All you lease holders mabey I could sell you the Saddledome I dont own it but what has that got to do withanything.
I cant see how these things got turned into money trees , Years ago people rented grass for a few cows or just to keep the neibour from getting it but how did they get the right to lease well sites to oil companies ? You cant re lease to your neibour to run cows on rules is they have to belong to the leaseholder.
Where there is free money there will always be freeloaders looking to pick it up. Hell there is an lease holder here that sells sand from the lease, gov says alright because the crown still gets royalties?? Another one 5 1/4 lease With pads $70 thou, 2 other 300 cows leases oil pays all costs plus. Tell me again its not welfare youall just got to the head of the line is all. And no doubt pay a pretty PC contribution.
I cant see how these things got turned into money trees , Years ago people rented grass for a few cows or just to keep the neibour from getting it but how did they get the right to lease well sites to oil companies ? You cant re lease to your neibour to run cows on rules is they have to belong to the leaseholder.
Where there is free money there will always be freeloaders looking to pick it up. Hell there is an lease holder here that sells sand from the lease, gov says alright because the crown still gets royalties?? Another one 5 1/4 lease With pads $70 thou, 2 other 300 cows leases oil pays all costs plus. Tell me again its not welfare youall just got to the head of the line is all. And no doubt pay a pretty PC contribution.