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CWB-ABP and marketing choice

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    CWB-ABP and marketing choice

    I'm posting this on both the beef and commodity forums as I would be interested in hearing the views of participants on both. The issue is a recent discussion held at the Alberta Beef Producers directors board meeting which I have posted below. I can see some obvious differences suggested here to what is happening in the CWB elections. Whatever your beliefs on the CWB at least it would appear producers wishing to change it are allowed to stand as candidates. The ABP does not seem to want such frivolous democratic principles to challenge their empire. I'd be interested also on comments regarding the legality of such a move by ABP. Afterall there is a mandatory levy paid by everyone selling cattle yet we might not be allowed to stand as a delegate because we are seen to oppose the way the organization is run?

    "Waller spoke to the Board about a possible conflict of interest delegates could have with the mandate of ABP. When members join an organization they agree to abide by the bylaws of that organization and to work towards attaining the bylaws of that organization.
    There is an obligation for a member to actively work for their organization. If an ABP delegate is actively working against us can they and should they be a delegate? Can they be a delegate or director if they are members of an organization that is fundamentally opposed to ABP?"

    I guess the only way to look at this is if someone is barred from participation then they don't need to pay the dues. ABP has an interesting sense of democracy. The next thing will be most of the Board meetings will be held In-camera so pesky folks like Gf don't spend their time reading them. I must say that without these kinds of subjects the minutes are rather dry reading.


      Fundamentally opposed to ABP? Where do you draw the line on fundamentally? A little surprised that Adrienne would set herself up like this. I wonder who she was thinking about when she made the comment. LOL


        I guess is would come down to definitions of "fundamentally opposed" - as far as I know no organization in Western Canada has ever stated they are fundamentally opposed to ABP.
        The fact that this discussion even took place is a sad day for democracy.
        I think it is an outrageous stance to take - how about the long standing ABP delegates that are also members of Western Stock growers? are they ruled out because Western Stock growers joined the Beef Industry Alliance?
        If approved this move would set a dangerous, dangerous precedent.


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