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Just waiting on ABP

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    ...there are some excellent ranchers in the stock growers org...so it nice to see randy that your groups have gotten together with the feeders to finally work out some solutions...good luck and watch your backs...


      I say thanks again to the movers and shakers. f_s, you need to realize people in your position are there as representatives for your industry NOT messengers from the government. If the executive in the various orgs. could ever learn again to say no and yes at the right times I might be tempted to pay my dues again. Your job description does not end at being well dressed and photogenic.


        farmers_son, I thought yours was a pretty cheap shot at a group of people at least trying to resolve some issues. Nobody is saying it will be easy or a miracle cure but at least someone has some ideas - something ABP seems to be clean out of. It highlights again the arrogance and increasing irrelevance of ABP as an organisation. Given the crisis situation in the beef sector if the ag minister calls various beef producer groups to the table to work out possible solutions - you damn well attend - especially ABP who have the luxury and attached responsibility of being the only levy funded group. Staying away or trying to hold the group back are not options.

        Rather like the ABP/CCA rep who attended our ABP producer meeting and stated that in the Q A session he would not be answering questions from BIG-C members. Well actually @#$%^^%^& you have to answer the questions of any beef producer who attended that meeting - and in a civil manner. It is part and parcel of being an elected individual within an organisation where you are being compensated for your time by producers checkoff dollars. This culture of arrogance must end - producers are getting real tired of it. The end may be nigh for ABP when producers get to hear about the current goings on - spending checkoff dollars defending your little empire instead of fighting for producer interests.


          snappu was right - a very dull report. It will be interesting to the reaction.


            Farmers_son maybe it should be pointed out that of all these Alberta folks that are supporting the B5 initiative are rate paying members of the ABP. That in and of itself should be a clue to the ABP that participation is warranted. I don't understand the reluctance to participate given the possible upside. There is no downside to participation. If it doesn't work you can share the pain. If it works you share the glory. Heck man, take all the glory. Most of us are just interested in a sustainable beef industry. Your lack of interest in the group makes me wonder what ABPs end goal is. If you want to critique and criticise it then join up. A $3/head tax is what give us the right to question the ABP.


              I reread my post and I did not see a cheap shot there. I do believe there are no easy solutions and unless whatever this group has in mind will increase the price of live cattle or direct returns to the producer it is not a solution at all. It would be wonderful if it did, as I said I like an easy answer as much as the next fellow, and I look forward to their announcement on February 21. After reading rkaisers post I made arrangements to be at the Alberta Beef Industry Conference in Red Deer, I am interested in hearing their ideas.

              I know nothing of what happened at a particular ABP producer meeting. And I am not Mr. ABP in these threads even if rksaiser likes to make out I am. I have absolutely no idea what did or did not go on in this B5 group, who attended or who did not attend and why other than rkaisers posts in these threads. I gather from the post at the top of this thread that ABP is still considering whatever proposal came out of the process.

              Regarding any proposal the B5 group and others like them might come up with, if it involves sound ideas they will go forward. The WSGA and I think some of the others in rkaisers B5 group are already involved and part of ABP, including rkaiser himself. You bet there are good people in the WSGA, I recall Hugh Lynch Staunton came into ABP as a WSGA delegate and now he is the head of CCA. There is no culture of arrogance at ABP. For the most part they try not to swear when speaking in public, that is about it. Unfortunately it is part and parcel of the cattle business that you will not agree with every producer all the time. The ideas are so varied and solutions so hard to find.

              I see people come into ABP and learn about the cattle industry. There is a lot to know. Everyone there is a cattle producer too. Some people choose to work for the industry in other organizations, like the WSGA or the Cattle Feeders and that is fine too. Some stay home and let others do it. Trying to improve the lot of the grass roots cattle producer is a lot of work and most solutions take years of work to see them actually happen.


