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Non-GMO Corn Superior to GM Corn

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    Non-GMO Corn Superior to GM Corn

    Full article link:
    A quote from article:

    "Non-GMO Corn 20x Richer in Nutrition than
    GMO Corn
    The 2012 report, entitled 2012 Nutritional
    Analysis: Comparison of GMO Corn versus Non-
    GMO Corn, found numerous concerning and
    notable differences between GMO and non-GMO
    corn, none of which are particularly surprising.
    First, the report found that non-GMO corn has
    considerably more calcium, magnesium,
    manganese, potassium, iron, and zinc.
    • Non-GMO corn has 6130 ppm of calcium while
    GMO corn has 14 – non-GMO corn has 437 times
    more calcium.
    • Non-GMO corn has 113 ppm of magnesium
    while GMO corn has 2 – non-GMO corn has
    about 56 times more magnesium.
    • Non-GMO corn has 113 ppm of potassium while
    GMO corn has 7 – non-GMO corn has 16 times
    more potassium.
    • Non-GMO corn has 14 ppm of manganese while
    GMO corn has 2 – non-GMO corn has 7 times
    more manganese."

    See full article for details on toxins found in GMO

    One has to worry about toxic levels too. Whhen levels are reported to be (comparatively) so low; it brings suspicion on the test results levels reported from the supposed non-GMO samples too.

    This smells really bad. In fact it has to be nonsense and isn't even worth questioning.


      Finally some "food" with next to no nutritional value?????


        This situation is rampant oneoff. Every time "we" use a non natural process to speed up growth and think about profit over nutrition and ultimately compassion fro man kind, "we" compromise nutritional quality. Chemical fertilisers, and my personal favorite, bovine hormonal growth implants and now our infamous beta agonist ractopamine, are all doing the same thing.

        A pathetic situation that can be rectified from the grassroots of our North American agricultural industry.

        And any of you ABP/CCA boys who want to talk about agriculture's inability to feed a growing population on earth without the chemicals can come down to the parking lot at my office to discuss that bullshit in person.

        It just simply pisses me off.


          rk.....I'm afraid that no matter how rational, nor how reasonable you word our arguments....the majority will counter argue based on beliefs, faith and testimonials which should be given the small credability that they deserve.

          As someone once said "you can't win at any level... they will drag you down to their levels and beat you with their experience.

          And hardly a shred of factual evidence will ever be produced from those "believers".


            Gotta love all of the "science based" rhetoric.......as if they never made a mistake!


              Soooo....tell us where the "mistakes" are in this supposed story about GMO corn nutrient content.

              First give a definition of a mistake. Downright propaganda and false test results just don't count .... or do you claim they fall under firmly held beliefs (and maybe even some faith principle).


