I got an update on the Canada - European trade pact
negotiations this morning from Canadian Cattlemen.
What a sorry tale - trying to get the issues all
resolved before the end of the year.
Here are the issues quoted:
"One challenging issue is the EU's demand that
Canada extend the patent protection of drugs
produced in the EU, which the Canadian generic
pharmaceutical industry says would add about C$2.8
billion annually to prescription drug costs."
My that looks like a good deal for Canada - not!
"Another obstacle is Canada's insistence on
protecting its agricultural sector through a system of
supply management, which sets producer quotas and
prices on farm commodities such as milk and poultry,
and slaps stiff tariffs on imports."
Excuse me? what about the EUs insistence on
protecting its entire agricultural sector through direct
cash subsidies?
"Reaching an agreement with the EU that will
eliminate the steep beef tariff and any quotas will
help every link in the beef production chain in
Manitoba," Ray Armbruster, president of Manitoba
Beef Producers said. "new and stable market access
into the EU is needed in order to help us build the
infrastructure necessary to support the growth and
development of beef production in Manitoba."
See there is the carrot for you kato - getting access
will be good for you guys in Manitoba - Cargill is
going to share their profits with you. Maybe they are
going to build the 500-1000 head a day plants in
Manitoba to support the growth and development of
beef production in your province? Or maybe not.
Of course this all ignores the obvious - there will be
no access or market for Canadian hormone treated
beef in the EU.
And on top of all this Canada will have to surrender
their provincial procurement markets to equal
European access. If Manitoba or Alberta wants to
make sure their school children eat Canadian beef
due to a perception of better quality or supporting
local slaughter plants or local beef producers - sorry
you are so out of luck - its got to be equal access to
all European meat suppliers.
CETA - bad for Canada and for Canadian agriculture -
good for Harpers corporate cronies.
negotiations this morning from Canadian Cattlemen.
What a sorry tale - trying to get the issues all
resolved before the end of the year.
Here are the issues quoted:
"One challenging issue is the EU's demand that
Canada extend the patent protection of drugs
produced in the EU, which the Canadian generic
pharmaceutical industry says would add about C$2.8
billion annually to prescription drug costs."
My that looks like a good deal for Canada - not!
"Another obstacle is Canada's insistence on
protecting its agricultural sector through a system of
supply management, which sets producer quotas and
prices on farm commodities such as milk and poultry,
and slaps stiff tariffs on imports."
Excuse me? what about the EUs insistence on
protecting its entire agricultural sector through direct
cash subsidies?
"Reaching an agreement with the EU that will
eliminate the steep beef tariff and any quotas will
help every link in the beef production chain in
Manitoba," Ray Armbruster, president of Manitoba
Beef Producers said. "new and stable market access
into the EU is needed in order to help us build the
infrastructure necessary to support the growth and
development of beef production in Manitoba."
See there is the carrot for you kato - getting access
will be good for you guys in Manitoba - Cargill is
going to share their profits with you. Maybe they are
going to build the 500-1000 head a day plants in
Manitoba to support the growth and development of
beef production in your province? Or maybe not.
Of course this all ignores the obvious - there will be
no access or market for Canadian hormone treated
beef in the EU.
And on top of all this Canada will have to surrender
their provincial procurement markets to equal
European access. If Manitoba or Alberta wants to
make sure their school children eat Canadian beef
due to a perception of better quality or supporting
local slaughter plants or local beef producers - sorry
you are so out of luck - its got to be equal access to
all European meat suppliers.
CETA - bad for Canada and for Canadian agriculture -
good for Harpers corporate cronies.