Fair enough mufferaw; however the idea that a little wont hurt anyone is not cutting it in the informed consumers eye.
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Dumb question
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How fitting in a thread entitled "Dumb question" that
someone would come up with an epic statement like:
"The beef industry has wanted to take out implants
for years but the conumer won't pay for the lost
Why the hell should the consumer pay for the "lost
production"? they buy their beef by the pound and
can choose to buy implanted beef or non-implanted
beef. This sense of entitlement and dumbness that
surrounds the "commodity beef" sector is what will
take beef down the road of commodity pork.
Let's not kid ourselves though ranchers using
implants on their calves do it because they want to
make more money. Feedlots use implants because
they want to use more money. Packers buy and
market beef that has been implanted because they
want to make money. What's missing here is
consideration of what the consumer wants. In
increasing numbers they don't want implanted beef.
It really doesn't matter what the "sound science" says
- in a world with plenty beef the customer is king -
Implants are really rather old news though - there is a
bigger, more immediate problem just waiting to hit
the headlines and come into the beef consuming
Seeing as how links never work on this archaic site
Google "Slate why beef is becoming more like
This article out of the US discusses Zilmax their
version of Ractopamine. Another sorry tale of how the
feedlot "has" to use this drug because it makes them
$30 a head extra and if they didn't the other feedlots
would gain the advantage. The packers "have" to use
it to make $60 a head more and they can't afford not
too or their competitors would gain an advantage.
Can't anybody see the shortsighted stupidity of this
when the product has potential to seriously damage
consumer confidence and enjoyment of the beef
product they purchase?
Dumb, dumb, dumb!!
It's good for my own beef retailing business but I
think it is suicidal for the beef sector as a whole to go
down this "race to the bottom/ lowest common
denominator for quality" road on a meat product that
is already priced high compared to its competitors.
Better yet Jeff, head on into Safeway or Costco or Co-op where the old ladies are buying strictly based on price. Probably safer for you there. Some of the people in our shop are down right angry. Doubt if the retail superstore buyers will trust your brand of bull shit either but they will agree with you when you tell them you are doing everything possible to supply them with cheap beef.
Back in the 90's I made the decision to never implant anymore calves.
First of all, it wasn't because it didn't work....it actually did!
I got sick of 400 hundred pound heifers bulling..........and little steers roaring around like bulls!
I remember thinking "How can this be good?"
Secondly....I don't think I was getting paid for the extra pounds I was putting on? Add that up with the pain in the butt of implanting........and I came to the conclusion that I was going "green"........not because I believed I was saving the world....but because it wasn't worth it!
I know...I'm a money grubbing sinner.
Randy I am sure you have great product in your stores and I will come in some day. But you are simply taking advantage of hysteria creating by misrepresentation in the media of the facts in regards to modern agricultural production. You cater to a group of consumers who have bought in to this so just good marketing on your part. The product is no better and the success lies in the fact you are giving this group what they want. Thats great!! Why do you insist though, on crapping on everything else just because it is produced differently?
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