                Comparison of the Nutritional Profile of Glyphosate-Tolerant
                Corn Event NK603 with That of Conventional Corn
                (Zea mays L.)
                Product Safety Center, Monsanto Company, 800 North Lindbergh Boulevard,
                St. Louis, Missouri 63167, and Covance Laboratories, Inc., 3301 Kinsman Boulevard,
                Madison, Wisconsin 53704
                The composition of glyphosate-tolerant (Roundup Ready) corn event NK603 was compared with
                that of conventional corn grown in the United States in 1998 and in the European Union in 1999 to
                assess compositional equivalence. Grain and forage samples were collected from both replicated
                and nonreplicated field trials, and compositional analyses were performed to measure proximates,
                fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamin E, nine minerals, phytic acid, trypsin inhibitor, and secondary
                metabolites in grain as well as proximates and fiber in forage. Statistical analysis of the data was
                conducted to assess statistical significance at the p < 0.05 level. The values for all of the biochemical
                components assessed for corn event NK603 were similar to those of the nontransgenic control or
                were within the published range observed for nontransgenic commercial corn hybrids. In addition,
                the compositional profile of Roundup Ready corn event NK603 was compared with that of traditional
                corn hybrids grown in Europe by calculating a 99% tolerance interval to describe compositional
                variability in the population of traditional corn varieties in the marketplace. These comparisons, together
                with the history of the safe use of corn as a common component of animal feed and human food,
                support the conclusion that Roundup Ready corn event NK603 is compositionally equivalent to, and
                as safe and nutritious as, conventional corn hybrids grown commercially today.
                KEYWORDS: Corn (Zea mays L.); glyphosate tolerant; composition; nutritional profile
                Herbicide tolerance has been introduced, through genetic
                modification, into a number of crops including corn. Glyphosate,
                the active ingredient in the Roundup family (Roundup, Roundup
                Ultra and Roundup Ready are registered trademarks of Monsanto
                Technology LLC) of agricultural herbicides, is one of
                the most widely used herbicides in the world. Since 1996,
                glyphosate-tolerant or Roundup Ready crops have been developed
                and commercialized for soybean (Glycine max) (1, 2),
                canola (Brassica napus), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) (3), and
                corn (Zea mays L.) (4). Glyphosate is highly effective against
                the majority of annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaf
                weeds and has superior environmental and toxicological characteristics,
                such as rapid soil binding (resistance to leaching)
                and biodegradation (which decreases persistence), as well as
                extremely low toxicity to mammals, birds, and fish (5).
                Roundup Ready corn event NK603 (corn event NK603) was
                produced by the stable insertion of two gene cassettes that
                express 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthases from
                Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 (CP4 EPSPS). Corn event NK603
                differs from Roundup Ready corn event GA21 that expresses a
                modified corn EPSPS (mEPSPS) (4). The cp4 epsps genes from
                Agrobacterium sp. strain CP4 have been completely sequenced
                and encode 47.6 kDa proteins consisting of a single polypeptide
                of 455 amino acids (6). The CP4 EPSPS proteins are
                functionally similar to plant EPSPS enzymes but have a much
                reduced affinity for glyphosate. Glyphosate acts by inhibition
                of EPSPS, an enzyme involved in the shikimic acid pathway
                for aromatic acid biosynthesis in plants and microorganisms (7).
                EPSPS is present in plants, bacteria, and fungi but not in animals
                (8). In plants, EPSPS is localized in the chloroplasts or plastids
                (9). Expression of CP4 EPSPS fused to a chloroplast transit
                peptide enables targeting of this protein to the chloroplast,
                thereby conferring glyphosate tolerance to the corn plant while
                meeting the plant’s needs for the production of aromatic amino
                acids. A comprehensive safety assessment of CP4 EPSPS protein
                has been described in the literature (10).
                The safety assessment of foods or feeds derived from
                genetically enhanced crops addresses two major sources of
                potential health consequences: (1) those due to the activity and
                * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed [telephone (314)
                694-8441; fax (314) 694-8562; e-mail william.p.ridley@monsanto.com].
                † Monsanto Co.
                ‡ Covance Laboratories, Inc.
                J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002, 50, 7235-7243 7235
                10.1021/jf0205662 CCC: $22.00 © 2002 American Chemical Society
                Published on Web 10/30/2002
                presence of the introduced trait (most often a protein) and (2)
                those due to the characteristics of the resulting food or feed
                crop plant (11). It was necessary for food and feed safety
                evaluation of corn event NK603 to determine if any significant
                changes in the nutritional profile of the crop resulted from the
                insertion of the cp4 epsps genes into the corn genome or from
                the presence of the CP4 EPSPS proteins. Because safety
                assessment of crops has the advantage that comparisons can be
                made to traditional crops, in a process referred to as substantial
                equivalence [World Health Organization (WHO; 12, 13), United
                Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO; 14), and
                Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
                (OECD; 15-17)], the purpose of this study was to evaluate the
                nutritional profile of corn event NK603 compared with that of
                a nontransgenic control of similar genetic background as well
                as with those of traditional corn hybrids available in the United
                States and the European Union.
                Corn Samples for Compositional Analysis. Grain and forage
                samples were collected from field trials conducted in 1998 and 1999.
                In 1998 corn was grown at six nonreplicated trials in the United States
                (Richland, IA; Webster City, IA; Bagley, IA; Carlyle, IL; Indianapolis,
                IN; and Andale, KS) and three replicated trials (Jerseyville, IL; New
                Holland, OH; and Claude, TX). Corn event NK603 (containing the
                cp4 epsps genes) in an LH82 inbred background was crossed with the
                nontransgenic inbred, B73, to form the test hybrid. A hybrid formed
                from the cross of two related nontrangenic inbreds, LH82 and B73,
                both of which lacked the cp4 epsps gene, was used as the control. For
                the nonreplicated sites, corn event NK603 was planted in one plot at
                each site and the control was planted in a second plot. For the replicated
                sites, corn event NK603 and its control were planted in a randomized
                complete block design with four blocks or replications. The NK603
                plots were treated with three applications of Roundup Ultra at preemergence,
                at early postemergence (V4-V6 stage), and at late
                postemergence (V8 to 30 in. tall, whichever came first). The genetic
                purity of the Roundup Ready corn plants was maintained by bagging
                the tassels and ear shoots at anthesis and self-pollinating each plant by
                hand. Forage was collected at the late dough/early dent stage, and grain
                was collected at normal kernel maturity. The forage and grain from
                the Texas site were not representative of the test and control hybrids
                due to above normal temperatures, below normal rainfall, and a disease
                infestation with Ustilago maydis. Grain from the Kansas site was also
                of poor quality and poor yield caused by weather and Ustilago
                infestation. Consequently, these samples from both the Texas and
                Kansas sites were not used for compositional analysis. Forage and grain
                samples were ground to a fine powder in the presence of dry ice and
                maintained frozen until required for compositional analysis. The identity
                of forage samples was based on sample-handling records and CP4
                EPSPS enzyme-linked immunosorbed assay (ELISA) analyses. The
                identity of the grain samples was based on sample-handling records,
                CP4 EPSPS ELISA, and Southern blot analyses of genomic DNA
                isolated from the grain.
                In 1999, grain and forage samples were collected from four replicated
                field sites in the European Union (EU) at Germignonville, Janville,
                and L’Isle Jourdain, France, and at Banarola, Italy. Corn event NK603
                was the test hybrid, and the related nontransgenic hybrid was the control
                in these trials. In addition to the test and control corn hybrids, a total
                of 19 different conventional, commercial hybrids (five per site with
                one hybrid planted at two sites) were planted as references. The
                conventional, commercial hybrids with the supplier noted in parentheses
                were Chantal, Oural, Rival, Liberal, Radial, Total, and Tevere (Asgrow);
                Alvina, Cecilia, Kelada, and Balka (Pioneer); Aramis and Santos
                (Dekalb); DK312 and DK300 (Ragt); Anjou 285 (Angevin); Banguy
                (Nickerson); Cherif (Verneuil semences); and Capitol (Maisadour). The
