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Quebec's approach...

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    Quebec's approach...

    I have been trying to learn more about they way things are done in Quebec. As we all know the ag sector is treated with alot more respect there.
    For example the UPA is handed 300 million a year to spread around to all ag sectors and the board to manage the fund is elected by producers with only token representation by the provincial government.
    It is a tedious job finding information that is of interest to us here, translating it etc. Please excuse the manner in wich it is translated as I am doing this with a computer program.
    Many of you will be alot more skilled at pulling out the points and numbers that are of interest than me and I welcome your input.
    I will continue to post tranlated information on this thread as the days pass. Here is the first.



    Quebec, April 2, 2004 - Sensitive to the lived difficulties this year by the producing ones and the bovine producers of Quebec, the Minister for Agriculture, the Fisheries and the Food, Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, makes a point of pointing out the whole of the measurements placed at their disposal. In this respect, it specifies that in addition to current Programme of insurance stabilization of the agricultural incomes (ASRA), of the special programs related to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB or disease of the insane cow) were founded in order to decrease the impact of the fall of the domestic price.

    Thus, by the end of April 2004, some 163 million dollars of compensations will have been versed within the framework of the ASRA for the year of insurance 2003. The final payments, evaluated to 26,9 million dollars, will be versed with producing and producers of bovines as from April 2; the last payments should be dispatched at the end of the month.

    The final compensations of April 2004 are evaluated to 11,1 million dollars for calves of fattening, to 7,3 million for milk calves, to 5,2 million for let us bouvillons and bovines of demolition and with 3,3 million for calves of grain. In this last case, it is necessary to add an advance of compensation, for the year 2004, about 3,4 million dollars.

    Lastly, let us note that the first payments of the programme of support for the animals of reform (ESB 3) will be carried out as from April 12. Moreover, within the framework of the Supplementary programme transitory to the Canadian farmers for the shutter intended for the stockbreeders of bovines (ESB 4), announced last week, the first payments should be carried out during May.

    Managed by the Financial agricultural one of Quebec, the ASRA protects the agricultural companies against the fluctuations related to the fall from the prices of the market of the assured products. The level of support, based on the production costs, is established starting from a model of firm type after investigation near the specialized companies. A compensation is versed to the participants when the price obtained on the market is lower than the level of established support.

    More than 800 million dollars authorized in

    loans and in openings of credit, and of

    assured values for 4 billion dollars

    Financial the agricultural cheek a role of foreground in the development of the agricultural and agroalimentary sector in Quebec

    Quebec, June 16, 2004. – At the end of its third business year, the Financial agricultural one is affirmed more and more like a leader in the development of the agricultural companies of Quebec, reveals his annual report 2003-2004 deposited this morning with the French National Assembly.

    During the last year, the Financial agricultural one acted in a difficult economic context which required several special interventions of its share. Thus, it poured more than 90 million dollars under the terms of special programs financed by the two orders of government to help the producers and producing agricultural in difficulty, because of the crisis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (ESB). The company also showed, when the situation required it, flexibility with regard to the methods of refunding of the loans in order to allow the farmers and women farmer to better cross this dubious period.

    “Faithful to our Engagement of services to the customers deposited the last autumn, we achieved successfully our mission first, that is to say to offer to the agricultural and agroalimentary sector a making safe framework allowing him to develop and cross one more difficult period while waiting for better days”, mentioned Mr. Norman Johnston, general president-director by interim of Financial agricultural.

    In 2003-2004, more than 800 million dollars were authorized in loans and in openings of credit within the framework of the programs of financing, which carries incur it total to 4,3 billion dollars. Let us recall that the organization plays a part of leader while offering nearly 60 % of the financing to the agricultural companies of Quebec.

    Indeed, nearly 4 000 authorizations of loans were granted, for an amount of 706 million dollars. In addition, the authorized openings of credit are remained stable to 112 million dollars. This amount includes/understands the renewal of the opening of credit of 100 million dollars granted the Federation of the acéricoles producers of Quebec.

