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Video: Feeding Time
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How the other half live LOL. Confinement feeding of small numbers of cattle with multiple fancy JD loader tractors.
No, not at all jealous. My cattle earn their living and pay their own bills in the real world. Explain to me how the cattle in the video can cover the cost of the machinery used to feed them.
OMG....Yardage gone wild... the cow welfare state. Looks like some purebred place that has easy doing and low maintenance cows... However I must say and nice clean operation just very Carbon intense with 3 JD's and a supreme... funny how we think cattle cannot chew hay unless its processed... To each his own, just don't whine when the cows can't pay the hotel bill when prices go back down
Nice place. There is more money tied up in that first feeding outfit (maybe just the Supreme) than in our entire equipment lineup.
Didn't get a good count on cows, but if that is not $3 per day it must be close.
It looks like one of the few places with any trees left as well. An ideal candidate to have cows do their own work.
It is always interesting to me to see reactions to cows that are not "confined" in the winter time, and the perceptions that they are not being cared for. Admittedly there are good and bad managers using both types of system. Our cattle are out all winter, but we feed test, balance rations/mineral packages, and monitor body condition. I work with lots of folks that feed in a corral and don't even feed test.
I guess if I win a Super 7 (actually I would probably just buy more cows). One of my favourite quotes is "You only need a wheelbarrow and a shovel to run a cowherd, and that's only if you really like equipment!" Food for thought.
All I can say is wow!
Great video. Thanks.
But can you give a little more detail about where the money comes from?
My guess is selling real estate/ acreage.
This is real life in high priced/old ownership areas.
You know the drill GF.
If you had owned all the land you ran cattle on and were 100 mi closer to the population centers you could have lived the lifestyle.
Greybeard I don't need more money to live the lifestyle I want. My cows already make it happen.
Probably just some more oilfield cowboys in the video but if it was in Saskatchewan maybe it was this outfit
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