Those that have been dragged to court were like asking for trouble, what does it hurt to work with the system, rather than fighting it?
Good Doggy---If that statement refers to my case of going to a Tribunal I want to clarify that I was the one that forced the CFIA into the Courtroom and other cattlemen that took the same avenue did the same.
When a system does not listen to CS---Common sense, than that is grounds to go to a hearing and bring out the proper evidence so that changes can be made.
Again if you are not familiar with "hearings" that take place when it is time for Closing arguments in a case like this that is when comments can be made for submitting corrections on what could be done to make the system better.
Some of those recommendations are now being commented in SEAN's post on this thread earlier.
Good Doggy---If that statement refers to my case of going to a Tribunal I want to clarify that I was the one that forced the CFIA into the Courtroom and other cattlemen that took the same avenue did the same.
When a system does not listen to CS---Common sense, than that is grounds to go to a hearing and bring out the proper evidence so that changes can be made.
Again if you are not familiar with "hearings" that take place when it is time for Closing arguments in a case like this that is when comments can be made for submitting corrections on what could be done to make the system better.
Some of those recommendations are now being commented in SEAN's post on this thread earlier.