    The Programme of financing of the agriculture of Financial agricultural is addressed to all the agricultural companies, without regard to their size. Thus, 89 million dollars, is 13 % of the authorized amounts, were authorized with companies exploited at time-sharing. Moreover, one notes that 74 % of the financings were authorized for amounts lower than 200 000 $.

    In addition, the Financial agricultural one contributed, during the last financial year, the financial stability of the agricultural sector. Indeed, its programs of insurance made it possible to minimize, near the companies, the impact of the various difficulties which have occurred in the agricultural sector, in particular the important fall of the incomes coming from the markets and the crisis of the ESB in the bovine sector.

    In this respect, the Program of insurance stabilization of the agricultural incomes (ASRA) made it possible to come to assistance of more than 17 500 companies, for a total of 560 million dollars. Moreover, within the framework of the Program of crop insurance, more than 7 000 participants and participating received a compensation for a total for 41 million dollars. The whole of the values assured in these two programs insurance rises to 4 billion dollars. Let us note that the present year was also remembered by the entry into force of the Canadian Programme of stabilization of the agricultural income (PCSRA).

    For its part, Financial Capital agricultural Inc., subsidiary of investment of the organization, authorized, in 2003-2004, ten investments for a total of 3,3 million dollars. With about fifteen investments authorized since its creation, Financial Capital agricultural Inc. is in the process of becoming the reference in capital of risk at SME of the agroalimentary sector.

    The chairman of the board of Financial agricultural, Mr. Laurent Pilgrim, also general president of the Union of the agricultural producers, affirmed: “During this very difficult year, the Financial agricultural one knew to strengthen its leadership by discharging its mission of risk management with effectiveness and celerity.”

    For its part, the Minister for Agriculture, the Fisheries and the Food, Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, congratulated the Financial agricultural one for his excellent results. “After three years of existence, the Financial agricultural one shows that it fulfills the mission which was entrusted to him during its creation, and this, in a remarkable spirit of public-private partnership. Moreover, the investments carried out contribute to the economic vitality of Quebec.” Indeed, the projects supported by the Financial agricultural one allowed the creation or the maintenance of 5 600 jobs in the whole of the areas of Quebec.


      The minister Francoise Gauthier announces one

      new program for the agricultural changing

      Quebec, March 19, 2004 – Today, within the framework of the annual general assembly of the Federation of the agricultural changing of Quebec, the Minister for Agriculture, the Fisheries and the Food, Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, made the advertisement of the bringing into force, next 30 April, of the Program of financial support to the agricultural changing, conceived and managed by the Financial agricultural one of Quebec.

      This program takes over Supplementary programme to the establishment, the development and the formation of Financial agricultural. It aims at allowing the establishment of young farmers qualified and trained well on the Québécois farms. It puts forward new measures with people of the agricultural changing, which they acquire an existing farm following a transfer or which they start a new company.

      Among the principal innovations of this program, let us note the introduction of a financial assistance supporting the starting of company, which allows a young person, with this stage of its project, to obtain a subsidy of 10 000 $. In addition, in order to support the success of the establishment in agriculture, the program introduces a subsidy with the framing of 1 500 $. This help will make it possible a young promoter to assume part of the expenditure engaged for services council, considered to be essential in the first years of its company.

      Other measurements aim at making safe the company taking into consideration its investment by a greater protection against the rise of the interest rates. Let us recall finally, that in June 2003, there already had been the advertisement of an increase in the amount of the assistance to the establishment, which then passed from 30 000 $ to 40 000 $ in the case of a holder of a baccalaureat or a diploma of collegial studies in agriculture.

      “The advertisement of today enables me to reaffirm the will of our government to support the agricultural changing and to offer structuring measurements which support the formation and the framing of the changing, the diversification of the productions and the sectors in emergence within companies with human dimension. This new program answers requests of the medium and was elaborate in dialog with the Union of the agricultural producers and the Federation of the agricultural changing of Quebec”, to explain the Gauthier minister.

