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Just waiting on ABP

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    Just waiting on ABP

    Well folks - we are damn near ready for a major press release for the "Canada Gold Beef" value chain initiative. All we need is the okay from the gang over at ABP who --- surprise surprise never showed once again at yesterday's B5 meeting. If the boys and girls who think this thing is just a dream don't input in a couple of days the release will go out with 4 organization names instead of 5.

    This has been an amazing run for the boys and girls who claim to be the democratic voice of the producer in this province --- and this country. CCA has been invited to all of these meetings as well.

    Are you ready to start criticising the best plan to come from industry in the last 30 years like the playschool gang over at the Cattle Feeder Council at ABP?

    Our business plan has been worked over by participants to the best of our ability and it is now going to the pros for the final process.

    You can't imagine the names coming out of the woodwork in support farmer_son ---- and we have not even let a lot out of the bag yet. In fact more names than I have ever seen support ABP period.

    Mark Feb. 21st on your calenders for a formal announcement at the Alberta Beef Industry Conference in Red Deer. But stay tuned to good old Agriville as yours truly will spill a few beans from time to time up to that date.

    BIG C is proposing a road show like you never seen before. Kinda like when we went on the road in 2003 - but with clout from cow calf - feedlot and processor this time. You must remember those meetings that BIG C had farmer_son - five to 50 times the people who attended ABP meetings that same year. What did we have here at Ponoka ----- I think over 700, while the ABP meetings can hardly muster "20" outside the delegates, staff and die hards who try to stave off the "20" who are usually pissed right off.

    My hat's off to you and the gang Randy. It' good to know there are a lot of free thinkers and doers out there. I was beginning to believe the whole industry, if left to the powers that are, was going the way of the dodo. Have you any reps from BC yet?


      I look forward to the announcement of the grand plan, lord knows we need one. I will be particularly interested in seeing how any enhanced marketing plan or value chain circumvents the problem of the processors pockets any potential benefits and leaves producers with nothing.
      I read through the "sustainable solutions for the beef industry" document created by ABP and found it devoid of new or workable solutions. Among the gems contained is a suggestion that Canada subsidise its ethanol industry to at least the level of the US - yeah right I can see that happening!
      Other than that it seemed to be more of the same old, same old... Grand plans to enhance marketing around the world, new markets etc but all based on the flawed assumption that doing this with the status quo of packer control and manipulation would somehow result in enhanced returns for grassroots producers. History would show that this is unlikely to work.
      Good luck the B4.25!


        Shouldn't be any big news tommorrow. Look for some volatilty today, as funds take profits before tommorrows report.

        Also didn't like yesterdays close. Will have to monitor closely in coming days to see how it shakes out.


          The commodity guys wouldn't mind a subsidised ethanol industry. A look to the south at corn and wheat prices show what a new user of a commodity can do for grain prices. Especially when a bunch of other factors around the world put pressure on supply at the same time. Other than the few feeders that can use the byproducts it isn't so sustainable for the cattle producer. Keep up the great work B4.25. I am also looking forward to your announcement.


            ATTA BOY Bill- OOPs- meant Randy LOL

            Its nice to hear Canada finally has a "cattlemans organization"- just like the US was without one until we got R-CALF and USCA...

            Time for the old fogies at NCBA/ABP to go to their well paid for room at the Old PackerBackers Home...


              Rkaiser: I like an easy fix to the challenges facing the cattle industry as much as the next guy. If I live long enough I may actually come across one that works. Although I have not seen one yet.

              It seems as if I will have to wait until Feb 21 to see your proverbial magic wand that only needs to be waved to make all our troubles disappear. But call me curious, how much money is this going to make me? What will the live calf price be once your plan is put into action?


                Silver bullet or not farmers_son, it is 100% more than anything the gang at ABP is working on. Like the whispering commercial says --- No plan No plan...

                You won't have to wait til the 21st to get the guts on this thing farmers_son. A lot of it was set out in the manifesto you already had a crack at criticizing. Basically a voluntary producer owned value chain with a marketing arm, working with the existing packer infrastructure - for now - as a custom operator. I know you will have as many problems with it as the boys over at ABP are having. Hell of a thing when something as well received by government and all other players besides a few at ABP was not your idea. How could you and the gang not try to tear it apart.

                Careful though farmers_son --- I gotta tell you, even a growing number of current delegates and board members are asking and liking. You might want to play your political cards a little better on this one.

                Never seen an ABP chairman, or might I add an incredibly arrogant CFC chairman impeached yet, but there is a first time for everything.

                Still wish old Stewey would show up on agriville so we could have a real tabloid mud slinging session. That man is a danger to the entire Canadian cattle industry......


                  Sorry for missing your question gcreekrch...
                  If you are asking about reps for BIG C - NO we have none. In fact BIG C is on it's last mission. This project currently in the works is what we were and always have been about. Initiating change and offering an alternative. We ran out of cashola a long time ago and have been working off of our own funds. Did not really feel that he primary producer needed to shell out more cash for another producer group. If this were truly a democratic industry --- ABP would be sharing the checkoff in a way like the opposition in Ottawa gets paid.

                  This fight is more about people and accountability than anything. ABP could be useful if the right people were in the right places. In fact I have said before and will say again that there are a lot of good people in delegate positions and on staff. The old boys club has to go.

                  As far as BIG C members. I could see some moving over to Western Stock Growers where I have personally found a group of very intelligent, and cow calf savy folks, if ABP cannot be changed.

                  We (B41/4) have actually had some good help and continue to gain helpers from some staff and some current CCA members who see the light, as well as a growing number of ABP delegates. The past CEO for CCA has been an incredible asset to this group.

                  Anywhoo got to go. Any offer to help promote and sell this Canada Gold Beef program will be good for you and your industry gcreekrch.....


                    CBOT wheat up .30/bu yesterday and today.......what will happen tommorrow?


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