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What's Age Verified worth?

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    Sean that was my point exactly - if it is such a sound idea where are the Bay Street investors? I happen to know one prominent Toronto venture capitalist and I discussed this very issue with him a few years back. He told me that normally it is really easy to gather capital for anything that is "bricks and mortar" versus teckie companies for example where the idea may just be a theory on a piece of paper. As long as you can show a credible business plan to accompany the bricks and mortar plan there should be plenty capital forthcoming. Yet it seems these people are not willing to step into this fray - I suspect their business analysis of the sector with regard to competition, Government etc leads them to the same conclusion as my own.

    WD40 - I think you are right that to benefit producers they must own the plan but to date every plan has gone sideways on that point - there are never enough producers willing to commit capital so it becomes a matter of raising a % of the capital and expecting Government or "investors" to come up with the majority. I don't know how to get around that problem. There just seems a lack of appetite(and/or funds)among producers to take on the risk required. As Sawbones commented a while back we are suffering from Stockholm syndrome.


      One problem with producer owned packing plants is the time factor. If primary producers get involved with every other sector of the chain, whose at home looking after the cows? In my point of view, that is an incredibly important job. Whatwith the added requirements and the possibility of MORE requirements coming down the pipeline this whole business of raising cattle is going to become even more time consuming. Just think about it - age verification, traceability, On-Farm Food Safety (although voluntary at this time), biosecurity requirements, any up and coming disease control requirements, environmental issues (LUF) and what about animal welfare required by the likes of MacDonald's? Isn't all of this actually worth something? Maybe what we as primary producers should concentrate on is gaining control of our sector, because we have what THEY want. Where are the innovative entrepreneurs.........


        BINGO - you got my point take back control


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