Usually when our bulls get hurt it is because there were multiple bulls scrapping. It is not always practical but my heifer breeding happens near to home so I can run 1 bull in up to 50 plus girls. Keep an eye on proceedings and change out as necessary. We keep 25-1 bulls around but seldom have that ratio in the field. The extra bulls get swapped out for the second cycle or in case of injury. It's not like the bulls cooperate and communicate which cows that they breed. Usually the poor girl gets multiple partners.
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I think a lot of producers waste a lot of money on
bulls. I pastured 70 cows the first summer I was here
for a rancher that buys some of the top show ring
Charolais bulls every year. He turned out 3 bulls with
the 70 head and all 3 had to be replaced during the
season, in fact one of the replacement 3 had to be
replaced by one of the originals who had recovered
by that time. One of the original 3 bulls was shipped
due to a foot injury, a yearling bull died eventually
and I don't know what happened to the 3
replacements. I felt sorry for the guy and said he was
having a run of bad luck - he didn't think so - this
was about average performance over the years.
Anyone care to count the cost of this type of
scenario? That type of Charolais bull is not cheap to
buy - probably 2.5 times the price I sell bulls for, he
needs twice as many bulls and the cull rate is at least
twice what mine is. Can sure burn through a lot of
money every year doing this kind of thing.
On our range conditions we use a ratio of 1-17. Lots of years we don't see our cattle enough to solve problems as they arise. It is safer to turn out extra at the start and let Mother Nature look after any possible wrecks. This spring we were 80 calved in the first cycle.
Heifers are bred in a pasture at 1-30 ratio. I like having an odd number of bulls in a pasture situation as it seems 2 are usually having an argument and the third is doing the breeding.
Dad used to say that in a pasture situation on the prairies back in the 60's that a bull who couldn't look after 70 cows was not considered a good breeder. Not sure what the calving period length was though.
Now time from a large animal vet's perspective:
Poor bull power during the breeding season showed up every late summer and early fall. Witnessed many sad & unhappy producers at that time of year.
Accidents will always happen, Broken leg, stifle, shoulder, lacerated penis, broken penis, lightning, visiting neighbors, sudden deaths.
The worst cases were in those herds that showed up with high percentage of opens and late pregnancies.
Weak breeding bulls----with testicles undersized were the most frequent.
Allfarmer you can check those 4 "good bulls yourself" if you haven't turned them out yet.
2 years olds--strive for 38cms minimum.
tecture of those testicles "hard and firm" not soft and spongy.
The scrotal circum measurement makes up 40% of the breeding score. It is a good start that a producer can do on his own to evaluate a satisfactory breeding animal.
Yes I did. Longhorn bulls, Limousin bulls and at one time Blonde D Aquataine bulls fit into a catagory all of their own.
I remember on the Longhorns ---treat them like a bison. They got to be pushed up tight with a pole right behind. They are kickers.
Smaller measured nuts---those sometimes never got measured but fertile samples on ejaculation.
I posted the old data that is on all THERIOGENIOLOGY FORMS FOR SEMEN TESTING.
<a href=";current=img405.jpg" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a>
I would gladly take a bit of rain, we are at 1 1/4" since May 1. Most of that in the last week. Oats & peas were seeded last Friday. Just enough moisture to get them started but the last 2 days of sun and wind is drying things up fast.
Forecast is rain on Saturday.
We are at 3.5 in June, 6.5 since April 1st and will take
as much more as we can get. I think when the heat
sets in July/August things are going to dry up pretty
quick in a lot of Alberta.
I'm greedy when it comes to moisture, I'd rather have
excess than shortage every time.
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