                EU replicated trials contained four replications of the test and control
                plots and were based on a randomized complete block design at the
                L’Isle Jourdain, France, and Banarola, Italy, sites. Due to space
                limitations at the Germingnonville and Janville sites in France, the test
                and control lines were not planted in the same block, and therefore an
                incomplete block design was used for these two sites. A single
                postemergent application of Roundup herbicide (MON 52276) at the
                V4-V6 stage was made to plots containing Roundup Ready corn plants.
                The genetic purity of plants was maintained, and forage and grain
                samples collected as described for the 1998 U.S. field trials.
                Compositional Analyses. Compositional analyses were conducted
                to measure proximates (protein, fat, ash, carbohydrate, and moisture),
                acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), amino acids,
                fatty acids, minerals (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
                phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc), vitamin E, phytic acid, and
                trypsin inhibitor contents of grain. Proximates, ADF, and NDF contents
                were measured in forage. The secondary metabolites, ferulic acid,
                p-coumaric acid, 2-furaldehyde, and raffinose, were measured in grain.
                All compositional analyses were performed at Covance Laboratories,
                Inc. (Madison, WI). Brief descriptions of the procedures used are given
                Proximate Analysis. Protein levels were estimated by determining
                the total nitrogen content using the Kjeldahl method, as previously
                described (18, 19). Protein was calculated from total nitrogen using
                the formula N  6.25. Fat content of the grain was estimated by using
                the Soxhlet extraction method (20). Fat content of forage was
                determined by fat-acid hydrolysis, followed by extraction with ether
                and hexane (21, 22).
                Ash content was estimated by ignition of a sample in an electric
                furnace and quantitation of the ash by gravimetric analysis (23).
                Moisture content was determined by loss of weight upon drying in a
                vacuum oven at 100 °C to a constant weight (24, 25). Carbohydrate
                levels were estimated by using the fresh weight-derived data and the
                following equation (26):
                Fiber Analysis. ADF was estimated by treating the sample with an
                acidic boiling detergent solution to dissolve the protein, carbohydrate,
                and ash. An acetone wash removed the fats and pigments. The
                lignocellulose fraction was collected and determined gravimetrically
                (27). The NDF was estimated by treating the sample with a neutral
                boiling detergent solution to dissolve the protein, enzymes, carbohydrate,
                and ash. An acetone wash removed the fats and pigments.
                Hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin fractions were collected and
                determined gravimetrically (27, 28).
                Minerals. To estimate the levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium,
                manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc, inductively
                coupled plasma emission spectrometry was used as described in AOAC
                methods (29, 30) and the literature method of Dahlquist et al. (31).
                The sample was dried, precharred, and ashed overnight at 500 °C.
                The ashed sample was treated with hydrochloric acid, taken to dryness,
                and placed in a solution of 5% (v/v) hydrochloric acid. The amount of
                each element was determined at appropriate wavelengths by comparing
                the emission of the unknown sample, measured by the inductively
                coupled plasma, with the emission of a standard solution.
                Amino Acid Composition. Three procedures described in the literature
                (32) were used to estimate the values for 18 amino acids in corn grain.
                The procedure for tryptophan required a base hydrolysis with sodium
                hydroxide. The sulfur-containing amino acids required an oxidation
                with performic acid before hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid. Analysis
                of the samples for the remaining amino acids was accomplished through
                direct hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid. The individual amino acids
                were then quantitated using an automated amino acid analyzer.
                Fatty Acid Composition. The lipid in the grain samples was extracted
                and saponified with 0.5 N sodium hydroxide in methanol. The
                saponification mixture was methylated with 14% boron trifluoride/
                methanol. The resulting methyl esters were extracted with heptane
                containing an internal standard. The methyl esters of the fatty acids
                were analyzed by gas chromatography using external standards for
                quantitation (33).
                Vitamin E. Vitamin E in grain was determined following saponification
                to break down any fat and release the vitamin as described by
                % carbohydrate )
                100% - (% protein % fat % ash % moisture)
                7236 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 25, 2002 Ridley et al.
                Cort et al. (34). The saponified mixture was extracted with ethyl ether
                and then quantitated directly by high-performance liquid chromatography
                (HPLC) on a silica gel column.
                Phytic Acid. Phytic acid was quantitated in grain following extraction
                using ultrasonication as described by Lehrfeld (35, 36). Purification
                and concentration of the extract was conducted using a silica-based
                anion exchange (SAX) column followed by quantitation using a polymer
                HPLC column (PRP-1, 5 ím, 150  4.1 mm) fitted with a refractive
                index detector.
                Trypsin Inhibitor. Trypsin inhibitor activity in grain was determined
                using AOCS method Ba 12-75 (37). The ground, defatted sample was
                suspended in dilute sodium hydroxide, an appropriate dilution of the
                suspension was made, and a series of aliquots resulting in increased
                levels of the diluted suspension was mixed with trypsin and the synthetic
                substrate, benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide. After 10 min, the action
                of trypsin was stopped by the addition of acetic acid, the mixture was
                centrifuged or filtered, and the absorbance of the supernatant or filtrate
                was measured at 410 nm. Trypsin inhibitor activity was calculated from
                the change in absorbance versus aliquot volume and expressed in trypsin
                inhibitor units (TIU) per milligram of fresh weight of sample.
                Ferulic and p-Coumaric Acids. Ferulic and p-coumaric acids were
                assayed in grain using the method of Hagerman and Nicholson (38),
                in which the samples were extracted with methanol and the extracts
                were hydrolyzed using 4 N sodium hydroxide, neutralized, and filtered.
                The levels of ferulic and p-coumaric acid were determined by reversedphase
                HPLC with UV detection. The limit of quantitation based on
                fresh weight was 5.0 ppm for both analytes.
                2-Furaldehyde. The levels of 2-furaldehyde were determined using
                the method of Albala-Hurtado et al. (39), in which the corn grain was
                extracted with 4% trichloroacetic acid, centrifuged, filtered, concentrated,
                and analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC with UV detection. The
                limit of quantitation for 2-furaldehyde was 0.5 ppm based on fresh
                Raffinose. The raffinose assay was based on two methods (40, 41)
                in which the grain samples were extracted with deionized water and
                the extracts were treated with a solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride
                in pyridine containing phenyl-R-D-glucoside as an internal standard.
                The resulting oximes were converted to silyl derivatives by treatment
                with hexamethyldisilazane and trifluoroacetic acid and analyzed by gas
                chromatography with flame ionization detection.
                Statistical Analysis of Composition Data. The following 15
                analytes with >50% of the observations at or below the limit of
                quantitation of the assay were excluded from statistical analysis:
                sodium, 8:0 caprylic acid, 10:0 capric acid, 12:0 lauric acid, 14:0
                myristic acid, 14:1 myristoleic acid, 15:0 pentadecanoic acid, 15:1
                pentadecenoic acid, 16:1 palmitoleic acid, 17:0 heptadecanoic acid, 17:1
                heptadecenoic acid, 18:3 ç-linolenic acid, 20:2 eicosadienoic acid, 20:3
                eicosatrienoic acid, and 20:4 arachidonic acid. Except for moisture, all
                component values were converted from a fresh weight to a dry weight
                basis (Tables 1-5). A total of 51 components were evaluated (7 in
                forage and 44 in grain) in both 1998 and 1999. The 44 components in
                grain resulted from the difference between the initial 59 components
                minus the 15 components having levels below the limit of quantitation.
                In addition to the nutritional components, the secondary metabolites
                ferulic acid, p-courmaric acid, and raffinose were analyzed in grain.
                The levels of 2-furaldehyde were below the limit of quantitation of
                the method (<0.5 ppm) in all samples, and therefore this secondary
                metabolite was not statistically analyzed.
                Table 1. Fiber, Mineral, and Proximate Composition of Grain from Corn Event NK603
                1998a 1999b
                commercial hybridse
