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Hatred of Cows???

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    Hatred of Cows???

    Information came up at a meeting this winter on the views of a certain government employee. This individual apparently has authority over land use in an environmental reserve and is very open about his distaste for cattle.

    I've thought about that on and off for a few weeks. His land management strategy will obviously be influenced by his hatred of cattle. Maybe to the extent that the health of the land becomes secondary to the exclusion of cows for personal reasons.

    What finally prompted this posting came to me yesterday while watching the little calves play and their mothers enjoying the day. I got to wondering how important cattle are to societies. It seems to me very likely that cattle have been and are one of the foundations of a prosperous society. If some of you erudite types on agriville can flesh this concept out please do. On the surface I think is should be fairly easy to prove that a supply of domestic cattle is a requirement for a wealthy society. Do you eat pizza, do you shampoo your hair, are you shoes leather, etc, etc?

    If the above argument holds, to hate cows is to hate prosperity and modern society. Therefore those that do should be exposed as enemies of prosperity and all that implies. They certainly should NOT be given any authority in land use decisions.

    I started this post making comment on a certain individual (initials CW) that is in a position of authority for public lands and hates cows. As a reader of "RANGE" magazine for a few years I believe that the cow hating syndrome is pretty common and is a threat to grazing public lands and maybe more.

    Incidental to this discussion my opinion is that people who hate cattle don't know enough about them. Most cows work a lot harder than most people. And they pay attention to the things that matter to them.

    Gotta check the heifers. HT

    Happy trails, I find it impossible to think this
    person hates cows. I do find it very likely that he
    hates the people that prosper from the
    domestication of cattle. So I'm not far off from
    your idea of his hating prosperity. The IDEA (not
    reality) that the public lands are for the public to
    roam upon and smell the daisies, while living
    harmoniously with the wildlife is not unrealistic, it
    IS however unrealistic to think that the lack of
    management is what's best for the ecosystem.
    Grazing of livestock, cattle, in these reserves
    assists in the renewal of the grasses and keeps
    the fire hazards down as well. And, yes is helpful
    to the cattle producers.

    If you go to the developing nations and ask the
    peasants what gives them wealth, prosperity, food
    and pride - the answer will be their livestock
    (cattle, chickens, goats, horses). Not
    understanding this fundamental principle (hating
    cows!), demonstrates a person who within his
    "own world"' lives off the backs of other people.
    Sadly this is most common. The percentage of
    people in our modern society that are NOT
    connected directly with agriculture/food production
    is getting bigger all the time. Step back 100 years
    in Canada and what a difference! If you see CW,
    don't ask him what he has against cattle - ask him
    what he has against you. He is able to get away
    with his ranting and bullying because you (and
    CW) have displaced his anger towards cows....in
    reality I think he hates you and all cattle
    producers. Getting to the root of this anger might
    require some psychotherapy or heavy social
    drinking with some red-neck ranchers.


      My hubby just pointed out that in the mind of CW,
      we, the people, are their "private herd" to
      manipulate and manage as we manage our cattle.
      So true. Government employees definitely take
      on the role of "herd" managers. Eg. Public health
      talks about "herd immunity" when they push the
      big pharma vaccines. We no longer have
      "personelle departments", we have "human

      Governments, like our entrenched 41 year
      Conservative regime, has had unfettered access
      to our pocket books, visa taxes, for too long. It is
      our opinion that these elitist managers with
      Governments and "think tanks" want to take away
      from citizens their ability to live independent of
      Government. Consequently, our ability to earn an
      independent income from the management of our
      property (including livestock and lands) is a
      hindrance to their plans and goals. Those goals
      being to have the public living hand to mouth,
      totally dependent upon Government handouts and
      jobs, to survive. Too big to fail, applies to
      governments, as well as companies, in today's
      indebted wack-a-doodle world. This is why the
      West is taking down regimes in the Middle East
      because their legitimacy and economic
      independence is reaching a critic stage that might
      prevent such interventions in the future.

