rkaiser- you are fighting a good battle there buddy- but I'm afraid those folks sound like they would rather drown in their misery than get off their duffs, organize, get rid of ABP/CCA, and get something accomplished...Yep- you are right- you have a world of opportunity available-if you could get folks to do something... And contrary to what some negative Canuck posted about cattle markets- many are saying that the world is going into a huge food shortage by this summer- and in fact there will be a run of all types of proteins...Folks down here selling culls now for $60 cwt are wondering how high the price can go by the normally high barbeque period in June and July...
Profarmer- We do have too much subsidy money out there- but you have to know our governments trickle down economics--the major share goes to the politicians that keep the laws in effect- Next the Multinational Corporates (Cargil/Monsanto/Tyson/etal) take their share followed by the Big Corporate owned farms (many owned/financed by the same names), then eventually if a little is left it trickles down to the family farmer/rancher- which then gives the Canucks what drips off their shirttails as you ride them...
So Canadian producers profit about the same from any subsidies as the average US producer does.......
Profarmer- We do have too much subsidy money out there- but you have to know our governments trickle down economics--the major share goes to the politicians that keep the laws in effect- Next the Multinational Corporates (Cargil/Monsanto/Tyson/etal) take their share followed by the Big Corporate owned farms (many owned/financed by the same names), then eventually if a little is left it trickles down to the family farmer/rancher- which then gives the Canucks what drips off their shirttails as you ride them...
So Canadian producers profit about the same from any subsidies as the average US producer does.......