                tolerance intervalf
                protein 12.20 12.60 12.07 11.34 6.84, 14.57 (6.0-12.0)i
                (10.30-14.77) (11.02-14.84) (10.23-13.92) (10.13-13.05) (7.77-12.99) (9.7-16.1)j (9.0-13.6)
                total fat 3.61 3.67 4.16k 3.60 1.55, 5.75 (3.1-5.7)i
                (2.92-3.94) (2.88-4.13) (3.87-4.48) (3.24-3.84) (2.57-4.95) (2.9-6.1)j (2.4-4.2)
                ash 1.45 1.49 1.38 1.34 0.77, 2.22
                (1.28-1.62) (1.32-1.75) (1.23-1.65) (1.25-1.50) (1.02-1.94) (1.1-3.9)i (1.2-1.8)
                ADFl 3.72 3.60 3.21 3.03 1.96, 4.71
                (3.14-5.17) (2.79-4.28) (2.63-3.87) (2.30-3.68) (2.46-6.33) (3.3-4.3)i (3.1-5.3)
                NDFl 10.06 10.00 10.08 10.57 7.26, 14.64
                (7.89-12.53) (8.25-15.42) (8.50-12.00) (9.35-11.63) (8.45-14.75) (8.3-11.9)i (9.6-15.3)
                carbohydrates 82.76 82.29 82.39 83.73 79.38, 88.91 not reported
                (80.71-84.33) (80.23-83.70) (80.49-84.57) (81.93-84.92) (82.18-88.14) in this form (81.7-86.3)
                moisture 11.13 11.78 7.62 7.81 7.06, 9.53
                (9.01-13.30) (8.56-14.80) (7.34-7.82) (7.55-8.28) (7.43-9.94) (7-23)i (9.4-15.8)
                calcium 0.0047 0.0046 0.0053 0.0053 0.0028, 0.0082
                (0.0037-0.0056) (0.0033-0.0058) (0.0050-0.0058) (0.0050-0.0058) (0.0039-0.0076) (0.01-0.1)i (0.003-0.006)
                copper 1.79 1.90 1.89 1.83 0.45, 3.16
                (1.19-2.37) (1.50-2.33) (1.77-1.99) (1.69-1.97) (1.16-2.78) (0.9-10)i nam
                iron 22.71 22.95 22.73 21.81 10.60, 33.63
                (19.08-25.94) (18.77-26.62) (17.43-26.91) (18.52-25.87) (15.42-29.34) (1-100)i na
                magnesium 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.079, 0.16
                (0.11-0.13) (0.11-0.13) (0.096-0.13) (0.10-0.12) (0.089-0.15) (0.09-1.0)i na
                manganese 6.47 6.55 6.73 6.42 2.50, 12.03
                (4.64-9.63) (4.96-8.83) (5.18-7.90) (5.63-7.32) (3.86-10.47) (0.7-54)i na
                phosphorus 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.27, 0.42
                (0.32-0.39) (0.32-0.39) (0.31-0.39) (0.32-0.37) (0.27-0.39) (0.26-0.75)i (0.288-0.363)
                potassium 0.36 0.36 0.36k 0.38 0.31, 0.45
                (0.35-0.39) (0.34-0.41) (0.34-0.38) (0.36-0.39) (0.32-0.45) (0.32-0.72)i na
                zinc 28.35 28.72 23.78 23.21 9.89, 31.52
                (20.23-33.17) (23.47-33.26) (15.95-31.45) (17.87-29.88) (13.51-27.98) (12-30)i na
                a Data from five nonreplicated U.S. sites and two replicated U.S. sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup Ultra herbicide. b Data from two
                replicated EU sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup (MON 52276) herbicide. c Percent dry weight of sample, except moisture as percent fresh
                weight and copper, iron, manganese, and zinc as mg/kg of dry weight. d Nontransgenic control. e Commercial hybrids; local hybrids planted at each EU site. f Tolerance
                interval is specified to contain 99% of the commercial line population, negative limits set to zero. g Range for nontransgenic control lines planted in Monsanto Co. field trials
                conducted in 1993 and 1995. h Range denotes the lowest and highest individual values across sites. i Watson (55). j Jugenheimer (56). k Statistically significantly different
                from the control at the 5% level (p < 0.05). l ADF, acid detergent fiber; NDF, neutral detergent fiber. m na ) not available.
                Nutritional Profiles of Roundup Ready and Conventional Corns J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 25, 2002 7237
                Statistical analyses of the composition data were conducted using a
                mixed model analysis of variance (randomized complete block design)
                for a combination of all sites for 1998 data and a combination of the
                two sites (L’Isle Jourdain, France, and Banarola, Italy) for the 1999
                studies. The combined trial analysis used the model
                where Yijk ) unique individual observation, U ) overall mean, Ti )
                line effect, Lj ) random location effect, B(L)jk ) random block within
                location effect, LTij ) random location by line interaction, and eijk )
                residual error. In these analyses, corn event NK603 was compared to
                the nontransgenic control. For each compositional measure, the p value
                for a test of corn event NK603 mean equal to the control mean, the
                observed difference of NK603 from the control, and lower and upper
                95% confidence intervals for the mean difference of NK603 from the
                control were calculated. Statistical significance was assigned at p <
                Compositional data from the commercial reference hybrids in the
                1999 study were not included in the statistical analysis. However, a
                range of the reference values was determined for each component.
                Additionally, commercial reference data were used to develop population
                tolerance intervals. A tolerance interval is an interval with a
                specified degree of confidence, 100(1 - R)%, which contains at least
                a specified proportion, p, of an entire sampled population for the
                parameter measured. For each compositional analysis component,
                tolerance intervals were calculated that are expected to contain, with
                95% confidence, 99% of the values expressed in the population of
                commercial lines. Because negative quantities are impossible, calculated
                lower tolerance bounds were limited to zero. SAS software (42-44)
                was used by Certus International, Inc., Chesterfield, MO, to generate
                all summary statistics and perform all analyses. Additional analyses of
                the individual replicated sites in 1998 with a randomized complete block
                design (Jerseyville, IL, and New Holland, OH) and 1999 (L’Isle
                Jourdain, France, and Banarola, Italy) were conducted, and the results
                (data not shown) of these additional analyses were consistent with the
                conclusions reached in this paper.
                The safety assessment of genetically enhanced crops has
                relied on a comparative approach focusing on similarities and
                differences between the food and feed derived from genetically
                enhanced crop and its conventional counterpart. In this paper
                the nutritional composition of corn event NK603 was compared
                with that of a nontransgenic control with a similar genetic
                background that was grown in the same field trials in the United
                States and Europe. The evaluation of differences was conducted
                using a mixed model analysis of variance with statistical
                significance assigned at the p < 0.05 level. In addition, the
                compositional profile of corn event NK603 was compared with
                those of traditional corn hybrids grown in Europe by calculating
                a 99% tolerance interval to describe the compositional variability
                in the population of conventional corn hybrids in the marketplace.
                Finally, the composition values for corn event NK603
                were compared with values obtained from the published
                literature or historical conventional control values determined
                in previous studies.
                Proximate, Fiber, and Mineral Composition. Compositional
                analysis results for corn grain and corn forage are
                presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. These results
                demonstrate that the levels of proximate components (protein,
                ash, carbohydrate), fiber (ADF and NDF), and minerals
                (calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, and
                zinc) in the grain and forage of corn event NK603 were
                comparable to those in the grain and forage of the nontransgenic
                control. In addition, these values were either within published
                literature ranges, within the tolerance interval determined for
                commercial varieties evaluated in the 1999 field trials, or within
                the range of historical conventional control values determined
                from previous studies. No measurable differences were observed
                for the content of fat or potassium in forage data from either
                1998 or 1999 field trials and the grain data from the 1998 field
                trials. Although the contents of fat and potassium in the grain
                of corn event NK603 were significantly different statistically
                from those in the nontransgenic control in data from 1999 field
                trials, the range of values for both analytes of corn event NK603
                fell within the 99% tolerance interval for the commercial
                varieties grown at the same field trials. These results demonstrate,
                with a confidence level of 95%, that the levels of fat and
                potassium for corn event NK603 were within the same population
                as those of nontransgenic, commercially available corn
                Amino Acid Composition. The content of the 18 amino acids
                measured in the grain of corn event NK603 was comparable to
                that in the grain of the nontransgenic control (Table 3). In
                Table 2. Fiber and Proximate Composition of Forage from Corn Event NK603
                1998a 1999b
                commercial hybridse
                tolerance intervalf
                protein 7.14 6.80 8.71 8.86 4.02, 12.46
                (5.57-8.98) (5.49-8.69) (6.37-10.79) (7.03-10.96) (4.98-11.56) (4.8-8.4)
                ash 3.81 4.02 4.38 4.44 0, 12.47
                (2.36-6.80) (2.46-6.28) (2.82-6.44) (3.35-5.80) (2.43-9.64) (2.9-5.1)
                ADFi 25.72 24.84 23.53 22.07 9.80, 44.43
                (17.01-33.52) (19.53-31.83) (19.27-26.13) (19.39-26.90) (17.54-38.31) (21.4-29.2)
                NDFi 42.09 42.45 37.34 37.75 20.77, 61.87
                (36.39-49.03) (35.44-53.24) (31.77-44.35) (34.85-41.86) (27.93-54.75) (39.9-46.6)
                total fat 2.36 2.17 3.24 3.05 0.84, 4.80
                (0.69-3.64) (0.61-3.42) (2.06-4.49) (2.09-4.02) (1.42-4.57) (1.4-2.1)