      For Mr. Laurent Pilgrim, chairman of the board of Financial agricultural and chair Union of the agricultural producers (UPA): “It is a true conciliation work which was made during the last year by the committee trained representatives of Financial agricultural, Federation of the agricultural changing of Quebec and UPA. The Program of financial support to the agricultural changing arrives at named point whereas the agricultural world knows difficult moments. It constitutes the first stake of a total and coherent strategy concerning various aspects of the establishment such as the taxation, the formation or the access to the goods of production, and which are necessary to ensure the perenniality of the changing as well as the maintenance of the number of farms Quebec”.

      “This program of Financial agricultural, to conclude the Gauthier minister, has the merit to support the access to the profession, to facilitate the intergénérationnel transfer and to contribute to the socio-economic dynamism of the rural zones. Our objective is to ensure the future of agriculture Quebec by the establishment of producing and qualified and prosperous producers”.



        Quebec, October 15, 2003 – the Minister for Agriculture, the Fisheries and the Food, Mrs. Francoise Gauthier, announces the payment of a help of 20 million dollars to the producers of bouvillons of Quebec to the catches with the consequences of the crisis of the insane cow.

        Thus, the new Programme of support for bovine industry following the ESB announced today will cover nearly 45.000 bouvillons of demolition and 18.000 let us bouvillons semi-finished, for an amount of 10 million dollars. The granted assistance will be able to reach 160 dollars by bouvillon cut down and 115 dollars by bouvillon semi-finished sold for the fattening during the period of September 1 at December 31, 2003. The program envisages also the cover of bouvillons of semi-completion which was sold between May 20 and August 31.

        Moreover, in order to ensure a better liquidity the stockbreeders, the Financial agricultural one of Quebec will grant to them an advance of compensation under the terms of the program of insurance stabilization of the agricultural incomes (ASRA), for an amount also estimated at 10 million dollars.

        Thus, a bouvillon sold and cut down between September 1 and December 31, 2003 will be the object of a financial assistance of about 335 dollars, that is to say 175 dollars of compensation coming from the ASRA for the year 2003 and 160 dollars coming from the Programme of support for bovine industry following the ESB.

        As the effects of the embargo are still felt, the government of Quebec decided to make an additional effort to come to assistance of the producers. With this addition of liquidity, it will be granted to the producers of Quebec of the compensations equivalent to those versed to the producers of Ontario.

        “It is a help which is substantial in the current context, Mrs. Gauthier declared, since an injection of 20 million dollars in the companies of bovine breeding will make it possible to support the markets of calves of fattening and corn. ”

        Let us recall that these amounts are added to the 57 million already versed dollars to the producers of Quebec within the framework of the federal-provincial program of rectification which finished on August 31.

        Concerning the cull cow, the Gauthier minister addressed yesterday to his federal counterpart Lyle Vanclief a letter in which it asks him to come to assistance of the producers of this type of bovine.

        The market situation
        The lifting partial of the American embargo, during the first week of September, made it possible to improve the course of certain markets. However, although the prices were restored for calves of grain and milk calves, the calves of fattening post a price difference from 5% to 10% compared to last year. As for the bouvillon of fattening, its price remains on a level of 40% lower than that of before May 20, dates from the beginning of the crisis.

        To be registered with the supplementary programmes, the agricultural producers must asresser with the regional centers of services of Financial agricultural of Quebec.




          Fly sheet

          Brochure: Support for a new crop of farmers

          Brochure: Agricultural Financing

          Establishment Grants and Secure Rate Establishment Loans

          For farm businesses whose operator has a potentially profitable start-up or establishment project in mind. This person must be between 18 and 40 and must just be starting out in agriculture as a primary activity. He or she must acquire at least 20% of the company's shares and have at least one year's relevant experience in agriculture.

