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Round Table wth RItz

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    Thankyou Kato on the comment regarding the PFRA pastures. I believe you should have got an email today that went out to all the Saskatchewan Members of Parliament and All the Provincial MLAs. The groundswell of support and organization of the Patrons of the PFRA pastures has swept the province of Saskatchewan. The patrons realize we need a collective "one voice" on issues regarding our important part of our businesses. The need for the "little guy" to have access to grazine with PFRA pasture managers in place to deflect those controversial issues that appear to arise between issues of one pasture patron and another.

    Jan 23 Sutherland Hall 1112 Central Avenue Saskatoon Sask. Registration 8:30-9:30 Full day meeting. Media have been invited.


      "... as she is escorted from the room." I think your previous assessment
      about not letting you within a mile of the minister is probably closer (LOL).
      I would be really curious to know - what is your long term vision for the
      beef industry in Canada? What type of cow numbers/processors are you
      thinking? What are your plans to grow export markets? How do you plan to
      ensure food safety and animal/human health in a transparent, tough, low cost
      way that is internationally accepted? What are your efforts to grow a
      competitive advantage going to look like?
      What exists in your plans to maintain profitability of moderate sized cattle
      operations (or cattle operations at all)?
      I would listen very closely for dogma, as I believe that is what will direct
      the government over the next several years, and I suspect that knowing that
      dogma more clearly will be a good form of risk management, as I can't see
      them taking or listening to a lot of advice.
      I would also be curious to know about their new idea of regional information
      centres. I can't see this being more valuable than current (or non existent)
      provincial operations.


        Are you asking me? If so, this is my vision. If not, here it is anyway. ;-)

        Since virtually every disaster that's happened to the beef/cattle industry in the past years has been the result of mismanagement in the regulatory system, my vision is to have said system be overhauled, and get a new mission statement that puts the emphasis on developing a business environment where people can invest in long term projects without having to worry about them coming crashing down due to some bureaucratic error or "dogma".

        We need to be able to go forward with the confidence that government policy is being developed that protects us from the kind of fiascos we've had to deal with in the past.

        There is no trust in the competence of government any more. We all live with the ups and downs of markets, weather, and such, and accept them as part of the risk of doing business.

        How can we be expected to make life long investments in a business, when at any moment somebody in an office in Ottawa decides that we no longer need a PFRA, or that the protection of their political agenda is more important than the good of the country. Or that there are too many cattle farms, and small farms, and they have to go to make way for some that fit the government "vision" for a corporate based food production system.

        I just want to go ahead with my business without having to worry about my own government being my own worst enemy. I'm sure those trying to start up new ventures in processing want the same thing.

        If some faith in the future was re-established, the rest would all fall into place.


          I disagree kato, I think faith in the future has to
          come from within one's self it can't be created by
          Government. Just as you are prepared to "live with
          the ups and downs of markets, weather, and such,
          and accept them as part of the risk of doing
          business" so you should be prepared to deal at a
          business level with actions or reactions caused by
          change of Government policy or their rules. That has
          always been a part of business risk, not just in
          agriculture either. Blaming Government is a
          convenient way to shift blame but agriculture always
          has, and always will be a dynamic industry full of
          change to which the survivors will adapt and those
          that don't get out.
          Don't get me wrong I'm not a big supporter of the
          Government and we still should be prepared to
          lobby them on the things we disagree on but at the
          start of each day we each get the chance to shape
          our own destiny one day at a time and that's one
          think I love about being an independent operator
          involved in agriculture.


            Or we could just say:
            You screwed up the cattle industry! Wheres my f***ing money!


              Sorry Kato. Although I like your vision,
              I think that is the question I would put
              to Ritz and press for a non BS answer.
              The hard direction he wants to go will
              drive people in or out of this business
              whether we like it or not.


                I'm being polite on the outside, but on the inside, I'm pretty much saying what ASRG said.

                I also don't think it's asking too much for our government to quit being just another hazard we need to deal with. We've got enough on our plates already. After all, we hired them. That indicates a responsibility to at the very least "do no harm."

                Doesn't anyone else find it ironic that we've been done more damage by our own elected officials, than by RCalf and their never ending campaign against us?


                  Maybe not as important, but what about the
                  Indian Head tree farm?


                    This came up at coffee shop the other day!

                    If you had a one to one with Ritz and could ask him ONE question, what would it be?

                    One guy quickly said "Do you want me to call you an anbulance?"


                      On blaming the Government for BSE - it's all very
                      convenient with the benefit of hindsight to attach
                      blame but where were you guys in the 90s when
                      Canadian ranchers were importing cattle from the UK
                      if you think that was the cause? Given the first cases
                      were in 85/86 and people like the Germans ceased to
                      import UK cattle in '89 because of BSE. Shouldn't
                      there have been any precautionary principle exercised
                      by Canadian ranchers themselves given that the UK
                      was getting 20,000 -30,000 cases a year at that time?
                      What about the great cattle organisations like CCA
                      and it's provincial counterparts? did none of them
                      think it might be wise to consider not importing UK

                      If you think it's the Governments role to be the nanny
                      state, to look after you and always know better then
                      you need to quit bitching about their other attempts
                      to do so like animal identification. You can't have it
                      both ways.


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