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Japan's food safety concerns

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    Japan's food safety concerns

    Cesium contaminated meat discovered (no kidding) and consumed in Japan:



    The world's biggest nuclear reactor disaster and the government sits back and says "eat up".... Should ask where the TEPCO bosses are getting their beef from.

    "The Fukushima government office plans to check all cattle farms in the prefecture to find out if any of them gave contaminated material to their animals, Hidenori Ohtani at the livestock division said yesterday by phone." quote from BB article.

    The government is spinning this to be the "farmers fault".... because the farmer is feeding his cattle contaminated food? Everything and everywhere in that 30 km zone is going to be HOT/radioactive... how are the farmers supposed to NOT feed their animals the radio-active fall-out from the TEPCO disaster zone.

    ..... la la la, they paved over Japan and put up a parking lot......

    Goes to show you that the 2 old principles

    What goes around, comes around. &

    The chichens ome home to roost, still apply. Tragic


      A lot of radioactive material has also washed into the ocean, and will surely end up in fish as well. What a mess.

      I wonder how many other nuclear plants have been built on fault lines around the world? This won't likely be the last time we see such a disaster.


        No fault lines needed for this type of nuclear disaster... the simple fact is the plants "lost cooling capability". This can happen at ANY nuclear reactor facility. The spent fuel pools are just as bad as the reactors (they need constant cooling also).

        At Fort Calhoun, Nebraska and Cooper as well, the Missouri river has flooded the power stations causing big concerns. While Fort Calhoun's reactor may have been shut down for refueling, that does not mean that a significant problem couldn't occur if they lost cooling abilities. Also, they have spent fuel on site that must be cooled, and even once it is moved to dry storage, it must have air circulated around the casks for over 10 years... nice.

        Fukushima TEPCO nuclear disaster was a simple failure of the cooling system... caused by, Yes, an unusually massive/high tsunami but this doesn't mean that a loss of power to the cooling system couldn't just happen from other mishaps. Chernobyl was a "drill" to test the system... and it went haywire.

        My point is that even if a coal fired plant blew up sky high.... the consequences to the environment would be a pin prick compared to the long lived radioactive contamination that now pollutes the entire northern hemisphere of this planet. The Japanese reactors are still leaking radiation into the air and sea....

        The nuclear industry and the media conspired after the March 11 disaster to cover-up and manage the media/news getting to the public.... months later some of the truth is out. My friend Leuren Moret was proven to be right from the get go... as as early as 4 hours after the loss of cooling the reactors were initiating melt-downs (3 separate reactors)....The nuclear industry is full of liars that would sell their first born and their mothers for their job and company... sick souls!

        The total incompetence of the authorities immediately after the tsunami at Fukushima's reactors is an on-going saga. Our own guestapo (CFIA) are no better.... They should have to eat the spoils of this disaster... then maybe we'd see some testing being done....NOT!


          An interesting program on OASIS HD tv if you get it. Called "The Wolves of Chernobyl" (or something similar) 25 years now since the Chernobyl disaster and there has been an incredible transformation back to a natural state. No humans live "in the zone", but the wildlife is thriving.


            I should add that although the animals are radio-active, they don't appear to be deformed (they checked newborns in dens and nests of smaller rodents and birds) The fish from the river were enormous - they claim that was because no one was fishing them, aside from bear and eagles and the like. The fish were radio-active, but the things eating them didn't appear to be affected. I don't know what it all means, but I found it quite fascinating.


              Accidents happen in any industry,however This "industry" has the potential to destroy the whole world!
              The coverup in Japan is a scandal, but typical of many governments when it comes to dirty technology? How can the nuclear industry hope to ever sell their deadly product if people know the truth?
              In Alberta our energy minister Ron Liepert, likes to downplay the Japan wreck as something that could never happen here and stresses nuclear power could still be on in Alberta! One thing about Ron Liepert...he's never met a corporation he didn't like! If there is money to be made, he's all for it and to hell with the people!


                There is a very serious threat that nuclear power is planned for Alberta. SCN Lavalin aka Alta Link...aka Bruce Power... just bought Atomic Energy Canadas "commercial division" for the sale of nuclear power plants et al. They want to pollute Alberta because it is an Oasis, with lots of fresh clean water, food and other resources. Nuclear power is about two things... making money at the expense of the environment and people... and depopulating the world.

                Interesting things happening in Chernobyl area, and other areas with radiation contamination... while there "appears" to be a wide swath of animals populating the contaminated areas... in fact, there is fertility problems... the "colorful" birds are disappearing and the genetic effects might take a few generations to really start to show up in the visible wildlife... Chernobyl was only 25 years ago... time will tell... an there isn't one dang thing that we can do to remedy the situation (once the radioactive cat is out of the bag, there is no putting it back).

                Watch "Chernobyl Heart" (you tube) if you want to see some of the "effects" of their nuclear holocaust.


                  I have no doubt about the dangers of nuclear power. I too am very concerned. This program on OASIS had a different slant - propaganda? perhaps. Hope? - I don't know.


                    littledoggie I'm glad to hear you are also concerned about nuclear power, to many people only hear the industries' and governments' propaganda.

                    You may want to watch this you tube video which shows how the nuclear industry and government (UK in this case) colluded to keep information from the public (re: fukushima) and to down-play all the problems in Japan:

                    "Governments/Corporations Cover ups Confirmed : Los Alamos, Fort Calhoun, Fukushima 7/3/2011"

                    apprx. 6 minutes long.


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