Sean I like the wheelbarrow and shovel analogy. Some big hat no cattle folks need that iron for what comes outta their mouth.
I shutter to think of the manure bill for this outfit. But I'm not judging cause the yardage will do that. Though until not too long ago most of us kept the cows around the yard a lot longer. Now if our cows are on the home section for more than 60 days that's getting rare. The cleaning bill is a third of what it was 10 years ago.
I shutter to think of the manure bill for this outfit. But I'm not judging cause the yardage will do that. Though until not too long ago most of us kept the cows around the yard a lot longer. Now if our cows are on the home section for more than 60 days that's getting rare. The cleaning bill is a third of what it was 10 years ago.