April 12 update: Japan raises level of catastrophe to LEVEL 7 (same as Chernobyl), due to the fact that they can no longer hide the massive levels of radiation being released from Fukushima. It has been raining there, so Japan is reaping the fallout in the rain, instead of it blowing away over the ocean.
A Bloomberg article states:
"Japan was struck by two earthquakes stronger than magnitude 6 yesterday, hindering recovery efforts as workers were temporarily evacuated. The temblors followed a 6.6-magnitude quake April 11 and a magnitude 7.1 aftershock on April 7.
While there was no damage to the Fukushima plant from the recent earthquakes, disruptions make it difficult to assess when it will achieve cold shutdown of the three damaged reactors, said Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of one of Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s nuclear divisions. The station has six reactors."
Two points, DUH I think a magnitude 6 earthquake would shake up the already damaged infrastructure of these fragile reactors. Also, there will be no "cold shutdown" of at least 3 of these reactors, as they are already in melt-down. Shut-down and melt-down don't go together. Chernobyl required lead and sand to be dumped onto the open reactor core to mix with the fuel to 'stabalize' it to some degree. The Chernobyl "core/mass" is still, to this day, emitting radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
Website with webcam picture of Fukushima site, shows that there has been alot more "steam and releases" from the site over the last week.
Fewer and fewer EPA radiation monitors are working (or online) as the days go by. Meanwhile, the "authorities" in Japan and HERE in North America etc. are raising the so-called safe allowable levels of radionuclides in food.
"This is safe, no this level is safe, oops, now this level is safe. Oh Sh.. what levels do we say are safe, when the amounts in the environment just keep increasing?" (CFIA and their counterparts around the world - getting away with murder!)
A Bloomberg article states:
"Japan was struck by two earthquakes stronger than magnitude 6 yesterday, hindering recovery efforts as workers were temporarily evacuated. The temblors followed a 6.6-magnitude quake April 11 and a magnitude 7.1 aftershock on April 7.
While there was no damage to the Fukushima plant from the recent earthquakes, disruptions make it difficult to assess when it will achieve cold shutdown of the three damaged reactors, said Junichi Matsumoto, general manager of one of Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s nuclear divisions. The station has six reactors."
Two points, DUH I think a magnitude 6 earthquake would shake up the already damaged infrastructure of these fragile reactors. Also, there will be no "cold shutdown" of at least 3 of these reactors, as they are already in melt-down. Shut-down and melt-down don't go together. Chernobyl required lead and sand to be dumped onto the open reactor core to mix with the fuel to 'stabalize' it to some degree. The Chernobyl "core/mass" is still, to this day, emitting radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
Website with webcam picture of Fukushima site, shows that there has been alot more "steam and releases" from the site over the last week.
Fewer and fewer EPA radiation monitors are working (or online) as the days go by. Meanwhile, the "authorities" in Japan and HERE in North America etc. are raising the so-called safe allowable levels of radionuclides in food.
"This is safe, no this level is safe, oops, now this level is safe. Oh Sh.. what levels do we say are safe, when the amounts in the environment just keep increasing?" (CFIA and their counterparts around the world - getting away with murder!)