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Solution to America's M-COOL Problem

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    rkaiser, if there's any ranting going on here i think it's pretty obvious where it's coming from. why is it when anyone presents any discussions that disagree with you they are ranting but when you call names while presenting basically no discussion points you feel you're being reasonable?


      Keep fighting kpb, not sure what you want but keep fighting.

      I apologize for calling your lenghty explaination of why I am wrong and you are right, a rant.


        If it would make you happy kbp, I do rant. When it comes to the BS that has been laid on us by the packers over the past 2 years I rant. I rant rant rant. There was lots of opportunity for these PIRATES to choose a different route, but they did nothing but take advantage of a situation that was "YES" handed to them.

        You're right kbp, I rant. But don't tell me that I have ever called what I say reasonable while what you say is only ranting okay.

        I don't agree with your ideas on downsizing the Canadian cowherd, and I cannot see any benefit in supply management as you have explained it.

        Now go ahead and twist these words and make yourself feel like you won something, I'm going to bed.


          Randy: I was not implying that you or Cam or Grant would be involved in screwing anyone! But any sort of organization has a way of evolving that usually leaves the founders of that organization by the wayside, eventually? By your very nature of being producers it is unlikely that you would become fulltime packers!
          And having said that I have some slight misgivings about BIG C's plans does not mean that I don't believe they have the right idea...because I do.
          The idea of a producer owned plant where everyone has a share, according to his degree of involvement, is the best idea I've heard so far! I do believe the whole concept has been thought out fairly well and also believe it will benifit all cattlemen in Canada, whether they get their cattle killed at BIG C or Cargill/IBP, for the simple reason it will bring some accountability back into the market.
          Supply management, or a marketing board or whatever cannot work in todays world. It is a nice idea though! NAFTA would not allow it to happen...plain and simple. And make no mistake about this...despite the silly things we see happening with American protectionism, NAFTA is the best thing that ever happened to us who live in the west!
          Our western economy relies on our ability to trade with the US and is a good part of why Alberta is so prosperous today...I don't think anyone can argue with that?
          The beef industry rejected supply management when Whalen offered it back in the late sixties. Perhaps we made a mistake, but I clearly remember when that debate was going on, and I will also admit I was dead against supply management(I doubt you could find anyone in Alberta who was for it at the time)! The idea that the government was going to control how many cattle you could own just didn't sit very well with the Alberta cattleman!
          We talk a lot about left and right politics on this site and call each other hypocrits and other nice names, but we should always remember that it is the government that made the decisions that got us here! Trade and food safety are their responsibilities! They made the rules that got us into this mess...and they were paid very well for taking that job on? So I have no problem whatsoever taking the pittance they throw to me for their mistakes!
          Personally I don't like the government, whether it be federal or provincial! I believe they throw up a lot of silly roadblocks to commerce and trade that are very costly and uneccessary. Both governments have become an out of control monster that consumes way too much of the countries resources, in my opinion! What is really sad is that a Ralph Klein is unfortunately about the best we can hope for? I shudder to think what might happen if we ever get a Liberal or NDP government in Alberta!


            Some interesting comments.
            I disagree about a marketing board not working with NAFTA. The CWB is a marketing board and it has survived how many challenges from the US through NAFTA.
            You can't blame a pig for being a pig. Its the same with business. Its their job to maximize profits for their investors and that's exactly what the packers are doing. In the last few years it seems that there has become a distinction between traditional farmers and a group I'll call Agribusinessmen. The farmers are doing what they have always done (raising crops, cattle, whatever) and shipping them to the market for the price offered. The Agribusinessmen are the guys who are out there doing all that stuff and also looking for opportunities to maximize their profits and pare down their expenses. Those who are in the Ag business because they like the lifestyle seem to be falling by the wayside in record numbers while the guys that are focused on their vision and are looking for opportunities seem to be doing okay. It seems to me this is an evolution of sorts so you've either got to evolve or become extinct. The idea of supply management is tempting. There are several dairy farmers right close to me and they seem to always have money, new equipment, nice trucks. Comparatively, my father is a grain farmer with probably about the same money invested and he clears @ 5% on his investment in a good year. I can do better than that on the stock market in the long term with way less risk. So really what's the purpose of putting in all the extra work? Better to invest his money and sit back and retire.


              I believe that the supply managed commodities, that were there before NAFTA, were given an exemption that would not be available for beef or other such commodities? As for the CWB, I do believe the Americans have been hammering away to get rid of it? Saying it violates the principles of NAFTA?
              Alberta has been making lots of noise about scrapping the CWB and I suspect eventually they might succeed? I doubt the Klein government would ever allow a Beef marketing board?


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