                carbohydrates 86.71 87.11 83.67 83.65 75.55, 91.37
                (82.68-90.32) (83.71-90.03) (80.43-87.53) (80.64-85.52) (76.50-87.29) (84.6-89.1)
                moisture 67.02 66.24 67.53 66.30 45.40, 96.42
                (60.30-75.00) (61.00-73.70) (61.60-75.20) (60.40-72.60) (56.50-80.40) (68.7-73.5)
                a Data from five nonreplicated U.S. sites and two replicated U.S. sites; NK603 forage harvested from plants treated with Roundup Ultra herbicide. b Data from two
                replicated EU sites; NK603 forage harvested from plants treated with Roundup (MON 52276) herbicide. c Percent dry weight of sample, except for moisture. d Nontransgenic
                control. e Commercial hybrids; local hybrids planted at each site. f Tolerance interval is specified to contain 99% of the commercial line population, negative limits set to
                zero. g Range for nontransgenic control lines planted in Monsanto Co. field trials conducted in 1994 and 1995. h Range denotes the lowest and highest individual values
                across sites. i ADF, acid detergent fiber; NDF, neutral detergent fiber.
                Yijk ) U Ti Lj B(L)jk LTij eijk
                7238 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 25, 2002 Ridley et al.
                addition, these values were either within published literature
                ranges, within the 99% tolerance interval for commercial
                varieties evaluated in 1999 field trials, or within the range of
                historical conventional control values determined from previous
                studies. Because EPSPS catalyzes a step in the aromatic amino
                acid biosynthetic pathway, it was important to assess whether
                expression of CP4 EPSPS influenced the levels of the aromatic
                amino acids in corn event NK603. EPSPS is not the rate-limiting
                step in aromatic amino acid biosynthesis (45, 46) and, therefore,
                greater EPSPS activity is unlikely to increase the levels of
                aromatic compounds in plants. No statistically significant
                differences were observed in the content of the aromatic amino
                acids, phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan, between corn
                event NK603 and the nontransgenic control in either 1998 or
                1999 field trials (Table 3).
                A majority of the amino acids in corn event NK603 were
                comparable to the control in the 1999 field trials. However, small
                statistically significant differences (1.1-6.4%) were observed
                for alanine, arginine, glutamic acid, histidine, lysine, and
                methionine (p < 0.05). No differences were found for these
                amino acids in the 1998 field trials, and in all cases the range
                of values found for corn event NK603 fell within the 99%
                tolerance interval for conventional commercial varieties grown
                in the same field trials (Table 3). These results demonstrate,
                with a confidence level of 95%, that the levels of these amino
                acids were within the same population as those of nontransgenic,
                commercially available corn hybrids.
                Fatty Acid Composition. The content of the fatty acids in
                grain of corn event NK603 was comparable to that observed in
                the grain of the nontransgenic control (Table 4). In addition,
                these values were either within published literature ranges,
                within the 99% tolerance interval determined for commercial
                hybrids evaluated in 1999 field trials, or within the range of
                historical conventional control values determined from previous
                studies. Statistically significant differences between corn event
                NK603 and the nontransgenic control were observed in the
                levels of 18:1 oleic acid, 16:0 palmitic acid, and 18:0 stearic
                acid for the 1998 field trials and 20:0 arachidic acid in the 1999
                trials. In general, the magnitude of the differences was small
                (2.6-4.8%), and in no case was a fatty acid level found to be
                statistically different in corn event NK603 when compared to
                the control for more than one year. Furthermore, the ranges of
                Table 3. Amino Acid Composition of Grain from Corn Event NK603
                1998b 1999c
                amino acida
                commercial hybridse
                tolerance intervalf
                alanine 7.93 7.89 8.04j 7.95 7.20, 8.35
                (7.78-8.22) (7.65-8.17) (7.87-8.18) (7.88-8.05) (7.38-8.13) (6.4-9.9) (7.2-8.8)
                arginine 4.16 4.24 4.00j 4.27 3.45, 5.03
                (3.79-4.49) (3.90-4.63) (3.74-4.27) (4.09-4.36) (3.77-4.98) (2.9-5.9) (3.5-5.0)
                aspartic acid 6.45 6.40 6.45 6.28 5.53, 7.61
                (6.29-6.62) (6.18-6.56) (6.27-6.96) (6.18-6.37) (6.02-7.51) (5.8-7.2) (6.3-7.5)
                cysteine/cystine 2.00 2.00 1.82 1.92 1.56, 2.43
                (1.69-2.27) (1.63-2.22) (1.66-1.98) (1.61-2.09) (1.68-2.51) (1.2-1.6) (1.8-2.7)
                glutamic acid 19.84 19.81 19.93j 19.40 18.03, 20.76
                (19.16-20.47) (19.19-20.41) (18.98-20.62) (18.69-19.92) (18.38-20.08) (12.4-19.6) (18.6-22.8)
                glycine 3.49 3.51 3.44 3.60 3.06, 4.15
                (3.22-3.74) (3.22-3.86) (3.23-3.64) (3.44-3.77) (3.27-4.01) (2.6-4.7) (3.2-4.2)
                histidine 2.72 2.74 2.65j 2.77 2.34, 3.36
                (2.45-2.81) (2.56-2.88) (2.56-2.74) (2.69-2.85) (2.58-3.15) (2.0-2.8) (2.8-3.4)
                isoleucine 3.87 3.80 3.77 3.76 3.35, 3.97
                (3.59-4.06) (3.65-3.93) (3.54-3.97) (3.61-3.85) (3.34-3.85) (2.6-4.0) (3.2-4.3)
                leucine 14.20 14.07 14.02 13.69 11.73, 14.76
                (13.63-14.79) (13.59-14.60) (13.38-14.71) (13.27-13.96) (12.18-14.34) (7.8-15.2) (12.0-15.8)
                lysine 2.69 2.67 2.71j 2.83 2.22, 3.68
                (2.42-2.96) (2.35-3.00) (2.37-3.03) (2.56-3.20) (2.58-3.67) (2.0-3.8) (2.6-3.5)
                methionine 1.94 2.03 1.77j 1.89 1.39, 2.49
                (1.76-2.16) (1.74-2.21) (1.66-1.85) (1.67-2.06) (1.49-2.32) (1.0-2.1) (1.3-2.6)
                phenylalanine 5.32 5.24 5.28 5.25 4.59, 5.61
                (5.18-5.52) (5.09-5.36) (5.13-5.46) (5.20-5.29) (4.85-5.54) (2.9-5.7) (4.9-6.1)
                proline 8.88 8.96 9.33 9.16 8.61, 10.09
                (8.44-9.10) (8.59-9.26) (8.89-9.71) (8.83-9.31) (8.74-9.91) (6.6-10.3) (8.7-10.1)
                serine 4.87 4.86 4.84 4.90 4.36, 5.19
                (4.72-5.09) (4.68-4.99) (4.47-5.17) (4.82-5.09) (4.41-5.22) (4.2-5.5) (4.9-6.0)
                threonine 3.37 3.33 3.31 3.29 3.14, 3.69
                (3.26-3.46) (3.19-3.50) (3.14-3.57) (3.15-3.50) (3.24-3.66) (2.9-3.9) (3.3-4.2)
                tryptophan 0.53 0.54 0.58 0.62 0.45, 0.76
                (0.44-0.58) (0.48-0.60) (0.49-0.64) (0.57-0.69) (0.49-0.79) (0.5-1.2) (0.4-1.0)
                tyrosine 3.02 3.25 3.24 3.52 3.00, 4.03
                (2.36-3.73) (2.43-3.64) (2.11-3.65) (2.69-3.69) (2.32-3.90) (2.9-4.7) (3.7-4.3)
                valine 4.74 4.71 4.81 4.90 4.64, 5.38
                (4.59-4.85) (4.62-4.94) (4.55-5.00) (4.74-5.04) (4.65-5.29) (2.1-5.2) (4.2-5.3)
                a Values expressed as percent of total amino acids for statistical comparisons. b Data from five nonreplicated U.S. sites and two replicated U.S. sites; NK603 grain
                harvested from plants treated with Roundup Ultra herbicide. c Data from two replicated EU sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup (MON 52276)
                herbicide. d Nontransgenic control. e Commercial hybrids; local hybrids planted at each EU site. f Tolerance interval is specified to contain 99% of the commercial line
                population, negative limits set to zero. g Watson (57). Values are percent of total protein. h Range for nontransgenic control lines planted in Monsanto Co. field trials
                conducted between 1993 and 1995; values are percent of total protein. i Range denotes the lowest and highest individual values across sites. j Value statistically significantly
                different than the control at the 5% level (p < 0.05).
                Nutritional Profiles of Roundup Ready and Conventional Corns J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 25, 2002 7239
                values found for these fatty acids were in all cases within the
                99% tolerance interval for the commercial varieties grown in
                the 1999 field trials, demonstrating that corn event NK603 was
                within the same population as conventional, commercially
                available corn hybrids.
                Phytic Acid, Trypsin Inhibitor, and Vitamin E Composition.
                Phytic acid, the hexakis-o-phosphate of myo-inositol, is
                widely distributed in plants (47). Seeds accumulate up to 90%
                of stored organic phosphate as phytic acid, and it limits uptake
                of minerals such as calcium in higher animals. The trypsin
                inhibitors in several hybrids of corn have been compared and
                found to be similar in physicochemical and immunological
                properties (48). The trypsin inhibitors of soybeans have been
                well studied and affect the nutritive value of raw soybeans (49);
                however, the soybean levels of these materials are significantly
                higher than those measured in corn. Corn is also considered to
                be a good source of vitamin E (50).
                The content of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitor, and vitamin E
                in the grain of corn event NK603 was comparable with that
                observed in the grain of the nontransgenic control (Table 5).
                In addition, these values were either within published literature
                ranges, within the 99% tolerance interval for the commercial
                varieties in the 1999 field trials, or within the range of historical
                conventional control values determined from previous studies.
                Table 4. Fatty Acid Composition of Grain from Corn Event NK603
                1998b 1999c
                fatty acida
                commercial hybridse
                tolerance intervalf
                arachidic (20:0) 0.36 0.37 0.36j 0.35 0.17, 0.64
