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    what's next

    I was told Lakeside was not filling up the feedlot @ Brooks and this was a sign that Tyson thought that the border was not going to open soon. They where filling up in Dec. but now as the fats go they are leaving the pens empty. A sign that they think the border will stay closed
    and that we will feed the backgrounders out.
    The thought was we need a Democrat in Washington.The kill plants in the North Eastern US are runing slow and it is hurting the commom man. Tyson and Cargill with their windfall profits in Canada and an ear in Washington are happy with the border closed, and have Bush's ear.
    Maybe if the profit isn't good enough these guys will put their money into Atco or Epcor.

    HaHa Like that one about ATCO and Epcor! How true!
    I don't think we really want a democrat in the Whitehouse? They seem to be overly protectionalist...more so than even the republicans? Tyson is a firm democrat...he financed Clinton in a big way? And Clinton returned the favor?
    It is sad to see the feedlot at Brooks emptying but then I suspect it was the least profitable part of the operation. Why continue to feed cattle when you control the supply anyway? Let the farmer take the loss.


      The packers DO NOT want the border open. Why would they? They've never had it so good. Our government should be told just who is giving them advice, and what their agenda really is.

      Time to get those Canadian plants open, and get it over with.

      Or maybe follow through on the threat to test all cattle. I think that's the only thing they will listen to.


        kato I think the time has come to get the canadian plants open and get on with testing. let's lead for a change. a bit of a twist would be to get those that purchase our product or if they ask for the test than they pay for it.I heard a kansas professor on radio state just that. and you know why not! we as producers pay for it everyday. you want this added thats extra.you want company warranty or go for the extra warranty?well that will be this much.it's around us all the time.consumers will decide here or abroad whether they accept this.we need this to be a north american concept.I saw on another website that japanese consumers are starting to complain about high prices.well chicken;s got the flu maybe the pigs next.the salmon has high mercury so they say. people have to eat something?look how many died from avion flu already in short time makes bse look pretty miniscule.


          Magpie: I have to agree with you that we need a solution. Testing everything and getting the plants open would sure help.
          Unfortunately our governments and cattle associations do not see those things as viable solutions at all! Neil Janke(head of CCA) and Doerkson(ABP pres) said testing is definitely a no go! The government continues to dither and think up excuses!
          So while you and I believe these things might be helpful, the powers that be don't. And they hold all the cards!


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