          The Establishment Grant

          Awarded according to the level of training:

          $40,000* for a BSc in agriculture
          $30,000* for a DCS in farm business management and operations (GEEA) or a recognized equivalent
          $30,000* for any other DCS in agriculture or a recognized equivalent
          $20,000* for an SSVD in agriculture or a recognized equivalent
          Other levels of training could be eligible for an establishment grant.
          The payment is made over a period of two fiscal years*

          An individual may only "qualify" a business once for an establishment grant.

          Establishment grants must be used for investments in lasting agricultural development (e.g., building improvements). They may also be used for agricultural** or management training expenses (e.g., management courses, membership in a management pool, etc.). They may also be used for interest payments on loans.

          * For a company established since June 30, 2003.

          ** For training subsequent to the establishment date.

          The Secure Rate Establishment Loan

          The Secure Rate Establishment Loan is granted for the first $500,000 the company borrows.

          Provides protection based on the level of training:

          When the lender is a financial institution:
          Level 1: rate capped at 5% (interest rate for a one-year loan)
          Level 2: rate capped at 6% (interest rate for a one-year loan)
          Level 3: rate capped at 6% (interest rate for a one-year loan)
          No recognized training: rate capped at 7% (interest rate for a one-year loan)
          An additional 1% reduction on the capped rate when the seller is the lender
          Capped rates: here too, we provide invaluable protection to aspiring farmers by reimbursing all interest in excess of these rates during the first five years of the establishment loan. After that, the Preferred Rate and the Advantage Plus Rate may apply for the remainder of the loan.


            Interesting stuff - but not really surprising, just like the French in the European Union they always get a better deal. But what can we learn from this? do you want us all to be getting this level of support or do you want Quebec to stop giving their guys an unfair advantage? It looks to me like Quebec will always be treated differently in Canada - if they aren't they will take the huff and want to leave again - or is that the wrong assesment?



              talking about special treatments: it seems to me that Albertans have got special treatments during this whole BSE deal. It seems that they just have more money to blow. Just look at the Set Aside Program. Since the Alberta calves can be slaughtered at any time after Oct.1st, it looks to me it is just a subsidy. The rest of us have to wait until Jan. 2005 to butcher those calves. On the cull cow payment Ralph was more generous too. Looks to me, that Alberta is the Quebec of the West.


                Looks to me, that Alberta will be the Quebec of the west, when Eastern Canada puts provincial money into the province of Alberta!

                Fact: Agriculture and food, is Alberta’s largest manufacturing sector. Not oil and gas as most believe!

                Fact: The province of Alberta should be concerned about the well being of their largest manufacturing sector!

                Fact: Maybe the money being sent over to Quebec from Alberta every year, simply to keep them in Canada as a “Distinct” society, could be better spent to keep Alberta’s economy booming! After all, Alberta is Canada leading beef producer, and I for one believe that each province should be supporting solutions to their own problems!

                Fact: Next referendum to ask whether Quebec should separate, should be voted on by ALL Canadians, just maybe, the rest of Canada would like to be a “distinct” society too!

                Sorry, having a bad day after it snowed!!!


                  Zoning of the country advocated in this one....

                  Discusses urgently with the Communes

                  Pierre-Yvon Bégin, Earth of on our premises October 14, 2004

                  The government of Paul Martin “is condemned” to adapt last program (ESB 5) to come to assistance of the producers of bovines.

                  President of the Federation of the producers of bovines of Quebec, Michel Dessureault reacts thus to the debate urgently undertaken last Thursday in Ottawa by the Canadian members of Parliament on the crisis generated by the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

                  Just after the adoption in extremis of the speech from the throne, the federal deputies approached the situation of the producers of bovines to the catches with a disastrous financial standing. The tone of the discussions was in particular given by the publication of a text of the Earth reporting the test of six producers of Abitibi forced to give the keys of their farm.

                  “That traumatize much”, entrusts of entry of play appointed theConstant one and spokesman of the Québécois Block as regards agriculture, Denise Poirier Rivard. This one inter alia pled in favor of the dairy producers of Quebec who claim a support based on a rate of reform of 25%, compared to the rate of 16% employed up to now.

