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    So what you're saying Gust is the future
    of WCWG is much like SCGA was?
    Eventually the canola commission got
    tired of funding and duplicating what
    they should have been doing themselves?

    Years to get commissions up? Um, I sure
    hope not. Recycled directors know what
    needs to be done and with millions in
    levy, it won't take long.

    Can't help but think WCWGA days are

    sorry bout the not beat around the bush
    question. But gotta ask.


      Wd9 the commission will be up and at it by June
      in Saskatchewan if Minister Stewart and the
      Agrifood council agree with the implementation
      plan as proposed. What might take years is bold
      policy initiatives.
      It sees to me that once these "recycled directors
      have been around a bit they moderate their
      positions too much and bend sometimes to the
      point of breaking.
      You would know better than I how long it took
      Sask Canola Development to merge with the
      Growers policy group. What was it, 20 years?

      Not saying the Wheat Growers will be around
      forever. We'll be here as long as farmer members
      support us. If farmers are here industry will also
      come along. That is the difference between the
      WG and Sk Canola. They needed commision
      dollars where we have operated for more than 40
      years paying for both sides of the discussion.

      It was mentioned by some that we should just be
      the Western Growers Association, and look at
      commercial farmers policies for all crops. I argued
      capacity issues. Not so much need. We talked
      with a Kansas farmer Paul Penner of NAWG. He
      mentioned that down south their are firewalls that
      prevent levy dollars from being used for policy
      advocacy. They have to use dues for policy.

      I know many, but not all the arguments and
      modify my positions as more facts are known.

      Look forward to the discussions.


        WCWGA days are numbered. what a waste of money. Get rid of them too!!!!


          One common thread of effective lobbying
          is.... money.

          How much effective lobbying can you
          (WCWGA) do if you don't have the
          hundreds of thousands of dollars it
          takes to do effective lobbying?

          Why try to duplicate Grain Growers of
          Canada when you say WCWGA will do
          lobbying? Issues such as CTA, Intl Trade
          etc affect all commodities, they just
          need money to be effective. That money
          will come from levies of provincial
          commissions. How can an organization
          like WCWGA with limited resources
          actually contribute?

          I believe the issue you write of was
          unique to Sask and how those commissions
          were formed, but those issues no longer
          exist as evidenced by SCDC's involvement
          in political lobbying. There was also
          the fear of levy refunds if involved in
          lobbying, but those fears have not
          materialized either. Why should cereals
          be any different?



            Western Barley Growers worked well for many years.

            Good people... ~giving~ time for a ~noble~ purpose...
            can NOT be duplicated.

            Fighting against the 'hand that feeds you'... ~the
            provincial gov's~... is a tough sell... politically correct
            leadership is far too often the result.

            Leadership at its best... is freedom of choice to
            dream... and then following through to make those
            dreams come true.

            You support AWC Wd9... be my guest... they are
            politically correct X2.



              What i read from gust's posts are that the member are enuring they have another meeting to go to, to collect some per diems.

              A sask wheat commission - to collect dues? WTF?

              Why not just ask the minister of ag to get some of the overpayments of freight sent to the commission - get a huge surplus - and then budget it like an annuity to run the commision.

              We don't get our money back in reduced freight rates, instead the overpayment goes to the WGRF. Get some of that money apportioned to you for the wheat commission dinner fund.


                WD9 I agree with your point about dollars.They are needed, and thats why we are always looking for new members. GGC is an effective lobby group. Yet they are an umbrella organization. they need strong membership to be effective.

                Where I think we differ is the time frame. I don't have supreme confidence in the commissions to do the right thing on policy. Remember when the Manitoba Canola Growers decided to poll their members on selling Canola through the single market CWB. I cant remember if the Saskatchewan or Alberta commissions took a public position. I'm going to guess not.

                We have a strong working relationship with the Federal Government. As well as the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. We don't have the same influence with Manitoba Ag.
                Who do you suppose the Federal NDP will go to for policy if the conservatives stumble? I imagine that the commissions will play nice, they have to pick their battles.

                Another point I have heard on the Canadian Canola Growers is that they use the money earned on managing the Canola Cash advance to advocate policy. R&D and Market Development is handled by commissions. Is this accurate? Wheat/Cereals dont have this option.


                  Not sure on your point about WGRF. The Wheat Growers are a member around the table.

                  At the Wheat grower Edmonton meeting I heard more about completely eliminating the revenue cap. These people argued that with increasing Oil and Potash Grains need to be able to compete more.
                  I argued with the Duopoly of rail we still need a check valve to prevent gouging.
                  Your point about per diems and loving to go to more meetings doesn't deserve a reply.

                  Let us know how you want to run things, show up to some meetings make some calls advocate for change. Don't just snipe from behind a computer it doesn't help.



                    I am not sniping from behind a computer, you know who I am and you know how to get ahold of me as well.

                    Its your job to get ideas. If you don't like mine then don't ask. As far as making phone calls, I do lots of that and I don't need to have my name attached to a group or an idea. I like to put the idea ideas forward and someone else can run with it.

                    I just gave you one. Get the money from an apportionment of the overage of the rail cap. western grain research fund (WGRF) I think is where the overpayment of the rail cap currently goes.

                    The rail cap is a great way to fund a commission (if, in fact, saskatchewan farmers need one. Personally I don't think we need another checkoff) until it is eliminated. I am not sure I have seen any value from the millions of dollars that has been siphoned off to the WGRF through an overpayment of the rail cap.

                    The check offs have to be refundable.

                    The commission you are setting up should have there policies available soon. I will take a look at them and comment on the deficiencies, if you like.

                    Most would think there should be some efficiencies created by consolidating all these groups. Less administration and meeting, more bite to the policy.

                    Joint running rights for the rail would help and if you guys are so tight with the current governments maybe that would be a first policy step to get the railroads smartened up.

                    Potash is a fraction of grain movement and fewer points to serve. Grain gets used as filler work for the railways - that has to change.


                      Bucket you should investigate your statement
                      about potash being a fraction of grain shipments
                      .When at a conf this summer the spokesman for
                      PCS stated that potash is projected to increase
                      from 8mil tons to 33 in the next 5 to 7 years. This
                      is a company that owns its own cars and fixes
                      them ,owns the unload facility and the boats that
                      transport the product . The only thing they don't
                      own is the engines and track all with no revenue
                      cap .If you ran CN and CP whos product would
                      you haul . Your handle is appropriate cause
                      hanging a bucket of wheat on a potash car might
                      be the quickest way to get our grain to the coast
                      in the future .


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