Did not make a difference in 2004 farmers_son? Maybe you could consider the multi millions of dollars that were pumped in to Lakeside farms from Federal and Provincial aid payments. Is that a difference? Had producers owned those cattle - those aid dollars would have gone to producers. If Lakeside farms had not been able to bid on those cattle - would the prices to the cow calf changed much. Not in the theory of trickle down that Shirley and your ABP gang talked of in those years. And in fact some of those millions may have trickled down more the next year had producers received those dollars rather than shareholders of a company who could give a rats ass if this industry survives or not.
Just as they could truly give a rats ass right now. Do you see Tyson or Cargill coming up with any game plans as to how to make things work? Hell no. Just threaten to leave ---
You say that market manipulation will occur whether they own cattle or not. Fine then - taking away the right to own cattle should not hurt them or our system then. A replacement buyer will be found. It may actually create more competition as the fear from private feeders will be less.
How is it that you know more than the feedlots on this issue farmers_son. Why is it that resolutions about packer ownership at the ABP AGM come from the feedlot sector? Do you think they can think for themselves or do you feel like so many other issues that ABP executive needs to decide.
Once again one of the problems with ABP structure. In no way does the current ABP structure allow for sharing of concepts within all aspects of our industry. There is more than ample division at the ABP AGM between sectors of the industry.
The system is out of control like I said on the other thread and a lot of it has to do with leadership from folks like farmers_son who will not find ways for all sectors of our industry to work together.
Just as they could truly give a rats ass right now. Do you see Tyson or Cargill coming up with any game plans as to how to make things work? Hell no. Just threaten to leave ---
You say that market manipulation will occur whether they own cattle or not. Fine then - taking away the right to own cattle should not hurt them or our system then. A replacement buyer will be found. It may actually create more competition as the fear from private feeders will be less.
How is it that you know more than the feedlots on this issue farmers_son. Why is it that resolutions about packer ownership at the ABP AGM come from the feedlot sector? Do you think they can think for themselves or do you feel like so many other issues that ABP executive needs to decide.
Once again one of the problems with ABP structure. In no way does the current ABP structure allow for sharing of concepts within all aspects of our industry. There is more than ample division at the ABP AGM between sectors of the industry.
The system is out of control like I said on the other thread and a lot of it has to do with leadership from folks like farmers_son who will not find ways for all sectors of our industry to work together.