Gf the only "death spiral" is the relevance of RFID tags in the cattle industry.
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Tone is set for very strong Bred Heifer sales into December
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I forgot mention that the "death spiral" for ID tags is largely due to Sadie having the guts to stand up to the cowardly bully boys.
Oh this thread has put some life back on this Beef forum. It was too quiet for too long.
Your 1800 Black angus cows would not fit at this farm.
4000 bred heifer. Who paid that this year. I sure didn't.
Grassfarmer one other point about penshowing at CWA. you bring in your best and try to get value added.
Each pen needs two people one at the front and one behind. Stand there with your farm product in front of a large crowd and watch when there is no prize or they are passed out of the ring.
There is a death spiral of cattle continuing. To have a young uniform herd during this situation is a good position to be in.
As for the RFID eartag bullshit. I love it. My cow herd now has cleaned up. Live of the cow brisket tag goes in, the dangle tags are removed and the RFID eartags are not replaced when they fall out. These bred heifers are long term and will stay as cows in my herd for at least 10 years.
HT, I think the measure of Sadie's success challenging
RFID tags is mirrored by the number of cattle sold for slaughter or by auction in Canada without them - precisely ZERO.
So now nobody is paying $4000 for bred heifers - what was the point of your original post again? It makes no sense.
Makes no sense either that you have a great YOUNG, uniform cowherd yet the cows all last for 10 years once you buy them.
I think you have been hanging around that show ring too much - starting to believe the BS and that you can have your cake and eat it.
Each pen needs two people one at the front and one behind. Stand there with your farm product in front of a large crowd and watch when there is no prize or they are passed out of the ring.
There is a death spiral of cattle continuing. To have a young uniform herd during this situation is a good position to be in.
As for the RFID eartag bullshit. I love it. My cow herd now has cleaned up. Live of the cow brisket tag goes in, the dangle tags are removed and the RFID eartags are not replaced when they fall out. These bred heifers are long term and will stay as cows in my herd for at least 10 years.
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Think the whole crux here is Sadie has a limited amount of resources ie pasture to run cows on. So he wants the most production per cow so he runs a more intensive early calving program with larger framed higher producing cows. Guys like grass Sean and gaucho are striving to raise lowest cost per pound not in only financial terms but also in purely economic terms. Nothing wrong with any of it if you're happy and making money. We used to calve earlier feb-mar and used char Bulls mostly and sold lots of 900 lb backgrounded steers and thought we made good money but labour was lacking as my dad and our hired man are on the wrong side of 70 so we shifted to later calving March-may calving and angus simmental Bulls. I know we pull in less dollars but the labour requirements aren't there. As well, we don't background everything as the economics aren't there at present. If I had reasonable labour ie my progeny and there was a dollar in it I still don't know if I'd go back as the purely economic justification isn't there for my circumstances. However, other operators it may just be so.
Grasshopper I will slow things down for you again for your benefit.
Bred heifers the pen that I was interested in sold for $4000.00 they were deep in the sale and placed 3 or 4th in the class. Doesn't matter. I was on them at $3900.00. They reached $4000.00 when the name was announced who got the pen----it was great to see it went to the other main purchaser from this outfit.
Don't you think there are enough eyes at this sale that bidders knew who was bidding. It takes more than one bidder to push the price up.
This year was a drought year in the spring. I decided to cull heavier than normal and mouthed the herd and culled by dentition. Great work done by Mississippi state on this. A great UTUBE video as well. I culled hard and bought in Bred heifers to replace.
What other bullshit do you want cleared up Grasshopper.
Your friend buying $1800.00 Bred cow I is likely a great investment for that person. I would want to know more about the history of that animal.
1)How many brands 2)Who was the seller 3)What type of calves does he sell 4)What is his operation like 5)Does he/she use prods and beats on these animals 6) winter and summer feeding 7)how do they work their cattle.
8)Shove them in the chute and check for lower incisor dentition.
Full mature mouth arrives between 5-6 years of age. Pinchers, 1st lateral, 2nd lateral, 3rd lateral.
I am a long term ultra conservative investor. I want to purchase and hang on for a long time.
You can wear out trucks and time sitting and going to markets to get the best LOW BOTTOM DEAL.
FYI Saskatoon Livestock Sales SLS has a good partial herd dispersal of cows coming in for the Dec 11 Sale. This herd has Simm influence and this man committed suicide last spring when it was so dry.
Grassy FYI cattle herds are know all across western Canada by the buyers. Good herds and poor herds. I started out buying a bit of everything from everywere 30 years ago but realized I didn't want a DOLLY PARTON HERD OF CATTLE "Coat of many colors".
Cheers Grasshopper. That was taken from a show a long time ago KUNGFU I think it was called when the OLD guy kept teaching the younger fellow and refered to him as Grasshopper.
You talk and talk Sadie but it makes no sense. You start a post promoting how good $4-5000 bred heifer prices are and how you are right in the thick of that action.
I mentioned that someone I know bought some really good cows for $1800 and that looked like a better buy to me than the $4000 heifers you had mentioned, never mind the $5000 ones.
You came back by questioning who was buying the $4000 heifers as if I'd made that up because it sure wasn't you buying them.
Now you say you were in on them at $3900.
So was the whole post just a promotion for the guys you buy cattle from? do you get a discount if you fly their colours? Or is it just a promotion of your own cattle, talking them up so you can afford to buy the replacements.
Makes no sense to me.
Look at the title to this thread
The tone is set for good bred heifer prices into Dec.
Lets watch the sales play out grassy Ok.
6 mile bred heifer and quest sale.
Rock Solid bred heifer sale Swift current approx. 350 head.
Westmans Bred Heifer sale Vermillion next week.
Y Coulee bred heifer sale. Vermillion
Little Willow Bred Heifer sale Vermillion
Quantock Creek Bred heifer sale Vermillion.
Maybe this post isn't for you grassy. You have stated you only want to buy a proven product an "unknown cow" at an auction market.
Enjoy the ride Grassy
Oh Oh OH grassy.
Do I dare mention this. Now I have had not one, two, three and now 4 different interest to see if my open heifers are on offer as yet.
Oh no grassy not supposed to do that on agriville.
By the way. You always bragged about selling beef slaughtered and killed right to people in Calgary. If that is your game phenotype doesn't matter.
Now you are in Manitoba are you still supplying those clients in Calgary with your beef product?
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