                You can't back off from being ABP's apologist farmers_son. Where will we be able to use up all of this perfectly good edginess and sarcasm? I respect your well thought out posts and loyalty to the ABP. That is what makes the conversation interesting. You are right that everyone participates in different ways, but the thing that sets the ABP apart is that the tax is non negotiable. That gives them a higher responsibility for accountability to all tax payers all the time on all sides of every argument that affects the beef industry. When there is a groundswell of support for different ideas or change then it shouldn't just be ignored or marginalized. Many of those producers just check out of the process because it seems of no use anymore. Yes there are no magic bullets to make our animals worth more today but a strategic shift has to happen soon if there is to be an industry tomorrow. That is what the B5 group is all about. Moving forward with a plan that is made by the industry for the industry. I appreciate having the opportunity to sit at this coffee shop and discuss these subjects with everyone here at Agriville.


                  Farmers_son you state "There is no culture of arrogance at ABP. For the most part they try not to swear when speaking in public, that is about it." presumably in response to my post. Your statement is a bit of a contradiction - you claim there is no culture of arrogance yet by hinting that no swearing in public is the only rule governing ABP speakers you are condoning the arrogant behavior I mentioned in my post.
                  I will refresh your memory - An ABP/CCA speaker at a zone meeting stands up and opens the floor to questions with the precursor that he will not answer questions from BIG-C members. Given that any BIG-C members in the room were also ABP levy payers he absolutely did not have the right to make that statement. You don't think that was improper, inappropriate or arrogant farmers_son ??


                    No more need to wait. ABP pulled their name off the media release. Good ridence I say. One more nail in the coffin for this "has been" group at the controls of ABP.

                    For Immediate Release February 8, 2008

                    Beef Industry Groups Launch New Beef Market Initiative

                    Calgary, AB – On October 16, 2007 the Agriculture Minister Groeneveld called 5 industry groups to a meeting at the McDougall Center in Calgary. The Minister charged these groups with developing a forward looking strategy for the Alberta beef industry. As a result, the Canada Gold Beef concept has taken shape. This encompasses an innovative new beef value chain which will produce and sell a family of branded beef products with environmental, animal husbandry, and strict food safety requirements to meet the demands of local and international customers. A formal announcement of the program will take place at the Alberta Beef Industry Conference on February 21 in Red Deer.

                    A cornerstone of the program is a collaborative, mutually beneficial relationship amongst the cow-calf, feedlot and processing sectors of the beef industry. Cattle feeder spokesman, Rick Paskal says that the program will capture value for attributes such as age and source verification, traceability, and good production practices for all cattle in the program.” While it will be voluntary, Paskal and the group have seen interest from a large number of producers, and initial discussions with meat packers have been extremely encouraging. The groups involved in the discussions of this initiative have included representatives from the Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association, the Beef Initiative Group, the Feeders Association of Alberta, and the Western Stock Growers’ Association. According to rancher Russ Pickett, of the Western Stock Growers Association, “it is time to take a new approach to conducting business for cow/calf producers, feedlot operators and meat packers”.

                    Industry and government will be working together to ensure that a value-added beef industry is on a competitive footing to grow the business here and abroad. Reg Schmidt of the Feeders Association of Alberta notes that, “we are setting up a corporate structure for Canada Gold Beef and have secured the name and will be seeking a trade mark for the company”.
                    “We are very excited about this endeavor” says Cam Ostercamp of the Beef Initiative Group. Cam is encouraging anyone tied to the beef business to attend the 5th annual Alberta Beef Industry Conference where leaders will be talking more about this plan in a panel discussion on February 21st. We are encouraging producers to watch for further information on how to participate in Canada Gold Beef.
                    For details on the conference go to www.abiconference.ca or call Jennifer Brunette at the Alberta Cattle Feeders’ Association, 403-250-2509 ext 22.
                    Rick Paskal Russ Pickett Cam Ostercamp Reg Schmidt
                    403-894-9449 403-641-2485 403-684-3397 780-789-2353


                      Wow, what a crazy plan. I can see now why ABP oppose it ????? LMAO.


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