                (0.34-0.39) (0.33-0.40) (0.34-0.39) (0.33-0.37) (0.31-0.74) (0.1-2) (0.3-0.5)
                behenic (22:0) 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.093, 0.24
                (0.14-0.19) (0.14-0.19) (0.12-0.20) (0.15-0.19) (0.073-0.22) (not reported) (0.1-0.3)
                eicosenoic (20:1) 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.21, 0.42
                (0.28-0.32) (0.27-0.34) (0.28-0.34) (0.28-0.31) (0.26-0.40) (not reported) (0.2-0.3)
                linoleic (18:2) 64.62 64.26 63.73 63.15 44.59, 73.50
                (63.79-65.80) (63.07-65.65) (61.94-65.25) (61.63-64.04) (49.72-65.98) (35-70) (55.9-66.1)
                linolenic (18:3) 1.11 1.11 1.02 1.09 0.54, 1.72
                (1.07-1.17) (1.07-1.20) (0.97-1.05) (1.05-1.12) (0.71-1.50) (0.8-2) (0.8-1.1)
                oleic (18:1) 22.40j 23.08 23.80 24.20 12.65, 39.86
                (21.37-23.12) (22.15-24.14) (22.82-24.95) (23.52-25.56) (20.21-34.64) (20-46) (20.6-27.5)
                palmitic (16:0) 9.13j 8.89 8.90 9.00 7.35, 14.72
                (8.67-9.57) (8.41-9.44) (8.47-9.36) (8.89-9.13) (9.12-12.62) (7-19) (9.9-12.0)
                stearic (18:0) 1.92j 1.83 1.73 1.74 1.02, 2.27
                (1.80-2.06) (1.67-1.98) (1.59-1.88) (1.67-1.81) (1.19-2.02) (1-3) (1.4-2.2)
                a Value of fatty acids expressed as % of total fatty acid. The method included the analysis of the following fatty acids, which were not detected in the majority of samples
                analyzed: caprylic acid (8:0), capric acid (10:0), lauric acid (12:0), myristic acid (14:0), myristoleic acid (14:1), pentadecanoic acid (15:0), pentadecenoic acid (15:1),
                palmitoleic acid (16:1), heptadecanoic acid (17:0), heptadecenoic acid (17:1), gamma linolenic (18:3), eicosadienoic acid (20:2), eicosatrienoic acid (20:3), and arachidonic
                acid (20:4). b Data from five nonreplicated U.S. sites and two replicated U.S. sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup Ultra herbicide. c Data from
                two replicated EU sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup (MON 52276) herbicide. d Nontransgenic control. e Commercial hybrids; local hybrids
                planted at each EU site. f Tolerance interval is specified to contain 99% of the commercial line population, negative limits set to zero. g Watson (57). Values expressed as
                % of total fat except for palmitic acid (16:1), which is expressed as % of triglyceride fatty acids. h Range for nontransgenic control lines planted in Monsanto Co. field trials
                conducted between 1993 and 1995; values are expressed as % of total fatty acids. i Range denotes the lowest and highest individual values across sites. j Statistically
                significantly different from the control at the 5% level (p < 0.05).
                Table 5. Phytic Acid, Trypsin Inhibitor, Vitamin E, and Secondary Metabolite Content of Grain from Corn Event NK603
                1998a 1999b
                commercial hybridsd
                tolerance intervale
                phytic acid 0.97 1.00 0.79 0.70 0.32, 1.18
                (% dw) (0.70-1.06) (0.81-1.21) (0.51-0.89) (0.55-0.77) (0.48-1.12) to 0.9% nai
                trypsin inhibitor 3.16 2.67 1.56 1.15 0, 3.63
                (TIU/mg dw) (2.34-5.08) (1.39-5.14) (0.54-2.57) (0.54-2.38) (0.54-4.13) na na
                vitamin E 0.0088 0.0090 0.0062 0.0070 0, 0.021
                (mg/g of dw) (0.0070-0.010) (0.0064-0.011) (0.0046-0.0080) (0.0050-0.014) (0.0027-0.015) (0.017-0.047) (0.008-0.015)
                ferulic acid 0.20 0.20 na na na
                (% dw) (0.15-0.25) (0.17-0.23) na (0.17-0.27)j
                p-coumaric acid 0.016 0.015 na na na
                (% dw) (0.012-0.022) (0.012-0.020) na (0.011-0.030)j
                raffinose 0.13 0.13 na na na
                (% dw) (0.098-0.20) (0.082-0.21) na (0.053-0.16)j
                a Data from five nonreplicated U.S. sites and two replicated U.S. sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup Ultra herbicide. b Data from two
                replicated EU sites; NK603 grain harvested from plants treated with Roundup (MON 52276) herbicide. c Nontransgenic control. d Commercial hybrids; local hybrids planted
                at each EU site. e Tolerance interval is specified to contain 99% of the commercial line population, negative limits set to zero. f Watson (50). g Range for nontransgenic
                control hybrids planted in Monsanto Co. field trials conducted between 1993 and 1995. h Range denotes the lowest and highest individual values across sites for each line.
                i na, not available. j Range for 13 commercial varieties planted in Monsanto Co. field trials or purchased from growers in 1998.
                7240 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 50, No. 25, 2002 Ridley et al.
                No measurable differences in the levels of these analytes
                between corn event NK603 and the nontransgenic control were
                observed in the data from both 1998 and 1999 field trials.
                Secondary Metabolite Composition. The secondary metabolites,
                2-furaldehyde, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid, and
                raffinose, are present in corn grain or processed corn components.
                Acid hydrolysis of the pentosans contained in corncobs,
                oat hulls, and other crop residues are a major source of
                2-furaldehyde (furfural) (51). Ferulic and p-coumaric acids are
                derived from aromatic amino acids, phenylalanine, and tyrosine,
                in plants (52) and serve as precursors for a large group of
                phenylpropanoid compounds including flavonoids and coumarins.
                Raffinose is a nondigestible oligosaccharide that is
                considered to be an antinutrient due to gas production and
                resulting flatulence caused by its consumption (53).
                The levels of 2-furaldehyde were below the limit of quantitation
                (<0.5 ppm of fresh weight) for all corn grain samples
                analyzed from the 1998 field trials. The levels of ferulic acid,
                p-coumaric acid, and raffinose in the grain of corn event NK603
                were comparable with the levels found in the grain from the
                nontransgenic control (Table 5). No statistically significant
                differences were observed in the comparisons conducted for the
                1998 field trials. These secondary metabolites were not analyzed
                in the grain samples from the 1999 trials.
                Conclusions. The results of compositional analyses generated
                from nine field sites over a period of two years demonstrate
                that the grain and forage of corn event NK603 are comparable
                in their composition with those of the nontransgenic control
                and conventional corn varieties. The use of multiyear data and
                incorporation of reference corn hybrids into field trials suggests
                that the few statistically significant differences observed are
                unlikely to be of biological relevance. Moreover, the composition
                of corn event NK603 was shown to fall within the 99%
                tolerance interval for components in 19 nontransgenic commercial
                corn hybrids grown as part of the 1999 field trials in
                Europe and within the ranges of values reported for nontransgenic
                corn in the literature as well as in historical data. These
                latter comparisons are important and relevant because it is well
                recognized that the composition of any crop, including corn,
                varies as a result of many factors, including variety, growing
                conditions, and methods of analysis. The values for components
                in corn event NK603 all fell within the range of natural
                variability found in nontransgenic corn hybrids.
                The analysis of the data reported herein illustrates that the
                tolerance interval is a useful statistical tool that can account for
                extant natural variability in any measured parameter, especially
                food and feed nutritional profiles as measured by biochemical
                composition. From the perspective of safety assessment, the
                biochemical sampling described in this paper provides a robust
                measure of unexpected effects due to the insertion of the cp4
                epsps genes into the corn genome. It has been shown, by targeted
                nutritional analysis, that the genetic enhancement of conventional
                corn to produce corn event NK603 did not produce
                significant changes in 51 biologically and nutritionally important
                components. Also, feeding performance studies in broiler
                chickens (54) have demonstrated that corn event NK603 is
                equivalent in nutritive value to conventional corn. On the basis
                of the principle of substantial equivalence as articulated by the
                World Health Organization, the Organization for Economic
                Cooperation and Development, and the United Nations Food
                and Agriculture Organization, these data support the conclusion
                that Roundup Ready corn event NK603 is as safe and nutritious
                as conventional varieties of corn on the market today.
                We thank the Monsanto Field Agronomy group and the many
                field cooperators for conducting field trials and the Monsanto
                Product Characterization group for the molecular characterization
                of the test and control substances; Chantal Van Bellinghen
                of Monsanto Europe for managing the EU field trials; Monsanto’s
                Sample Preparation Group for preparing corn samples
                for analysis; Susan Riordan of Monsanto and Roy Sorbet of
                Certus International, Inc., for statistical expertise; Maureen
                Mackey and Denise Schneider for help in drafting the manuscript;
                Cherian George for help in assembling and analyzing
                the data; and Roy ***hs, Sheila Schuette, and Linda Lahman
                for critical review of the manuscript.
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                30, 2002. Accepted August 30, 2002.


