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US Senate's "Resolution of Disapproval" Will Not Succeed

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    US Senate's "Resolution of Disapproval" Will Not Succeed

    DTN - The Washington Insider reported that according to congressional sources, the Senate efforts to stop USDA from implementing its March 7 plan to reopen the border to Canadian cattle under the age of 30 months will not succeed.

    If adopted by Congress, the "resolution of disapproval" proposed by Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and nine other senators, would nullify a USDA ruling designating Canada as a "minimal risk" region for BSE.

    The senators will try to use the Congressional Review Act, which allows lawmakers to overturn an agency's rule with a joint resolution within 60 days of the rule's submission to Congress.

    The procedure is rarely effective. To rescind a disputed regulation, both chambers must adopt a resolution and the president must sign it

    Maybe we should start suggesting to our neighboring BULLY Senators that Canadians should boycott products and events in their states. Won't hurt my feelings......... still won't be able to afford the State Fair in Minot this year anyway.



      I will be boycotting certain 'contentious' states long after this whole thing blows over, and more specifically R-Calf members.

      On a different note, once the border opens to breeding cattle both ways, I wouldn't mind getting to know some of the Hereford breeders in Minnesota. They seem to have some fine breeders and cattle across that state.


        We used to go to Minot for a weekend at least three or four times a year.

        We haven't been in North Dakota since the spring of 2003, and don't plan on going back anytime soon.


          See Kato:

          I told ya u were a political animal...lol



            Hey 15444........ I hear you about Minnesota. Has to be one of the most "family farm / family friendly State that I have been able to visit. It would likely be one of only a handful of states that I would consider worth living in. On another note...... I wonder how the rules
            will work in regards to breeding quality animals. Not much good if they have to be "Spayed" or "steered"........ even if they are Hereford.

            MN has been able to keep their comments civil through all this commotion. I wonder what Jessie the Bod would have done <GRIN>.....


              I don't know how the rules will work. All I know is that it will be many moons before I can go stateside and consider bringing something up here for breeding stock, or vice versa.


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