The zoning arrangement will apply to F&M as the
agreement is currently written - that is what both
parties are signing up to. You think the US will
consider themselves contaminated if we get cases in
western Canada? The BSE experience would indicate
The vaccine route is not as simple as it sounds. It's
not like starting to vaccinate everything with an 8-
way. The outbreak has to happen first, then you try
work out which of the 7 strains it is, then produce the
vaccine in the volume you need and then get it to the
animals needing it. It seems to mutate as well which
further complicates things. Politically it doesn't help
you much as exports would still be banned.
Here is a thought on us being in together on this with
the Americans. Remember the beef production/usage
in the two countries - the US could very easily close
it's borders and instead of exporting consume the
product at home. That would be an easy choice for
them in the case of an f&m outbreak which they could
treat with vaccine. We are dependant on exports so
we are so much more vunerable to trade
disputes/border closures etc.
agreement is currently written - that is what both
parties are signing up to. You think the US will
consider themselves contaminated if we get cases in
western Canada? The BSE experience would indicate
The vaccine route is not as simple as it sounds. It's
not like starting to vaccinate everything with an 8-
way. The outbreak has to happen first, then you try
work out which of the 7 strains it is, then produce the
vaccine in the volume you need and then get it to the
animals needing it. It seems to mutate as well which
further complicates things. Politically it doesn't help
you much as exports would still be banned.
Here is a thought on us being in together on this with
the Americans. Remember the beef production/usage
in the two countries - the US could very easily close
it's borders and instead of exporting consume the
product at home. That would be an easy choice for
them in the case of an f&m outbreak which they could
treat with vaccine. We are dependant on exports so
we are so much more vunerable to trade
disputes/border closures etc.