From Rasmussen Polling:
Just 16% of Likely Democratic Primary Voters believe the North American Free Trade Agreement—NAFTA—is good for America. Fifty-five percent (55%) say the trade agreement negotiated by the Clinton Administration is bad for the nation.
I think the last nationwide polls I saw- showed that the majority of the folks in the country (something like 53%)- both Repub and Dem- felt that NAFTA has been bad for the country and feel it should be repealed and/or renegotiated....It was written by and for the profiteering of the major multinational corporates (oil, Agrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Packing, etc., etc. )- and at the expense of US working man, small business, and economy....
Also many in Mexico feel the same, as the general populace did not gain from it as they were promised - just the rich elitist few that run that country and control all industry....
And it could happen- if like it appears now, Democrats will win the White House and control Congress- since NAFTA was never ratified as a treaty by 2/3 majority of the Senate (as required by the Constitution for treaty's)- it simply is a Presidential (Clinton) agreement that probably could be repealed by Executive Order of the President- or just a majority vote of Congress and the Presidents signature......
Just 16% of Likely Democratic Primary Voters believe the North American Free Trade Agreement—NAFTA—is good for America. Fifty-five percent (55%) say the trade agreement negotiated by the Clinton Administration is bad for the nation.
I think the last nationwide polls I saw- showed that the majority of the folks in the country (something like 53%)- both Repub and Dem- felt that NAFTA has been bad for the country and feel it should be repealed and/or renegotiated....It was written by and for the profiteering of the major multinational corporates (oil, Agrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Packing, etc., etc. )- and at the expense of US working man, small business, and economy....
Also many in Mexico feel the same, as the general populace did not gain from it as they were promised - just the rich elitist few that run that country and control all industry....
And it could happen- if like it appears now, Democrats will win the White House and control Congress- since NAFTA was never ratified as a treaty by 2/3 majority of the Senate (as required by the Constitution for treaty's)- it simply is a Presidential (Clinton) agreement that probably could be repealed by Executive Order of the President- or just a majority vote of Congress and the Presidents signature......