      The only thing that separates Canada from China
      is our personal control of our lifestyle and income.
      Once the majority are at the mercy of
      Government, the Government will do whatever is
      necessary to maintain its control, to the detriment
      of the people.

      I met a man the other day who "lives to work" for
      a large oil company. Apparently, he has no
      family. I pointed out that I "work to live" and
      would find a life of looking out for the interests of
      my employer, before my own, distasteful.

      When you "live to work" you have no time to sit
      back and think (ponder life's good and bad, enjoy
      the simple pleasures of nature and concern
      yourself with the plight of others). When we take
      time, because we have that economic leisure, to
      ponder on life's miracles and disasters etc. we
      might decide to change things in Government to
      make this a better world. Instead, most people
      live paycheque to paycheque and do not have the
      leisure of time to just contemplate life. Given a
      choice, we must decide what makes us fulfilled -
      for me, life is not about consuming "things", or
      making as much money as possible. This is a
      personal choice that my cattle and land provide to

      Based on our educational curriculum, government
      is training employees not creating entrepreneurs.
      Our children will shape the future!


        HT do you mabey not think ( CW whoever) that is is gust fed up with gov subsidized free range plus oil revenue going to a few such as Kathy says want to set back and enjoy thier prosperity on the gov tit and call themselves stewarts of the land? Just what do you supose would happen if they had to play on the same field as those that does not enjoy free gov milk.


          With due respect to fellow posters I do believe that there are individuals who bring an irrational dislike of cattle along as baggage in land use discussions. The odd hiker has stepped in a cow pie and doesn't want it to happen again. Solution in their mind? "Get rid of the cattle. We don't need them anyway." The point of my post is that we DO need them and can prove it. This discussion might be relevant to the regional plans, etc.


            One issue that is spoken a lot about nowadays is the
            methane producing effect of cows and how terrible
            that is for the environment. What the people wanting
            rid of cows for that purpose fail to consider is that
            the deer and elk populations that would expand
            expedentially if the cattle were banished..... unless
            they plan to wipe out them as well.


              The regional plans have already been outlined/
              drafted by the Agenda 21 nazis with the UN. We
              can try to influence them, but ultimately the long
              term goal is the elimination of the meat industry.
              Don't worry Monsanto will take care of us!

              As for Horses rude comments, I would hope those
              monitoring this site give him a warning, his
              outright hate rid for those of us with grazing
              leases is disturbing. We all know how he feels,
              repeating his hateful attacks anytime property
              rights or grazing leases are brought up is
              harassment. Especially, when he hasn't the guts
              to give us his real name.


                Let me add this, when I listened to the radio,
                QR77, yesterday a woman who used to be a
                vegan was on. She discussed how when she
                started to waver and include some meat in her
                diet, she physically felt better. So, she told people
                on her blog that she was now eating some meat.
                (She was an ardent activist in the vegan world).
                She was shocked when her supposed friends and
                colleges attacked her, even threatening to kill her.
                Nobody gave a damn about her health. She
                learned that these zealots were beyond reasoning

                If eventually the people get so far away from food
                production, they shoot the suppliers in the back,
                then they will have to suffer the consequences of
                food price hikes and empty store shelves. There
                is a related song, it goes "You don't know what
                you've got, til it's gone" "They paved paradise and
                put up a parking lot".

                I for one, am tired of educating the rude and
                ignorant about the facts of life on the farm. It is
                best to talk to those with open minds and warm
                hearts. Let the black hearts listen to themselves,
                pay them no heed.


                  Kathy I never said I hate anyone with a grazing welfare system I said I wish this gov would get a decent rent from those with leases and put us all on a level field instead of me and other producers that pay our own way subsidizing lease holders.
                  If all is as it should be why dont you come clean on what your costs are and your revenue on your lease land?
                  Seems to be a big secret what goes on on lease land. The gov didnt have the balls to raise the AUM fees for 40 yr . $1.39/ AUM in the real world its $30.00/ AUM . As for name how would you like George Thats as good as Kathy.


                    I guess the cow haters have won. First I and likely others couldn't get on the site for 2 days and then it gets hijacked.


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