                  Now here's the direct link to the research journal from which the previous post was copied. Since the relevant tables didn't copy in a very readable format; direct access for believers is recommended.


                  Please quote the the dowsers "bobs per second" at the pendulum length used when refuting this data ; and make sure that the analysis was conducted on corn and not some inert material that consisted of some mysterious "ether".

                  The showing of utter stupidity apparently has no bounds. And the extent of this nonsense being accepted is taggering. Can there be any hope of common knowledge ever progressing in supposedly enlightened times?


                    And for those who don't know what a wet paper bag is; let alone how to find their way out; the first two numbers following the chemical element are the average mineral analysis for a GMO corn followed by a conventional corn analysis for the same parameter for 1998. The next two numbers are the same analysis performed on similar samples in 1999. Other columns and rows contain min and max values over several years; and hybrid corn data.

                    As you can see; it doesn't much matter whether the first column was the GMO sample; or if it was the second column. They are nearly identical in value within each year. Perhaps you can relate to this phenomenon because your protein samples similarly are somewhat affected by yearly environmental conditions. They do not vary by a factor of 146 (or such wide differences). If they do; its time to retest and find out where the gross testing error occurred (and that means retesting everything to rule out such sources of error from an experiment. There is some variablitity between years and the absolute extreme test results ever found and reported. It doesn't commonly approach factors of ten (or as alleged 100 fold). Spreading such bull shit by anyone must be exposed. It is untruthul; deceitful and should absolutely ruin any future credibilty when deliberately repeated. Shame on the authors.....

