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Japan's food safety concerns

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    Thank you, I will try and have a look at it - computer woes.
    Just to explain a little that the OASIS program touched on: Scientists went into the zone and radio collared a bunch of wolves. This area used to be an enormous swamp that even the hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get across. During the Stalin era the whole area was ditched and turned into agricultural land. Anyway, the scientists tracked the wolves and took note of what they were eating and how radio-active the kill was. They also went to their dens and tested their young. There were no deformities. All the animals they studied were radio-active. The rodents, the fish, the raptors. Yet everything was thriving. Keep in mind that there has been many generations since the disaster. And the whole zone was slowly converting itself back into a swamp. Many animals that had been run out by development returned.
    Propaganda? I couldn't even guess. But in some small way, it gave me some hope that nature will renew. Did these animals perhaps evolve to survive being radio-active? Do people? Maybe we're adapting right now.


      Creatures that have 'evolved' to withstand high levels of radiation do exist. Monsanto uses, for example, DNA from bacteria that can survive high levels of ionizing radiation to create their "Roundup ready" canola.

      There are manganese based proteins that can protect the cells from extreme damage; Monsanto and other companies are splicing these genes into crops and potentially into GM livestock.

      The problem with the word evolve is far too big for this thread, needless to say that 'damage' to DNA is always a dangerous thing - NOT a good thing. What man fails to understand (aka scientists who play God)... is that the turning on and off of silent genetic material is more complex than we can ever imagine, let alone track (as a whole being)... ya we can track things in tiny little studies looking at A and B, but our world is made up of zillions of combinations of A-Z. We need to stop playing with genetic materials and especially creating new combos that can't be created naturally.

      The 'no deformities' you speak of in the OASIS doc.? can you better define what this means/t... Again, I cannot stress enough that following a few wolves and their young does not represent the picture well. There may have very well been many canines that ceased to exist, only the undamaged who perhaps recently found their way into the contaminated zone appear to be thriving??.... Once in the zone, they will become contaminated absolutely... but can we trace their steps back 25 years.

      I know the Russians moved in some Fjord horses to the region after Chernobyl to see how they'd manage... would like to see analysis of their blood etc. for DNA damage.

      Insects are especially tough, due to short life spans... Their ability to switch on genes (for proteins enzymes etc) that protect them from the ionizing radiation is more expedient than a long living mammal like us. This is why we see antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. (NOT to rule out the potential for man-made super bacteria - thanks to lab rats with too much money and time on their hands)...

      The faster a creature can procreate and produce young, the less likely that the radiation will cause damage... as the newbies that get zapped by radiation are extremely vulnerable in the earliest stages and die, most times even before they are born - or a mother knows she is even pregnant.

      The Petkau Effect is an interesting study on the effects of low level ionizing radiation over long periods of time... there is an excellent book out on the matter (older publication)... Dr. Petkau of Manitoba Canada discovered that low level ionizing radiation could have even more damaging effects (over time) than a shorter high level dosage.

      Man's DNA is being cooked... not just by radiation but from all the other abusive substances in our environment (mostly man-made).... In time, man will only be able to recreate life in a test tube and artificially implant the ovum in an otherwise sterile host. Having a baby will cost you, and hence the goal of population control and the Georgia Guide-stones is full-filled:


        link: August 2, 2011 http://mdn.mainichi.jp/mdnnews/news/20110802p2a00m0na018000c.html

        "Highest levels of radiation measured since March 11/ 2011 detected at Fukushima nuclear reactors"

        For the article go to link. Measurements at a venting stack went OFF SCALE. ie: Over 10 sieverts per hour.


          Thank you Kathy for the time you commit to this issue. You are very much more knowledgable on the topic then I am. The program on OASIS only presented a small iota of information as it relates to this topic.


            I have a new documentary for everyone to watch, download and copy etc. and get your family/neighbors to watch to. It is very well done, and gives us all a personal window into the lives of farmers, a race horse breeder, etc. living with the nuclear fallout and the loss of their soil viability - and thus their livelihoods:

            Nuclear : Collaborating to create a radioactive fallout contamination map

            The documentary is 1 hour 28 minutes long. Radiation scientists are video documenting as they go, and have analyzed soil and vegetation samples along the way... Please watch it, the values for radioactive cesium, iodine etc in the soil are incredibly high... I will post this link on a new message as well.


              link to video:


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