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grassing steers?

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    grassing steers?

    Scenario: 320 acres of pastureland,
    fenced reasonably well with 4 wire barb.
    High rainfall area, lots of grass, at
    least in the open areas. 130 of the 320
    acres open, 190 bush and water/lake.

    Grainfarmer wants to throw in some
    steers at 500 lbs in the spring.

    How many? How much gain in 150 days? Is
    there money in it? No one wants to rent
    the land, most guys around have been
    long out of cattle. Could a guy not make
    750 dollar calves into 900 dollar calves
    come fall, barring a market collapse?

    Should I do it? I asked a similar
    question a couple years ago, most
    responses were quite negative. Honest
    opinions, please...

    I think your timing is better this time around - every
    indication is cattle prices in the fall will be higher
    than they are now. Saying that I absolutely wouldn't
    take the risk without having the cattle contracted or
    forward priced in the fall. I think there is real
    opportunity to buy cattle now but you would have to
    keep them and feed them until May. Hard to guess
    the carrying capacity without knowing the
    area/land/how much grass there is in the bush. If I
    was doing it I'd plan on running cattle for about 120
    days - sell mid September. If you don't overstock you
    should get 1.8-2lbs/ day of gain.


      First of all .Where are you located?
      Several ways to do this .Daily rate
      Per lbs gain .Currently steers can be
      contracted for as high as $1.39 @ 900 lbs
      del. off grass .You may have to hook
      up with someone who has cattle or knows the business .These deals are usually only
      as good as the people involved .


        Freewheat what happened to your sheep plan?


          Hey allfarmer. The sheep are a go, but in
          the interim, and whilst I build fences,
          and grow my flock, I want to maximize my
          land useage until such time as I have a
          large enough flock size.


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