                    Table 1. Fiber, Mineral, and Proximate Composition of Grain from Corn Event NK603
                    1998a 1999b
                    NK603 mean (range)h controld mean (range)h NK603 mean (range)h controld mean (range)h commercial hybridse tolerance intervalf (range)h lit. (range) historicalg (range)h

                    calcium 0.0047 0.0046 0.0053 0.0053 0.0028, 0.0082 (0.0037-0.0056) (0.0033-0.0058) (0.0050-0.0058) (0.0050-0.0058) (0.0039-0.0076) (0.01-0.1)i (0.003-0.006)
                    magnesium 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.079, 0.16 (0.11-0.13) (0.11-0.13) (0.096-0.13) (0.10-0.12) (0.089-0.15) (0.09-1.0)i na
                    manganese 6.47 6.55 6.73 6.42 2.50, 12.03 (4.64-9.63) (4.96-8.83) (5.18-7.90) (5.63-7.32) (3.86-10.47) (0.7-54)i na
                    phosphorus 0.36 0.36 0.36 0.35 0.27, 0.42 (0.32-0.39) (0.32-0.39) (0.31-0.39) (0.32-0.37) (0.27-0.39) (0.26-0.75)i (0.288-0.363)
                    potassium 0.36 0.36 0.36k 0.38 0.31, 0.45 (0.35-0.39) (0.34-0.41) (0.34-0.38) (0.36-0.39) (0.32-0.45) (0.32-0.72)i na


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