Can't think of too much worse than a marketing board for beef. I do think we need to address competition, but tell me how much innovation, differentiation, value added has the CWB spurred in the last 20 years. We are still exporting commodity wheat.
1. A monopoly board would be countervailable. This means we are effectively stepping out of the export arena and thus have a few too many cows.
2. a board would require producer compliance to be successful and thus would stifle innovation. For example, if the CWB ran beef marketing, I would have to buy my calves from myself at the pool price, plus pay freight, in order to harvest them in a plant and value based program that I have personally invested in. That also goes for organic, grass fed, direct marketers, or any other attempt at value adding.
3. Why try to improve? A calf is a calf under a board system. Is there a seperate pool or premium for preconditioning, age verifing, etc.
4. A monopoly pool has monopoly power. Anyone who thinks legislators or CFIA wouldn't encourage that please step forward. They could demand age verification, or preconditioning and pay no premium at all, because that would be the required norm to sell.
I think my personal viewpoint is pretty evident here. I do think we have to address the issues with large multinationals and competition, but let me know if we are going to have a marketing board, so I can get out.
I would be interested to see what the proposed solutions to some of the issues I have with a board are. I have been known to change my mind before. A voluntary alliance of producers who market cattle together has much more merit in my mind (see Consilidated Sell). A value chain entered into in good faith by all parties who wish to enter is even better.
1. A monopoly board would be countervailable. This means we are effectively stepping out of the export arena and thus have a few too many cows.
2. a board would require producer compliance to be successful and thus would stifle innovation. For example, if the CWB ran beef marketing, I would have to buy my calves from myself at the pool price, plus pay freight, in order to harvest them in a plant and value based program that I have personally invested in. That also goes for organic, grass fed, direct marketers, or any other attempt at value adding.
3. Why try to improve? A calf is a calf under a board system. Is there a seperate pool or premium for preconditioning, age verifing, etc.
4. A monopoly pool has monopoly power. Anyone who thinks legislators or CFIA wouldn't encourage that please step forward. They could demand age verification, or preconditioning and pay no premium at all, because that would be the required norm to sell.
I think my personal viewpoint is pretty evident here. I do think we have to address the issues with large multinationals and competition, but let me know if we are going to have a marketing board, so I can get out.
I would be interested to see what the proposed solutions to some of the issues I have with a board are. I have been known to change my mind before. A voluntary alliance of producers who market cattle together has much more merit in my mind (see Consilidated Sell). A value chain entered into in good faith by all parties who wish to enter is even better.