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New COOL deception?

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    It's not about holding onto my money for the sake of
    saving it - I just don't want to give it to an
    organisation that will use it against my best interests
    as they have so consistently done in recent years.
    End of the day ABP/CCA can talk all they like about
    negotiating with the US but truth is Canada has no
    bargaining chips in this game. We have allowed the
    Canadian beef sector to be totally focussed on
    slipping product in the US back door ashamed to
    promote it as Canadian. When Uncle Sam no longer
    needs it for whatever reason - oops, sorry Canada
    you are SOL.


      In addition to GF notes happy trails. Our effforts to open markets in China and other parts of the world without a cent of ABP / CCA money will reward you if you stay in the industry long enough and choose to go another route than sucking the American tit.


        In the article I read the CCA wasn't doing anything....nor was the ABP? It was the pork council doing the talking.
        Happytrails: Don't send the $100....Gerry Ritz has all kinds of money to piss away! Just yesterday, at the Canadian Taxpayers "Teddy Awards", Gerry and Canada Agriculture won an award for doling out $896,000 to a Vancouver firm to research how to make a sausage that won't explode! Your tax dollars hard at work!


          More details of Gerry Ritzes INITIATIVES.

          Quote: Harper Government Invests in Meat Processing Innovation

          Brampton, Ontario, August 14, 2012 –An Ontario meat processing company is developing new innovative products with the help of investments from the Harper Government. Parliamentary Secretary Pierre Lemieux (Glengarry-Prescott-Russell), on behalf of Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz, announced today an investment for Cardinal Meat Specialists Ltd. towards the purchase of new equipment for the manufacturing of sausage at its facility in Brampton, Ontario.

          "Our government is focused on jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity, and promoting competitiveness is integral to a healthy economy," said Mr. Lemieux. "This investment will support Cardinal Meat Specialists Ltd. in expanding their operations by developing a new product to meet growing market demands and increase their competitiveness."

          Cardinal Meat Specialists produces high quality meat products for distribution to retail markets. This investment of more than $826,000 will help the company purchase new manufacturing equipment that will produce a higher quality sausage that is more resistant to splitting or bursting while cooking. The company, to its knowledge, will be the first to apply the technology in Canada.

          These business improvements will allow the company to introduce a new product to the market, increase production and sales, and support the creation of new jobs. Enhanced production also means an increase in the company's procurement of Canadian beef, pork, and wheat, profiting domestic farmers.

          "The AgriProcessing Initiative fits perfectly with Cardinal's philosophy of striving to lead our industry in the generation of useful innovation, and will help Cardinal develop niche products, stimulate competitiveness in, and expand, the Canadian agri-processing marketplace," said Brent Cator, President. "This program supports strong leaders such as Cardinal and further develops Canada's role in sustainable, long-term growth strategies in market segments."

          This investment is being delivered by the AgriProcessing Initiative, a five-year, up to $50-million initiative designed to enhance the competitiveness of the agri-processing sector in Canada. It provides support to existing companies for projects that involve the adoption of innovative and new-to-company manufacturing technologies and processes that are essential to sustaining and improving the sector's position in today's global marketplace. For more information on this program, visit www.agr.gc.ca/api.


            And for another look at the aforementioned Cardinal Meat Specialists, go to this URL: http://www.inspection.gc.ca/food/consumer-centre/food-safety-investigations/cardinal-meat-specialists/q-a/eng/1355630340312/1355630467952?chap=0

            Interesting coincidence.


              1. Heat pan.

              2. Put sausage in pan.

              3. Poke a couple of holes in sausage.

              4. Please send me my cheque for $826,000.


                If I knew it was that easy to become an almost millionaire, I'd have patented that top secret process years ago.

                I guess the Dragon's Den threw those guys out on their ears?

                dumb dumb dumb... Not sure what's dumber, spending that kind of money on sausage explosion prevention, or thinking that anyone actually cares. Are we that lazy that we can't even cook breakfast any more if it means actually watching them cook?


                  Apparently gerry Ritz is really, really,
                  really pissed at the amerikins fer their
                  unfair trade practise. The amerikins said
                  Fu to Comedia on coool. Hope ritz has a
                  blood pressure spike and blows an aorta,
                  eh! Heil Harper, f ritz........


                    So Ritz blew a bunch of money on baloney. Don't see how it follows that he must then have money to contest COOL. He might have spent his wad. In any case we need to be the master of our own destiny. I sent the cheque to CCA. I hope some others do too.


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