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Minister Ritz COOL Dispute Announcement

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    Minister Ritz COOL Dispute Announcement

    CCA supports retaliation as next step in COOL dispute

    June 7, 2013

    Calgary, AB – Today, in a move fully supported by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association (CCA), the Government of Canada released a list of U.S. commodities that could be targeted for retaliation in relation to the ongoing Country of Origin Labeling (COOL) dispute.

    The wide-ranging list of potential items targeted for retaliation will soon be published in the Canada Gazette, marking the formal launch of the next phase of the World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute settlement process over the recent U.S. amendment to the COOL regulations. Implemented on May 23, the U.S. amendment actually increases the discrimination against imported cattle and thereby leaves the U.S. in a position of non-compliance with its WTO obligations.

    CCA Vice President Dave Solverson lauded International Trade Minister Ed Fast, Agriculture and Agri-Food Minister Gerry Ritz and the Government of Canada for their continued tough stance on COOL. Solverson accompanied Minister Ritz as he made the announcement in Vancouver today.

    “It is unfortunate that Canada has to take this step, but somebody has to ensure that the U.S., as a WTO member, lives up to its trade obligations,” Solverson said. “This has been a difficult and a costly fight for Canada’s cattle producers. COOL discrimination has cost our cattle producers around $640 million in losses per year since being implemented in late 2008. Those costs are set to rise under the new amendment to an estimated $90 to $100 per head compared with the $25 to $40 per head hit we currently take, and that is simply unacceptable,” he said.

    Ministers Fast and Ritz have previously indicated that Canada could seek retaliation in the range of $1.1 billion.

    The WTO ruled last summer that COOL violates the U.S.’s WTO obligations because the requirement for meat produced in the U.S. from imported livestock to bear a different label from meat produced from U.S.-born livestock causes segregation, with additional handling costs inflicted disproportionately on imported livestock. The WTO gave the U.S. until May 23 to bring the COOL regulations into compliance.

    As a result of U.S. non-compliance with the WTO, the CCA had urged the Government of Canada to immediately initiate a WTO compliance panel and request authority to impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports to Canada. Rather than wait the estimated 9 to 12 month process to receive the necessary authority to implement those retaliatory tariffs, the CCA requested that the Government of Canada publish immediately a list of retaliatory options for public comment.

    “The CCA will continue to work closely with the Government of Canada and our allies in the U.S. to achieve a resolution that genuinely eliminates the discrimination caused by COOL,” Solverson said. “Until then, our focus will remain fixed on pursuing retaliatory or compensation options through the WTO.”

    The CCA's position remains that the only outcome that would bring the U.S. into compliance with the WTO is to amend the COOL legislation to allow either a single mandatory label for all meat produced in the U.S. or to allow for voluntary labelling. The CCA has to date spent in excess of $2 million in legal and advocacy expenses to fight COOL.

    I sure hope that "beef" is at the top of the list, because if they put a tariff on "chewing gum" it will be a worthless effort.


      I wonder if good old Dave has okayed all this with Cargill and JBS. Probably gone over everything and has a guarantee from the big boys to drop the basis altogether when the CCA and Gerry win this fight. OMG

      I can not for the life of me understand this process. Other than to say, it gives the boys and girls at ABP / CCA something to do. Think about it. These two giants here in Alberta have pretty much chased any North West USA packer competitors since this BSE and COOL shit happened. And CCA/ABP continues to spend millions of check off dollars supporting them and expecting that a trickle down will occur when they win this battle.

      On top of the multi millions spent advertising for them and opening markets throughout the world that they have no interest in pursuing as any off shore market with screw up their nice little cattle supply market that keeps the cost of cattle low.

      What do the folks at ABP / CCA talk about when they sit down with Cargill and JBS for chripes sake?

      Honest to goodness, ABP / CCA and Gerry Ritz, all need to take their cushy early retirement packages, tell us all how they worked so hard for so many years for the cattleman and call it a day.

      Or hand us a couple million to start a plant and start truly marketing "Canadian Beef" all over the world, including the USA.


        When I got the notice on facebook this morning that there would be a Major Announcement, I was curious to see what it was. A list. That's all. A list of things that might have tariffs. Maybe.

        Earth shattering.

        Anyway, the list will be published "soon" on the Canada Gazette. Here's the link


        If anyone is working to fix this mess, it's the hog producers, IMHO. Their representatives are at a major hog event in Iowa as we speak drumming up support on the American side of the border.


          Winnipeg Free Press..

          The list contains

          U.S. cattle, pigs, beef, pork, cheese, pasta, some fruits and vegetables, chocolate and maple syrup. There are also some non-food items such as office furniture, mattresses and some types of jewelry.



            Not much to discuss. I'm sure the Americans are
            shaking in their boots......NOT!
            Still at least Dave got a plane ride and a day out in


              It pretty easy to poo-hoo the efforts of others. What do the nay sayers suggest? RK wants someone else's money to build his own plant. Kato wants to appeal to the altruistic side of our American cohorts. GF thinks it is a futile exercise. No real policy alternatives that I can see.

              I don't know the figures but Canada imports a sh**load of food products from the U.S. IMHO it doesn't hurt to point out that if the U.S. flaunts trade rules we will penalize their exports. Our Ag and Trade Ministers are making the right noises.


                As long as they're willing to follow the noises with action. And not action three years from now either.

                That's the trick.


                  Where have you been for the last decade HT? How did
                  you miss out on the lessons we should all have
                  The US does not depend on Canada for beef imports
                  but Canada is totally reliant on the US for beef
                  exports. The US will buy however much CDN beef
                  they want at the price set by them. Canadian ranchers
                  and "producer groups" have no ability to influence
                  this under the current set up and seemingly no
                  appetite to change the set up.

                  No other sector of Canadian society or business is
                  willing to suffer financially to come to Canadian
                  ranchers aid in this battle - why would they? we are a
                  tiny percentage of the population and are mostly
                  asset millionaires. Doesn't illicit much support from
                  an auto worker in Ontario or a fisherman from Nova
                  Coffee shop talk of switching off the oil supply to
                  make America comply is a joke - remember Canada
                  signed an agreement years ago that gives precedence
                  to US oil supply over domestic supply?

                  We need to be realistic about the situation we are in
                  and either change the set up so we aren't dependant
                  on the US or learn to produce at an ever lower price
                  so that the US will continue to use CDN beef.


                    And Randy Kaiser is asking for money to build his own plant? Is that what you said HT?

                    That's sure the way to make Randy Kaiser into a greedy fellow now ain't it HT. LMAO

                    Sure don't want to admit that for almost ten year now, Kaiser has been trying to buy or build a plant for YOU so that YOU can benefit from CANADIAN beef sales, or at the very least --- have a choice.


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