                  “I do not believe, supports Denise Poirier Rivard, whom one will have a solution tomorrow morning. On the other hand, it is necessary that it is in the very near future, because one is in crisis. The Minister for Agriculture, Andy Mitchell, is well with listening, but the concrete one is needed, not just beautiful smiles.”

                  President of the Union of the agricultural producers, Laurent Pellerin abounds in the same direction, saying that program ESB 5 “will not make the job” with its 24 M$ for Quebec. In addition to the question of the financial support, he again recalls the importance to regionalize the country in order to limit the consequences of a catastrophe to the only touched areas.

                  “Europe now counts 25 countries which all do not fall under embargo when one of them is touched. It is a good reflex to compartmentalize… as in our submarines”, is ironical Laurent Pellerin.

                  As for the speech from the throne, the president of the Union notes that the Martin government did not mention anything about the protection of the management of the offer within the framework of the trade negociations on an international scale. On the question of the American embargo affecting Canadian ox exports, Laurent Pellerin scoffs the Martin administration which chose a “beautiful word” while speaking about an “intelligent” border.

                  For the Federation of the producers of bovines of Quebec, Ottawa must re-examine its last supplementary programme, ESB 5, drawn to measure for Alberta, with the flexibility necessary to apply to the particular needs for Quebec. The level of financial support granted to Quebec, claims the Federation, should be raised from 4 to 12%, that is to say the level representing its historical quota.
                  President of the Federation, Michel Dessureault stresses that the American embargo does not belong to the provinces, pointing out that the Mitchell minister publicly recognized that the problem was purely political. He believes that the government could “give pleasure” with all the provinces by reinjecting the 165 M$ not used in the preceding program. It wishes also the decree of a volume and a minimum bottom price in the sector of the bovines of reform.

                  “It is necessary to return of the money on the farms”, affirms Michel Dessureault. This one finds “very unhappy” that producers are constrained with the bankruptcy, fearing extremely that the “dramatic cases” are not repeated. The bankers, indicates it, noted that the premiums of stabilization increased during the second year of the crisis.


                    Overflow in dairy calf

                    Julie D****r, Earth of on our premises October 14, 2004

                    After the bouvillon of demolition, the bovine one of reform and the calf of fattening, it is now with the turn of dairy calves to be taken in the spiral of the crisis of the insane cow.

                    As in all bovine industry, the problems of the sector of dairy calf began at the following day from May 20, 2003. However, during last six months, the things are vigorous. “Currently, the problem it is that one has a surplus of calves”, explains Denys Beaudet, vice-president of the Federation of the producers of bovines of Quebec (FPBQ) and vice-president of the Committee of setting in market bovines of reform and calves dairy. Because of the price of the animals of reform, much of producers cows kept which they would have normally sent to the slaughter-house. The kids of these cows encumber the market now. The withdrawal of the growth hormones in the breeding of calves of milk and grain also contributes to the surplus of calves. Without hormones, the period of breeding is lengthened 15 days to 3 weeks, according to Mr. Beaudet. Consequently, the calf farms of milk and grain get less small dairy calves.

                    In Ontario, several calf producers of grain give up the breeding, for lack of program of insurance-stabilization. The liquidation of their herds on the Québécois market does not help either. “Volume with the auctions plays in neighborhoods of 3000-3500 calves per week”, reveals Denys Beaudet. Before the crisis, approximately 2500 calves were marketed in a weekly way. “One was even going to seek some in the United States because one missed some”, it illustrates. The reverse was also true. “Our surpluses could cross American side”, remembers Mr. Beaudet. The United States was also a destination of choice for the heifers of reproduction. “All these heifers-there remain in Quebec”, confirms Denys Beaudet, itself producing of milk and calves of fattening. And as if it were not sufficient, the Lafrance slaughter-house, which offered an outlet interesting for calves of worse quality, decided to concentrate on the cull cow.


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