This is a good link today
They talk about the effect that the US sequestration process may have on processing. Basically the US is running with no
cash and has to slow/halt services. They suggest that delays in inspection may back up production 30 or 40 pounds per
head and put a real drag on the market.
Additionally, my market reports so far this week have shown feeder cattle continuing to back off, despite predictions for
a bump as we get closer to grass. There is potential to lock in a profit using FPIP in Alberta if there is grass
available. I kind of am wondering if there is not much grass that isn't planned for a disk.
They talk about the effect that the US sequestration process may have on processing. Basically the US is running with no
cash and has to slow/halt services. They suggest that delays in inspection may back up production 30 or 40 pounds per
head and put a real drag on the market.
Additionally, my market reports so far this week have shown feeder cattle continuing to back off, despite predictions for
a bump as we get closer to grass. There is potential to lock in a profit using FPIP in Alberta if there is grass
available. I kind of am wondering if there is not much grass that isn't planned for a disk.