Well finished getting my new disk field ready
) Took off all the lights and wiring....won't
be needing that, it'll just get wrecked in the roots.
Torqued the wheels since I had all the rims off this
past winter and welded 2.5" nipples over the valve
stems. Tightened caps looking forward to not
blowing tires in the rough stuff. Had a neighbor
come over and he says let's try er out! I smiled its
a bit wet yet but the ground I want to do is usually
very hard and dry. Since our wives are busy
shopping in Edmonton it's been wiener rosts
around the fire pit for supper a couple nights now.
Friggin disk worked perfectly and the old 4440
with no duals and the loader/bucket on. Going to
drop the loader and get the duals on cause man
does that Kello cut nice! 4440 passed with flying
colors too. Sure nice when equipment, new and
old work good together. Would have kept going
but got rained off.

be needing that, it'll just get wrecked in the roots.
Torqued the wheels since I had all the rims off this
past winter and welded 2.5" nipples over the valve
stems. Tightened caps looking forward to not
blowing tires in the rough stuff. Had a neighbor
come over and he says let's try er out! I smiled its
a bit wet yet but the ground I want to do is usually
very hard and dry. Since our wives are busy
shopping in Edmonton it's been wiener rosts
around the fire pit for supper a couple nights now.
Friggin disk worked perfectly and the old 4440
with no duals and the loader/bucket on. Going to
drop the loader and get the duals on cause man
does that Kello cut nice! 4440 passed with flying
colors too. Sure nice when equipment, new and
old work good together. Would have kept going
but got rained off.