ASRG, the cows did really well actually because the
grass quality is the best we have ever had. It is still
really green under there as a result of it keeping on
growing later than usual. It was cold before Christmas
but snow conditions were fine. The last week or so
were challenging as it was getting up to my knees
then with the thaw it got hard pretty quick.
I have some pictures and a video I'd post if this site
wasn't set up by the Flintstones - Kato care to explain
the posting photo/video deal again?
We'll push the silage to them now as they are in their
3rd trimester. I always have straw available and that
lets me control how much silage I'm feeding. I'll
probably aim for 5lbs consumption of straw/day on
the heifers/young cows and 8-10lbs on the mature
cows as the silage is lower protein than usual.
Including yardage I figure $1.60/day to feed silage
but with the daily feeding/moveable
feedbunks/windbreaks this system uses that allows
us to cover quite a lot of ground in terms of land
grass quality is the best we have ever had. It is still
really green under there as a result of it keeping on
growing later than usual. It was cold before Christmas
but snow conditions were fine. The last week or so
were challenging as it was getting up to my knees
then with the thaw it got hard pretty quick.
I have some pictures and a video I'd post if this site
wasn't set up by the Flintstones - Kato care to explain
the posting photo/video deal again?
We'll push the silage to them now as they are in their
3rd trimester. I always have straw available and that
lets me control how much silage I'm feeding. I'll
probably aim for 5lbs consumption of straw/day on
the heifers/young cows and 8-10lbs on the mature
cows as the silage is lower protein than usual.
Including yardage I figure $1.60/day to feed silage
but with the daily feeding/moveable
feedbunks/windbreaks this system uses that allows
us to cover quite a lot of ground in terms of land