusion or submission in the B5 group last night at the policy review meeting in Innisfail. Obviously no excuses in the very public forum. In fact I asked the question at the end of the meeting whether those in attendance thought ABP should take their role more seriously and even a number of the ABP delegates raised their hands. I don't believe many of them even knew about the meetings until they read about them in the press.

        The political excuse for not being there came up from one delegate after the meeting, and I was not challenged much on the issue of the other B5 group being member organisations.

        In fact, that was a good deal of discussion at the meeting. ABP is nothing but a distorted member organisation in my mind. Distorted because their claim of democracy comes from a room full of delegates who beat out 2 extra nominees in the WHOLE DAMN PROVINCE.

        ABP takes your "dues" or "membership" automatically by way of the checkoff, and then recruits volunteers by offering cash or wages.

        Any talk of changing the councils is truly moot as these individuals are not elected and are also on the pay roll. Yes it takes some commitment, and I am not saying that every person who steps up and puts their name on the ABP payroll is a bad person. I am saying the system is broke, and I don't see the kind of changes needed coming from discussion where the organisation or their "marketing council" buddies at the government level are included. We need to ask the producers all right, but not through the ABP. ABP no longer democratically represents the majority of cattle producers in this province --- period.


          That's pretty much the conclusion I'm coming to rkaiser - ABP cannot be reformed from within it's current structure. Producers going along singly or in groups to ABP organised events expecting to precipitate change are wasting their time. Too often the ABP reps talk a good game when you corner them individually, agree with everything you say but revert to type when put in a room with other ABP reps. Dictatorships need mass support to topple them. There is massive opposition to ABP but we seem unable to mobilise it currently.
          I think however that Minister Groeneveld has a good idea what is going on and even if he is not able to disband ABP he has the power to cut them loose from the B5 group if they are holding it back. ABP could continue to run their fantasy empire and Groeneveld could take more advice from the other industry groups.
          Lets hope the minister makes some wise choices in the weeks ahead.


            What happens to B4.25 during the election campaign? Are there scheduled meetings in February? Are there credible candidates in your neighbourhoods that should be in Edmonton? I am pretty sure who I am going to vote for!



              And now we have an EX - ABP chairman taking aim at the position of "Minister of Agriculture" comming out of the Brooks riding.


                Now you expect me to sleep with the nightmare already in my brain WD40?????

                Oh I better not go that far. Old Arno ain't going to make a minister position that fast and may actually be am alley to build a relationaship with. Some of the CBEF gang including Haney did support market access testing at one time and Arno is the chairman of CBEF at this time....


                  If I reccolect their support for market entrance testing faded into silence when they got their wings clipped buy their 2 BIG corporrate buddies.


                    Worken away here Randy and thinken - I'll give full marks to leadership that has seen the light of day or recognized how their constituents feel and change their mind and give good representaion. If that's the case I stand to be corrected. However in their position of influence I'd like to see their campaign then?


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