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Round Table wth RItz

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    Grassfarmer, your contributions here seem to show you to be a man of deeply held convictions and sound principles. Such a constitution must surely guide your actions accordingly.

    Therefore, I would be interested in knowing at what early date you decided to follow your conscience and opt out of the BSE class action.


      Good post Cameron.

      I have always felt that the BSE lawsuit is akin to our boot on our backside. The government is us...right? Maybe I am due for an attitude adjustment! Godspeed friend. Unlike most of your lawyer colleagues you seem to value the truth. It will win out in the end. HT

      PS I rather cling to the hope that BSE didn't come to our country on GF's boots. lol


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          When the Harper government took over, me and another guy got a meeting with our local CPC MP and we asked him to ask Ritz to go to mediation. We got a bunch of bullshit about how times were tough and we were being taken advantage of by an unscroupulous lawyer!
          He finally, reluctantly, said he would take our concerns to Ritz. I would bet he never did!
          In 2008 he came knocking on my door looking for votes and some money. I told him I'll never vote for you SOB's until you pay your debts!
          He took me off his Christmas card list.


            Yes Burnt, still reading a couple of times a day. Have the session today and will report back....like many I doubt anything will happen, however I become part of the problem if I don’t try.
            Have sent links of this discussion to my MP.....see if it gets through the filter.
            I, too have lost faith in the system, and truly feel if your "group" doesn't have the lobbyists, $'s to "donate", you have little power....even though we have part of the "basic needs" to live...needed even more than oil, or hockey ;-(.
            However, it is our fault...we have not blocked highways, we have not rallied around Parliament Hill, etc..etc. We have been too busy feeding cows, working jobs to keep beef farms alive. Many of the next generation that traditionally helped on the farm, were off making great money in the job market, and you can't blame them.
            However, bottom line is my choice and through it all, I am grateful for what it gave my family...even though I did spend a lot of their inheritance to get through ;-0


              Don't underestimate what you will accomplish in this meeting.

              I'm sure you won't exact any promises for fair treatment from Ritz today, but you never know how your voice will impact processes that are already underway.

              Regardless of what you might think or feel about what you accomplish, you are being responsible for your critical part of democracy and thus have made a positive contribution.


                Well, just got back.....and the world hasn't been changed, leaving that up to the Idle No More movement that is trying to disrupt traffic on one of the busiest highways.
                About 20 people there, we had one hour which included intro's etc. People from all sectors, hog, grain, dairy, retail, etc. Quite cordial and I will admit Minister Ritz was quite well informed on these subjects. I learned a little about our Supply Management I didn’t know…and yes, they do support it. No ad hock financial aid for hog, etc. Personally don’t agree, however…I am not in power…..
                The CFIA shuffle was barely mentioned, PFRA a provincial issue, etc. etc.
                BSE….that is a justice item, will check and get back to me. Gov policy is to fight all litigation. Did bring up suing an entity that wasn’t in existence when some of this happened…Replied that the rules and regs were Gov responsibility, not mine and my neighbors. Left it at my response which was I would like a gov that did the right thing, ethically.
                Could not monopolize, did speak to MP after session. His comment was look how many suffered during the NEP legislation…and they are not going to give them money…..I believe NEP was only a small part of that down turn, a world recession at the same time did more than the NEP.
                Have to run and do some cattle work, will add in bits and pcs along the way, and any info I get back. Will say I probably have more respect for both than when going in, knowledgeable, down to earth and I don’t think I could do the job….but I can still disagree with lots of their actions/policies.
                Later, Larry



                  Interesting that Ritz would say we were suing an entity that didn't exist when the bad stuff went down. We are suing the government of Canada, not the CFIA.

                  Ritz, Justice Canada or the Tooth Fairy handed the file to the CFIA, not us.

                  Minister Ritz is either very badly informed or talking out of his tailpipe yet again.


                    Interesting....will pass that tidbit on when I recieve the update. Will email MP.


                      We were talking to our local Beef Producer's rep yesterday at Ag Days, about the upcoming annual meeting. I made a joke that someone needs to bring up a motion that we demand Mr. Ritz's resignation. His jaw dropped. He said "What? Why? He's doing a super job. Look at all the markets he's opened up for us." Then my jaw dropped. Obviously we haven't been living in the same world.

                      As Hubby stood there and smiled, I proceeded to fill him in on the situation as others see it. He was astounded. He knew nothing about the class action suit, or the events leading up to it. Not a darn thing. But he does now. LOL. It was a real eye opener for him.

                      We did agree, however about how taking the stance that we independent individuals take would be the kiss of death for an organization. Once a mainstream organization brings up an opposing or contentious view with the government, the doors slam shut so fast and so hard that it's game over for them before they know what hit them. They'll never be listened to again. Ya, I know it's called bullying, but that's how it works. You have to play nice, and go along, and maybe someday someone will throw you a crumb. Stand up for yourself, and give a strong opinion on how unhappy you are with the government, and you're on the sidelines.

                      So I told him I understood all that, but that even though the mainstream groups need to keep from being marginalized, that they still need to keep track of what's going on out here in the real world, where marginalizing (is that a real word?) one or two or even a few individuals won't make the issue go away.

                      I just wish I hadn't forgotten the PFRA subject. arghhh... We're going to try and get to the annual meeting, and may have a report back from there.


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